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File metadata and controls

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Code Overview

The REDCap python code for the PaTH project extracts patient responses stored in REDCap and loads them into PCORI CDM 4.1. It performs three overall tasks:

  1. Maps REDCap patient identifiers to their CDM PATID using a pre-existing patient mapping table
  2. Connects to REDCap server (using configuration data from config.ini) and extracts the survey data
  3. Writes the survey data into the PRO_CM CDM 4.1 table

NOTE: The PaTH project adds three columns to the CDM 4.1 PRO_CM table:

  • EVENT_CODE VARCHAR2(50) this column contains the event_name data extracted from REDCap. The data in this column will be extracted from the event_mapping_table (see below).
  • PATH_CODE VARCHAR2(100) this column contains customized codes that the PaTH Network uses to maintain a crosswalk across survey elements throughout the PaTH Network. These codes include survey elements not explicitly collected by the PCORI CDM. The data in this column will be extracted from the answer_mapping_table (see below).
  • PRO_RESPONSE_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) this column records survey questions which collect date responses (as opposed to text or numeric fields). You can designate date response fields in the answer_mapping_table.

Installation Steps

Install all the python dependencies

The code requires a python interface to REDCap called PyCap. PyCap has a dependency called Requests. These dependencies can be installed individually or using the requirements.txt file in a 'pip install' command:

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Update Database

The REDCap python code assumes certain tables exist and are populated before they are run. These tables are referenced in the config.ini (see below). These file to help create and populate these tables are found in the /sql_files directory.


The event_mapping_table must exist and be populated before the python code is run.
This table is created by the sql_files/create_event_mapping_table_oracle.sql script (Oracle only). You populate this table using either sql_files/REDCAP_EVENT_MAPPING.csv or sql_files/REDCAP_EVENT_MAPPING.sql (Oracle only). These files contain a default set of data. After you populate the table, make sure all the unique_event_name and arm_num data in REDCAP_EVENT_MAPPING matches your REDCap data dictionary.


The answer_mapping_table must exist and be populated before the python code is run. This table is created by the sql_files/create_answer_mapping_table_oracle.sql script (Oracle only). You populate this table using either sql_files/REDCAP_ANSWER_MAPPING.csv or sql_files/REDCAP_ANSWER_MAPPING.sql (Oracle only). These files contain a default set of data. After you populate the table, make sure all the form_name and field_name data in REDCAP_ANSWER_MAPPING matches your REDCap data dictionary.


The patient_mapping_table must exist and be populated before the python code is run.
This table is created by the sql_files/create_redcap_patient_mapping_table_oracle.sql script (Oracle only). You must map the REDCap record_id values to your PATID in your CDM DEMOGRAPHIC table.


This is the name of the CDM 4.1 PRO_CM table in your CDM schema. Typically this is 'PRO_CM'. The data from the python scripts will be written to this table. This table is created by the sql_files/create_pro_cm_table_oracle.sql script (Oracle only).


Before running any python scripts create a new file call config.ini, based on the content in config.ini.example file. you must edit the config.ini file with your site settings. There are two groups of settings: Database and REDCap.

Database Settings


This flag indicates what brand of database to leverage. Currently the choices are 'Oracle' and 'SQLServer'. Check to ensure the computer you deploy the python scripts has the correct database drivers to access the chosen dbms.


The server name hosting your database. Check to ensure the computer you deploy the python scripts to can access this host.


The port number used to access the database. Check to ensure the computer you deploy the python scripts to have the correct firewall settings so it can access the host via this port.


The username for the database user. Check to ensure this account can access the tables listed in the config.ini (ex: patient_mapping_table, pro_cm_table, etc.). The code needs to write data to the pro_cm_table.


The password for the aforementioned dbuser.

sid (Oracle setting ONLY)

The Oracle SID for the Oracle database. This only applies to Oracle servers.

dbname (SQLServer setting ONLY)

The dbname for the SQL Server database. This setting only applies to SQL Server databases.


This is the name of the event_mapping_table in the database specified above. The event_mapping_table must exist and be populated before the python code is run.


This is the name of the answer_mapping_table in the database specified above. The answer_mapping_table must exist and be populated before the python code is run.


This is the name of the patient_mapping_table in the database specified above. The patient_mapping_table must exist and be populated before the python code is run.
You must map the REDCap record_id values to your PATID in your CDM DEMOGRAPHIC table.


This is the name of the CDM 4.0 PRO_CM table in your CDM schema. It should be called 'PRO_CM'. The data from the python scripts will be written to this table.

REDCap Settings


Change the api_url variable to your REDCap API URL. It is most likely your REDCap web address plus '/api/'. For example:


The config.ini file contains an array called redcap_project_info. This array contains entries for the REDCap projects. For each project supply the following information: site_project_id and api_key.

  • Modify the site_project_id to match what is found in your local REDCap instance.

  • Modify the api_key for the project to match your REDCap API key*.

    *NOTE: You will need to generate a key for each REDCap project (IPF, AFib, Weight). To generate API keys for your REDCap projects, follow these instructions:


A boolean indicating if you want to process all the available text fields from REDCap. True means, write the text data to the pro_cm_table. False means do not write text data to pro_cm table. Suggested value for this setting is False.


A boolean indicating whether or not to contact the REDCap server via an SSL socket. True indicates the REDCap server is contacted via an SSL socket. False indicates the REDCap server is not accessed via SSL. This flag depends on how your REDCap server's API is configured and its firewall rules. Suggested value for this setting is True.


A boolean indicating if the third party REDCap code should fetch data in a lazy manner. True indicates the data from the REDCap server should only load the minimal amount of data with each call to the server. False indicates the server should load all the information with each call. Suggested value for this setting is False. This flag is found in the third party REDCap python code.


A flag corresponding to the python logging software. This flag dictates how verbose the log files are when running the script.
Set this value to one of the following options: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. Suggested value for this setting is ERROR

More information is available here:

Running the Code

You can use the file on a Unix machine or use the command below to run the REDCap code. If running the code against an Oracle database, the code requires environment variables for ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set. Please use python 2.7 since the code has not been tested on any other version of python.
