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DPHPC - Lightning McQueens

The goal of our project is to develop optimized operators from the ONNX standard for the snitch architecture.


  • Either:
    • docker/podman
  • or ("local")
    • bender
    • verilator
    • riscv compiler
    • dependencies of snitch/python-requirements.txt and snitch/apt-requirements.txt
  • cmake and gcc

Setup - Development Environment

Clone the snitch repo

Execute in the project root directory:

git submodule update --init

Load aliases

After installing everthing you can source inside the project root directory:

source ./scripts/

This sets the following variables and aliases:

  • proot to change the directory to the project root
  • dbuild to build for banshee using docker
  • pbuild to build for banshee using podman
  • build to build for banshee locally
  • dbuild_size SIZE to build for banshee using docker with given input size for the benchmark
  • pbuild_size SIZE to build for banshee using podman with given input size for the benchmark
  • build_size SIZE to build for banshee locally with given input size for the benchmark
  • build_sim to build for the simulator locally
    • Run clean before switching from a banshee build and vice versa!
  • build_sim_size to build for the simulator locally with given input size for the benchmark
    • Run clean before switching from a banshee build and vice versa!
  • clean to remove all temporary build files
  • run to run using banshee (which must be on your PATH)
  • bench to run all benchmarks (all binaries inside build/ that start with benchmark_)

Building the simulator

  • Only if you are not using banshee Make sure to not forget sourcing

This needs only to be done once:

cd snitch/hw/system/snitch_cluster/
make bin/snitch_cluster.vlt

Install a riscv compiler

If you want to install the environment yourself and do not want to use docker. This allows you to use build and build_size.

First define $RISCV to point to the directory you want to have the toolchain installed to.

export RISCV=$HOME/.local/llvm-riscv

curl -Ls --progress-bar -o riscv-llvm.tar.gz

tar -C $RISCV -xf riscv-llvm.tar.gz --strip-components=1

for file in riscv64-*; do ln -s $file $(echo "$file" | sed 's/^riscv64/riscv32/g'); done

Building banshee

To build banshee you have to execute the following commands:

cd ./snitch/sw/banshee
cargo install --path .

Building the project

  • First run source ./scripts/ if you have not done so already
  • dbuild for docker (or build)
    • The build files should then be in ./build

Now you can simulate the built applications with:

run ./build/hello_world


  • SSR
    • abs, acos, acosh, add, argmax, asinh, batchnorm, conv, conv2d, copy, cumsum, div, dot, dropout, gemm, masked_dropout, max, maxpool, maxpool2d, relu, sigmoid, sin, sum, transpose, unique
  • FREP
    • abs, add, batchnorm, conv, conv2d, copy, cumsum, div, dot, dropout, gemm, masked_dropout, max, maxpool, maxpool2d, relu, sigmoid, sin, sum, transpose
  • Parallelised (w/o any helpers except barriers)
    • abs, add, argmax, conv, gemm, sin, sum
  • OMP
    • add, add, gemm, sin, sum

Running benchmarks and generating plots

Note: To use the python-benchmarker, you need banshee and python3 set up.

First install the python dependencies found in plots/requirements.txt. We recommend doing this in a virtual environment. To set up the virtual python environment, run the following commands from the project root:

python3 -m venv plots/.venv
source ./plots/.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r plots/requirements.txt

To run the benchmarks for some specific operater (e.g. for the abs-operator), you can execute the following:

python3 plots/ -include abs

You can also specify up to which size we double (We start at 10 and double each run). For example:

python3 plots/ -inclide abs -builder 'dbuild_size 40'
  • This will build and run the sizes: 10, 20, 40

This script builds the project using docker (or any other build command from above using, i.e: -builder 'pbuild_size ZXY), runs the benchmark using banshee and stores the measurements in a file for later use. Note that this might take a couple of minutes depending on the operator. To view a runtime plot of the abs-operator which you have just benchmarked, run:

python3 plots/ -include abs

If you want to exclude a plot line from the runtime plot, use the "-exclude" flag. For example:

python3 plots/ -include abs -exclude frep

If you want to generate speedup plots for the different implementations, you can run:

python3 plots/ -include abs -exclude frep

Helpful Links


  • plot some theoretical lower bounds
  • calculate theoretical runtime
  • parallelize
    • conv2d, maxpool, maxpool2d, transpose, max, unique


  • colors/plotstyle consistent
  • comparison of theoretical runtime of problem relative to runtime on x86
  • look into bug of multiple SSR configurations
    • previous SSR configuration for writing was still active
  • TEST core count configuration of SIMULATOR
  • Use multiple cores
    • argmax
  • conv parallel
  • fix batchnorm benchmark
    • manually created as SSR is configured three times and this causes problems
  • bar plot
  • barrier wait indefinitely; reduce has "undefined symbol: __kmpc_reduce_nowait" compile error
    • abs, acos (no frep), acosh (no frep), add, argmax (no frep), asinh (no frep), batchnorm, copy, cumsum, div, dot, dropout, gemm, masked_dropout, max, maxpool, relu, sigmoid, sin, sum, transpose
  • Parallel
    • abs, add, copy, sin (no frep), sum, gemm
  • OMP:
    • abs, add, copy, sin (no frep), sum (broken due to SSR 'leaking' or wrong impl.), gemm
  • Use memory start pointer instead of l1?
    • Use start pointer; implemented in lmq.c
    • L1 has a better latency than memory
  • should we do it for all datatypes (uint8, uint16, float32, ...)?
    • for float for now
  • ask if we need to accept n dimensional input
    • Answer: Use vectors where possible
  • Build for the simulator using a compile flag?
    • use -DCLUSTER_SIM=1 when calling cmake .. or simply use the alias build_sim
  • Have a command to output assembly
    • can be done if compiled as executable. sufficient?
  • setup building
  • Find project and TA
  • Created repo
  • Created scraper scripts that runs benchmarks and dumps their runtime into json files
  • Created scripts for automatically generating runtime plots