- Update view/generate/exam*.
- Add kmom10 tenta to databas.
- Use serialize_precision to fix rounding issue in json decode on PHP7.
- Fix that php-scripts can be executed from other dir.
- Fix showing exams that passed.
- Moving around files into directory structure to prepare for running on lab.dbwebb.se.
- Splitting the source to the labs in config/ and put into its own private repo and using as submodule.
- Before splitting the source to the labs and put into its own private repo and using as submodule.
- Added support for dbwebb exam and databas exam in 2018-lp4 and 2018-prepare.
- PHP 7.2 md5_to_int convert string to intval.
- Fix #92 To add support for points in node labs.
- Fix #89 Wrong calculation of total number of tasks in javascript labs.
- Adding course databas.
- Format text in wrap() to avoid markdown code segments.
- Fix validation errors in javascript1 v2.
- Link all webgl v2-labs to javascript1 v2.
- Update javascript1 lab1, 2, 3 with minor edits after review.
- Copy javascrip1 labs to webgl och walk through lab 1 and 2.
- Add webgl lab 1-5.
- Feature javascript labs with points and well done.
- Add lab htmlphp lab6.
- Enabled Python labs to be pass/pass w distinction.
- Enabled PHP labs to be pass/pass w distinction.
- Introduced versioning of labs and integrated with dbwebb-cli 2.0.
- Add lab node2 to dbjs.
- Add lab sql2 to dbjs.
- Make node labs work without babel.
- Add lab node1 to dbjs.
- Bash assert add function to check if command is installed.
- Test dbjs sql1 and made it work.
- Rewrote python asserts to be pythonic.
- Disabled jshint maxcomplexity in JavaScript client labs.
- Adding dbjs javascript2.
- Publish dbjs sql1.
- Make oopython lab1 pass validation.
- Make nodejs assert pass enhanced validation.
- Change intendation on javascript1/dbjs lab1 to pass validation.
- Adding lab dbjs javascript1.
- Enable to copy directory structure in lab_extra.
- Corrected text in sql1 section 5.2.
- Corrected sql1 section 5.
- Updated and corrected sql1 after tests.
- Corrected linux 1.5 was wrong in answers.
- Corrected locale in linux lab1.
- Tested and minor updates to lab sql1.
- Update with new version of CTextFilter.
- Adding sql lab1.
- Improving bash assert to work with sqlite.
- Improving gui separating menu items.
- Added support for SQLite labs together with htmlphp lab6.
- Type hinting on JavaScript labs when using hint.
- Updating structure for labs using HTML/JavaScript.
- Adding support for labs in Node js.
- Converted python labs to Markdown.
- Improved usability in index.php when creating labs, form remembers last input.
- Allow responses to contain HTML and print it out correctly in the HTML template.
- Labtexts in linux and htmlphp is now formatted as Markdown.
- Lab texts now formatted as Markdown.
- Added
to lab specs to write additional code at top of generated cli-lab to include/execute extra code. Supported in bash, py and php.
- Update exit status for CDbwebb.php.
- Changed exit status to 42 when labs are not yet done.
- Rechanging path for including CDbwebb.php
- Made Dbwebb.py pass pylint.
- Correct bug oopython/lab1.
- Changed install path for answer.json and CDbwebb.php.
- Major rewrite of lab creation, now creating bundle.tar.
- Added support for bash-labs.
- Major rewrite of frontend.
- Tagging before major rewrite.
- Added support for PHP labs and integrated with htmlphp-labs.
- Hint and answer is now printed as json to visualize the type.
- Added info on lab and section in labfile.
- Added summary at the end and exit with status 0 (success) or 1 (failed).
- Lots of small fixes for readability
- Added htmlphp as course
- Corrected conversion error in answer.py
- Added extras as own link and suport for lab6 in python.
- Started work in april 2014, planned release end of august 2014.