A starter Eleventy blog/website project.
npm i
npm start
npm run production
npm run css-lint
The end site is generated by Eleventy. It uses Nunjucks as it's templating language. This site is derived and inspired from the Hylia eleventy theme.
- Css is raw, no frameworks - see src/_includes/css. The css is injected directly into
tags at build time. - Css linting uses https://stylelint.io.
- Actual content lives in: src/posts and src/pages.
- See src/_data for custom js - also src/filters, src/utils and src/transforms.
- See src/_includes for all the numjuck templates & layout.
- See .eleventy.js in terms of what it processes and what it doesn't.
There is a directory per post, and that directory should contain everything within that post; content, images, pdfs, etc. This containment makes it easy to manage content as everything is in the one place and there is no magic.
There should be one .md file per post, see any of the examples in src/posts. To create a new post, create a new folder, create a markdown file that will be your post and drop in whatever else your post references. Note the front matter:
title: A simple post
date: '2021-04-17'
- demo-content
- simple-post
- blog
introImage: computer.jpg
seoDescription: "A short simple post"
Each post has an introImage
field. This special image is used as a thumbnail in the list of posts, and also as the 'hero image' in the post itself. These images should be a specific size and format to match what the css expects. There is a script to help with this.
When adding an intro image for a post, use npm process-images ./src/posts/<post>/<image>
. This does the following:
- create a thumbnail,
- create a webp optimised image for the main page itself,
- create a jpg optimised image for the main page itself,
By convention, these processed images are picked up by the templates/css based on the name of the introImage
For example:
npm run process-intro-image -- ./src/posts/enhanced-photos/london-enhanced.jpg
london-enhanced.jpg-intro-image.jpg 42K
london-enhanced.jpg-intro-image.webp 33K
london-enhanced.jpg-thumbnail.jpg 6.5K
Quite the reduction in size from Our original file:
london-enhanced.jpg 1.6M
These are specific sizes, optimised to the css in the posts templates.
Under the hood, the intro images use the picture element.
For our example above:
<source srcset="london-enhanced.jpg-intro-image.webp" type="image/webp">
<source srcset="london-enhanced.jpg-intro-image.jpg" type="image/jpeg">
<img class="post_intro_image" alt="Intro image" src="london-enhanced.jpg-intro-image.jpg" loading="lazy">
There is no magic image processing for any other images; images need to be processed by the author and then then final optimised image referenced in the markdown. This gives full control over images; there is no silver bullet for image processing, you need to optimise for what you are showing.
Images can be processed externally in any photo editor, or there can be processed from the command line with some built in helper tools.
To create an optimised version of a typical photo you'd take from a camera phone:
npm run process-image -- ./src/posts/enhanced-photos/london-enhanced.jpg
This creates a 700x500 versions of this photo, in jpg and webp formats. It also spits out a picture element that you can paste directly into your markdown:
<source srcset="london-enhanced.jpg-700-500.webp" type="image/webp">
<source srcset="london-enhanced.jpg-700-500.jpg" type="image/jpeg">
<img alt="london-enhanced.jpg" src="london-enhanced.jpg-700-500.jpg" loading="lazy">
You can also use sharp directly from the command line:
./node_modules/.bin/sharp -i ./src/images/posts/webcam2.jpg -o ./src/images/posts/webcam2-700x500.webp resize 700 500
The above will shrink an image from 2M down to 31KB.