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[5528 chars]", + "url": "https://www.linternaute.com/actualite/politique/5459288-legislatives-2024-en-direct-macron-moque-et-agace-par-ses-proches/", + "image": "https://img-4.linternaute.com/BSUCdMlPdlMPwK18t3KDLQwQmrU=/1500x/smart/66a8c004e9db4f29bf32c77283fc256e/ccmcms-linternaute/61405909.jpg", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:27:51Z", + "source": { + "name": "Linternaute.com", + "url": "https://www.linternaute.com" + }, + "short_uuid": "c2c57695" + }, + { + "title": "Andy Murray's hopes of Wimbledon swansong in doubt amid injury uncertainty", + "description": "Two-time Wimbledon champion Andy Murray retired injured at Queens last week; Murray is hoping to make a farewell appearance at SW19 this summer but swansong in doubt amid unconfirmed reports of surgery", + "content": "Fresh doubts over Andy Murray's participation at Wimbledon surfaced on Sunday amid reports the three-time Grand Slam champion had undergone spinal surgery.\nThe Daily Telegraph reported the 37-year-old had gone under the knife on Saturday after withdr... [2874 chars]", + "url": "https://www.skysports.com/tennis/news/12110/13155861/andy-murrays-hopes-of-wimbledon-swansong-in-doubt-amid-injury-uncertainty", + "image": "https://e0.365dm.com/24/05/1600x900/skysports-andy-murray-french-open_6566788.jpg?20240526212813", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:26:00Z", + "source": { + "name": "Sky Sports", + "url": "https://www.skysports.com" + }, + "short_uuid": "9de4cac9" + }, + { + "title": "Andy Murray's hopes of Wimbledon swansong in doubt amid injury uncertainty", + "description": "Two-time Wimbledon champion Andy Murray retired injured at Queens last week; Murray is hoping to make a farewell appearance at SW19 this summer but swansong in doubt amid unconfirmed reports of surgery", + "content": "Fresh doubts over Andy Murray's participation at Wimbledon surfaced on Sunday amid reports the three-time Grand Slam champion had undergone spinal surgery.\nThe Daily Telegraph reported the 37-year-old had gone under the knife on Saturday after withdr... [2874 chars]", + "url": "https://www.skysports.com/tennis/news/12110/13155861/murrays-wimbledon-hopes-in-doubt-amid-injury-uncertainty", + "image": "https://e0.365dm.com/24/05/1600x900/skysports-andy-murray-french-open_6566788.jpg?20240526212813", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:26:00Z", + "source": { + "name": "Sky Sports", + "url": "https://www.skysports.com" + }, + "short_uuid": "cb7f105e" + }, + { + "title": "William et ses enfants d\u00e9cha\u00een\u00e9s au concert de Taylor Swift : cet impr\u00e9vu qui a failli faire d\u00e9railler leur soir\u00e9e", + "description": "Le prince William a emmen\u00e9 ses enfants au concert de Taylor Swift ce samedi 22 juin. Mais un impr\u00e9vu a failli g\u00e2cher la f\u00eate, comme le rapporte Hello! Magazine.", + "content": "C'\u00e9tait un \u00e9v\u00e9nement qu'ils ne pouvaient pas rater. Ce vendredi 21 juin, le prince William a conduit ses enfants au concert d'une chanteuse qu'ils adorent : Taylor Swift. Mais comme toute sortie royale, elle implique une organisation millim\u00e9tr\u00e9e. Et ... [2050 chars]", + "url": "https://www.closermag.fr/royautes/william-et-ses-enfants-dechaines-au-concert-de-taylor-swift-cet-imprevu-qui-a-failli-faire-derailler-leur-soiree-3450109", + "image": "https://sf1.closermag.fr/wp-content/uploads/closermag/2024/06/bestimage_00665789_000062-scaled.jpg", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:25:14Z", + "source": { + "name": "Closer France", + "url": "https://www.closermag.fr" + }, + "short_uuid": "bad4f915" + }, + { + "title": "Washington Capitals 2024 Draft Target: Stian Solberg", + "description": "One defender who rose to become a possible first-round pick in the 2024 NHL Draft is Stian Solberg. The Capitals could take him with pick 17.", + "content": "Soon enough, Washington Capitals fans will know who they will be taking with the 17th overall pick in the 2024 NHL Entry Draft. They could draft a few different positions in that spot. If they go defense, a couple of names to consider include Adam Ji... [7983 chars]", + "url": "https://thehockeywriters.com/washington-capitals-2024-draft-target-stian-solberg/", + "image": "https://s3951.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Stian-Solberg-scaled.jpeg", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:25:00Z", + "source": { + "name": "The Hockey Writers", + "url": "https://thehockeywriters.com" + }, + "short_uuid": "91a85ae8" + }, + { + "title": "El momento en que una bomba rusa impacta sobre una zona residencial en la ciudad ucraniana de Kharkiv", + "description": "Las tropas de Putin volvieron a atacar a la poblaci\u00f3n civil con bombas a\u00e9reas guiadas, provocando 3 personas muertas y 56 heridas", + "content": "El impacto de varios proyectiles rusos en una zona de viviendas de la ciudad de Kharkiv (noreste de Ucrania) caus\u00f3 la muerte de tres civiles y 56 heridos, seg\u00fan informaron las autoridades ucranianas.\n\u201cLos terroristas rusos han atacado Kharkiv con bom... [4024 chars]", + "url": "https://www.infobae.com/america/mundo/2024/06/23/el-momento-en-que-una-bomba-rusa-impacta-sobre-una-zona-residencial-en-la-ciudad-ucraniana-de-kharkiv/", + "image": "https://www.infobae.com/new-resizer/1zzJisBrVYNUeJzCudYsB67k6QA=/1200x630/filters:format(webp):quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/infobae/UV2NY3R3XJAX5PSBYSKHAYFOP4.png", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:24:04Z", + "source": { + "name": "infobae", + "url": "https://www.infobae.com" + }, + "short_uuid": "4b3a89b" + }, + { + "title": "Three striking elements about Airbnb where missing Jay Slater stayed", + "description": "A search for the 19-year-old is continuing in Tenerife", + "content": "The rental property where missing Jay Slater stayed before he vanished has been the focal point in the search for him. The secluded Airbnb called Casa Abuela Tina is located just outside the village of Masca, in north west Tenerife.\nApprentice brickl... [3007 chars]", + "url": "https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/uk-news/three-striking-elements-airbnb-missing-29407220", + "image": "https://i2-prod.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/article29384765.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/0_jay_.jpg", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:23:50Z", + "source": { + "name": "Birmingham Live", + "url": "https://www.birminghammail.co.uk" + }, + "short_uuid": "270a92ec" + }, + { + "title": "Une c\u00e9r\u00e9monie en souvenir des huit jeunes Briochins qui p\u00e9rirent \u00e0 Mers el-K\u00e9bir en juillet 1940", + "description": "Ce samedi 22 juin, l\u2019association de l\u2019Amicale des anciens marins de Mers el-K\u00e9bir et des familles des victimes organisait une comm\u00e9moration au monument aux morts du boulevard de La Chalotais", + "content": "Ce samedi 22 juin, l\u2019association de l\u2019Amicale des anciens marins de Mers el-K\u00e9bir et des familles des victimes organisait une comm\u00e9moration au monument aux morts du boulevard de La Chalotais. Les prises de parole ont rappel\u00e9 le contexte de l\u2019op\u00e9ratio... [284 chars]", + "url": "https://www.letelegramme.fr/cotes-d-armor/saint-brieuc-22000/une-ceremonie-en-souvenir-des-huit-jeunes-briochins-qui-perirent-a-mers-el-kebir-en-juillet-1940-6610360.php", + "image": "https://media.letelegramme.fr/api/v1/images/view/667813cd97f2511c9f1a892b/web_golden_xxl/667813cd97f2511c9f1a892b.1", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:23:41Z", + "source": { + "name": "Le T\u00e9l\u00e9gramme", + "url": "https://www.letelegramme.fr" + }, + "short_uuid": "6e3967a3" + }, + { + "title": "Vendedores de salsichas de Viena buscam reconhecimento da Unesco", + "description": "Veja as principais not\u00edcias e manchetes do dia no Brasil e no Mundo. Leia textos e assista a v\u00eddeos de Pol\u00edtica, Cotidiano, Crimes e mais.", + "content": "A cidade tem 180 unidades similares.\nA clientela ainda procura os pontos de venda, mas o n\u00famero de estabelecimentos diminuiu nos \u00faltimos dez anos. Mais de 100 mudaram o card\u00e1pio e agora oferecem pizzas, kebabs, hamb\u00fargueres e pratos asi\u00e1ticos, segund... [843 chars]", + "url": "https://noticias.uol.com.br/ultimas-noticias/afp/2024/06/23/vendedores-de-salsichas-de-viena-buscam-reconhecimento-da-unesco.htm", + "image": "https://conteudo.imguol.com.br/c/interacao/facebook/share/noticias-min.png", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:21:36Z", + "source": { + "name": "UOL", + "url": "https://noticias.uol.com.br" + }, + "short_uuid": "3e3dd9aa" + }, + { + "title": "Andy Murray to miss Wimbledon after undergoing back surgery on spinal cyst", + "description": "Andy Murray has been ruled out of Wimbledon after undergoing back surgery on a spinal cyst.", + "content": "Andy Murray has been ruled out of Wimbledon after undergoing back surgery on a spinal cyst.\nThe three-time Grand Slam winner retired injured in the first set of his second-round match against Jordan Thompson at Queen's Club on Wednesday.\nMurray had s... [2540 chars]", + "url": "https://news.sky.com/story/andy-murray-to-miss-wimbledon-after-undergoing-back-surgery-on-spinal-cyst-13157545", + "image": "https://e3.365dm.com/24/02/1600x900/skynews-breaking-news-breaking_6449241.jpg?20240209070741", + "publishedAt": "2024-06-23T12:19:00Z", + "source": { + "name": "Sky News", + "url": "https://news.sky.com" + }, + "short_uuid": "518470f6" } ]