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File metadata and controls

117 lines (92 loc) · 9.17 KB

Prerequisites before installing omnia.yml

  • Verify that all inventory files are updated.
  • If the target cluster requires more than 10 kubernetes nodes, use a docker enterprise account to avoid docker pull limits.
  • Verify that all nodes are assigned a group. Use the linked example file as a reference.
    • The manager group should have exactly 1 manager node.
    • The compute group should have at least 1 node.
    • The login_node group is optional. If present, it should have exactly 1 node.
    • The nfs_node group is optional. If powervault is configured by omnia control plane, then the host connected to the powervault (That is the nfs server) should be part of nfs_node group. There should be only 1 nfs server in the group.
    • Users should also ensure that all repos are available on the target nodes running Red Hat.

Note: The inventory file accepts both IPs and FQDNs as long as they can be resolved by DNS.

Features enabled by omnia.yml

Optional features installed by omnia.yml

Installing BeeGFS Client

  • If the user intends to use BeeGFS, ensure that a BeeGFS cluster has been set up with beegfs-mgmtd, beegfs-meta, beegfs-storage services running. Ensure that the following ports are open for TCP and UDP connectivity:

    Port Service
    8008 Management service (beegfs-mgmtd)
    8003 Storage service (beegfs-storage)
    8004 Client service (beegfs-client)
    8005 Metadata service (beegfs-meta)
    8006 Helper service (beegfs-helperd)

To open the ports required, use the following steps:

  1. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=<port number>/tcp
  2. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=<port number>/udp
  3. firewall-cmd --reload
  4. systemctl status firewalld
  • Ensure that the nodes in the inventory have been assigned roles: manager, compute, login_node (optional), nfs_node

NFS configuration

Based on the value of powervault_support, NFS configuration can take one of two forms: img.png

NFS bolt-on

  • Ensure that an external NFS server is running. NFS clients are mounted using the external NFS server's IP.

  • Fill out the nfs_client_params variable in the omnia_config.yml file in JSON format using the samples provided here

  • This role runs on manager, compute and login nodes.

  • Make sure that /etc/exports on the NFS server is populated with the same paths listed as server_share_path in the nfs_client_params in omnia_config.yml.

  • Post configuration, enable the following services (using this command: firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=<service name>) and then reload the firewall (using this command: firewall-cmd --reload).

    • nfs
    • rpc-bind
    • mountd
  • Omnia supports all NFS mount options. Without user input, the default mount options are nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr. For a list of mount options, click here.

  • The fields listed in nfs_client_params are:

    • server_ip: IP of NFS server
    • server_share_path: Folder on which NFS server mounted
    • client_share_path: Target directory for the NFS mount on the client. If left empty, respective server_share_path value will be taken for client_share_path.
    • client_mount_options: The mount options when mounting the NFS export on the client. Default value: nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr.
  • There are 3 ways to configure the feature:

    1. Single NFS node : A single NFS filesystem is mounted from a single NFS server. The value of nfs_client_params would be
      - { server_ip: xx.xx.xx.xx, server_share_path: "/mnt/share", client_share_path: "/mnt/client", client_mount_options: "nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr" }
    2. Multiple Mount NFS Filesystem: Multiple filesystems are mounted from a single NFS server. The value of nfs_client_params would be
      - { server_ip: xx.xx.xx.xx, server_share_path: "/mnt/server1", client_share_path: "/mnt/client1", client_mount_options: "nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr" }
      - { server_ip: xx.xx.xx.xx, server_share_path: "/mnt/server2", client_share_path: "/mnt/client2", client_mount_options: "nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr" }
    3. Multiple NFS Filesystems: Multiple filesystems are mounted from multiple NFS servers. The value of nfs_client_params would be
      - { server_ip: xx.xx.xx.xx, server_share_path: "/mnt/server1", client_share_path: "/mnt/client1", client_mount_options: "nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr" }
      - { server_ip: yy.yy.yy.yy, server_share_path: "/mnt/server2", client_share_path: "/mnt/client2", client_mount_options: "nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr" }
      - { server_ip: zz.zz.zz.zz, server_share_path: "/mnt/server3", client_share_path: "/mnt/client3", client_mount_options: "nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr" }

Enabling Security: Login Node

  • Verify that the login node host name has been set. If not, use the following steps to set it.

    • Set hostname of the login node to hostname.domainname format using the below command: hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname>.<domainname>

    Eg: hostnamectl set-hostname login-node.omnia.test

    • Add the set hostname in /etc/hosts using vi editor.

    vi /etc/hosts

    • Add the IP of the login node with the above hostname using hostnamectl command in last line of the file.

    Eg: xx.xx.xx.xx


  • The Hostname should not contain the following characters: , (comma), . (period) or _ (underscore). However, the domain name is allowed commas and periods.
  • The Hostname cannot start or end with a hyphen (-).
  • No upper case characters are allowed in the hostname.
  • The hostname cannot start with a number.

NFS server configuration

  • Ensure that powervault support is enabled by setting powervault_support to true in base_vars.yml. By default, a volume called 'omnia_home' will be created on the powervault to mount on the nfs_node.

Warning: Powervault will only be available over SAS if the powervault has been configured using powervault.yml.

  • For multiple NFS volumes, enter the following details in JSON list format in powervault_vars.yml under powervault_volumes:
    • name [Mandatory]: The name of the NFS export.
    • server_share_path [Mandatory]: The path at which volume is mounted on nfs_node. This directory will be assigned 755 permissions during NFS server configuration.
    • server_export_options: (Default) rw,sync,no_root_squash
    • client_shared_path: The path at which volume is mounted on manager, compute, login node. Unless specified otherwise, the client path will inherit the options from the server_export_path.
    • client_mount_options: Default value is- nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr (unless specified otherwise)
  • Only one NFS server is configured per run of omnia.yml. To configure multiple NFS servers, update the following per execution:
    • powervault_ip in omnia_config.yml
    • nfs_node group IP in the node inventory
  • The default entry for powervault_volumes will look like this:
    - { name: omnia_home, server_share_path: /home/omnia_home, server_export_options: ,client_share_path: , client_mount_options: }
  • Ensure that powervault_ip is populated. The right powervault IP can be found in /opt/omnia/powervault_inventory. If it's not present, run ansible-playbook collect_device_info.yml (dedicated NIC) or ansible-playbook collect_node_info.yml (LOM NIC) from the control_plane directory.

Note: In a single run of omnia, only one NFS Server is configured. To configure multiple NFS Servers, add one IP in the nfs_node group and populate the variables accordingly per run of omnia.yml. To configure another nfs node, update variables and run nfs_sas.yml.

  • If NFS server configuration is to happen via SAS, the following conditions are to be met:
    • There should be multiple network paths available between the NFS server and the Powervault to ensure high availability. For more information, click here.
    • Set powervault_protocol to 'sas' in powervault_vars.yml.
  • If NFS server configuration is to happen via ISCSI, the following conditions are to be met:
    • The powervault in use is from the ME4 series.