diff --git a/news/api-news/newsapi.json b/news/api-news/newsapi.json index 4b925f039a..306985b142 100644 --- a/news/api-news/newsapi.json +++ b/news/api-news/newsapi.json @@ -332092,5 +332092,33 @@ "publishedAt": "2024-08-04T10:00:00Z", "content": "Apple released the second public beta for\u00a0iOS 18\u00a0on July 29, more than a month after the tech giant announced the software at its\u00a0Worldwide Developers Conference\u00a0in June.\r\nThe update brings many new \u2026 [+3314 chars]", "short_uuid": "433a48c2" + }, + { + "source": { + "id": null, + "name": "Forbes" + }, + "author": "Jamie Carter", + "title": "See Perseid Meteors Peak With The Northern Lights: The Night Sky This Week - Forbes", + "description": "Each week, I pick out North America\u2019s celestial highlights for the week ahead.", + "url": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2024/08/04/perseid-meteor-shower-peaks-as-moon-meets-venus-the-night-sky-this-week/", + "urlToImage": "https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/64ac15bc0d064e7103534a13/0x0.jpg?format=jpg&height=900&width=1600&fit=bounds", + "publishedAt": "2024-08-04T10:00:00Z", + "content": "The Perseid meteor shower over the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party, on August 10, 2018, with an ... [+] aurora as a bonus. (Photo by: Alan Dyer/VW Pics/UIG via Getty Images)\r\nUniversal Images Group vi\u2026 [+5302 chars]", + "short_uuid": "742373a4" + }, + { + "source": { + "id": null, + "name": "Gizmodo.com" + }, + "author": "Harri Weber", + "title": "Google Says AI Olympics Ad \u2018Tested Well\u2019 Before Inspiring Outrage - Gizmodo", + "description": "Google tried turning Olympics fans into Gemini users. Instead, it made AI look like a weak substitute for parenting.", + "url": "https://gizmodo.com/google-says-ai-olympics-ad-tested-well-before-inspiring-outrage-2000482900", + "urlToImage": "https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2024/08/google-ai-ad-outrage-olympics.jpg", + "publishedAt": "2024-08-04T01:41:53Z", + "content": "Googles attempt to funnel Olympics excitement into its chatbot, Gemini, tested well before airing, the company said. Upon its debut, however, the ad repelled viewers by making artificial intelligence\u2026 [+2832 chars]", + "short_uuid": "f793d2b" } ]