This project welcomes contributions in the form of Pull Requests. For clear bug-fixes / typos etc. just submit a PR. For new features or if there is any doubt in how to fix a bug, you might want to open an issue prior to starting work, or email [email protected] to discuss it first.
Rich uses poetry for packaging and dependency management. To start developing with Rich, install Poetry using the recommended method or run:
pip install poetry
Once Poetry is installed, install the dependencies with the following command:
poetry install
Run tests with the following command:
make test
Or if you don't have make
, run the following:
pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=rich tests/ -vv
New code should ideally have tests and not break existing tests.
Rich uses type annotations throughout, and mypy
to do the checking.
Run the following to type check Rich:
make typecheck
Or if you don't have make
mypy -p rich --ignore-missing-imports --warn-unreachable
Please add type annotations for all new code.
Rich uses black
for code formatting.
I recommend setting up black in your editor to format on save.
To run black from the command line, use make format-check
to check your formatting,
and use make format
to format and write to the files.