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The AutoML-Toolkit is an automated ML solution for Apache Spark. It provides common data cleansing and feature engineering support, automated hyper-parameter tuning through distributed genetic algorithms, and model tracking integration with MLFlow. It currently supports Supervised Learning algorithms that are provided as part of Spark Mllib.

The python APIs are a means towards interfacing with the Scala library via pyspark.


Currently, this library exists as a .whl file in the /dist directory. You can also run the following in a terminal to build the wheel locally:

python bdist_wheel

General Overview

The python APIs currently support the four following classes:

  1. FeatureImportance
  2. AutomationRunner
  3. FamilyRunner
  4. Shapley

Feature Importance Class

For more information about the underlying algorithms please see APIDOCS. Feature importances are run via the run_feature_importace function within an instance of the FeatureImportance class.

model_family - one of the supported model families listed Here

prediction_type - either "regressor" or "classifier"

dataframe - Dataframe that will be used for feature importance algorithm

cutoff_value - threshold value for feature importance algorithm

cutoff_type - cutoff for the feature algorithm

overrides - dictionary of overrides for feature importance configuration

Below is an example of using the FeatureImportance class on Databricks:

source_data ="/tmp/loan-risk-analysis/loan-risk-analysis-full-cleansed.parquet").withColumnRenamed("bad_loan", "label")

## Generic configuration
experimentNamePrefix = "/Users/[email protected]/AutoML"
labelColumn = "label"
runExperiment = "runRF_" + RUNVERSION
projectName = "mg_AutoML_Demo"
modelSaveFolder = "/tmp/mgm/ml/automl/"

## This is the configuration of the hardware available (default of 4, 4, and 4)
nodeCount = 8
coresPerNode = 16
totalCores = nodeCount * coresPerNode
driverCores = 30

## Save locations
mlFlowModelSaveDirectory = "dbfs:" + modelSaveFolder + "models/" + projectName + "/"
inferenceConfigSaveLocation = "dbfs:" + modelSaveFolder + "inference/" + projectName + "/"
cntx = dbutils.entry_point.getDbutils().notebook().getContext()
api_token = cntx.apiToken().get()
api_url = cntx.apiUrl().get()
notebook_path = cntx.notebookPath().get()
generic_overrides = {
  "labelCol": labelColumn,
  "scoringMetric": "areaUnderROC",
  "dataPrepCachingFlag": False,
  "autoStoppingFlag": True,            
  "tunerAutoStoppingScore": 0.91,
  "tunerParallelism": driverCores,
  "tunerKFold": 1,  ## normally should be >=5
  "tunerSeed": 42,  ## for reproducibility
  "tunerInitialGenerationArraySeed": 42,
  "tunerTrainPortion": 0.7,
  "tunerTrainSplitMethod": "stratified",
  "tunerInitialGenerationMode": "permutations",
  "tunerInitialGenerationPermutationCount": 8,
  "tunerInitialGenerationIndexMixingMode": "linear",
  "tunerFirstGenerationGenePool": 16,
  "tunerNumberOfGenerations": 3,
  "tunerNumberOfParentsToRetain": 2,
  "tunerNumberOfMutationsPerGeneration": 4,
  "tunerGeneticMixing": 0.8,
  "tunerGenerationalMutationStrategy": "fixed",
  "tunerEvolutionStrategy": "batch",
  "tunerHyperSpaceInferenceFlag": True,
  "tunerHyperSpaceInferenceCount": 400000,
  "tunerHyperSpaceModelType": "XGBoost",
  "tunerHyperSpaceModelCount": 8,
  "mlFlowLoggingFlag": True,
  "mlFlowLogArtifactsFlag": False,
  "mlFlowTrackingURI": api_url,
  "mlFlowExperimentName": experimentNamePrefix +"/" + projectName+ "/" + runExperiment,
  "mlFlowAPIToken": api_token,
  "mlFlowModelSaveDirectory": mlFlowModelSaveDirectory,
  "mlFlowLoggingMode": "bestOnly",
  "mlFlowBestSuffix": "_best",
  "inferenceConfigSaveLocation": inferenceConfigSaveLocation
  ## Calculate Feature Importance 
from databricks.labs.automl_toolkit.exploration.feature_importance import FeatureImportance

FI = FeatureImportance()

fi_importances = FI.run_feature_importances("XGBoost", "classifier",  dataframe,20.0,"count",generic_overrides)

Once the feature importance algorithm has been run, there are two dataframes that remain as attributes of the instance of the class. The first is the importances dataframe which lists the features and their importance value. The second is the top_fields dataframe which consists only of the features themselves. Below is an example of retrieving these dataframes once the feature importance algorithm has been run.

##Retrieving the importances DF

## Retrieving the top_fields DF

AutomationRunner Class

The run_automation_runner function invokes the runAutomationRunner Scala library via the JVM. This class has a few different type of runs you can read more about Here. To call the function you can pass it a

model_family - one of the supported model families listed HERE

prediction_type - either "regressor" or "classifier"

data_frame - Dataframe that will be used for feature importance algorithm

runner_type - either "run", "confusion", or "prediction"

overrides - dictionary of configuration overrides. If null, this will run with default configurations

Below is an example of calling the run_automation_runner function with the overrides defined above

## Bring in the dataset 
from pyspark.sql.functions import col,expr, when 
dataframe ="/tmp/loan-risk-analysis/loan-risk-analysis-full-cleansed.parquet")\
  .withColumn("label", when((col("bad_loan") == "true"), 1).otherwise(0))\
  .sample(False, 0.025, 42)\

#Splitting Train and Test
dataset_train = dataframe.where(expr("issue_year <= 2015")).cache()
dataset_valid = dataframe.where(expr("issue_year > 2015")).cache()

model_family = "XGBoost"
prediction_type = "classifier"
run_type = "confusion"

## Kickoff Automation runner
from databricks.labs.automl_toolkit.automation_runner import AutomationRunner

runner = AutomationRunner.run_automation_runner(model_family,

Based on the run_type, the object will return a dictionary of the following dataframes:

Run Type Attributes
"run" generation_report, model_report
"confusion" confusion_data, prediction_data, generation_report, model_report
"prediction" data_with_predictions, generation_report, model_report

Family Runner

The run_family_runnerfunction that lives within the FamilyRunner class kicks of the runFamilyRunner equivalent in the scala library. This allows the user to run several different model families in parallel. The run_family_runner class takes three necessary parameters:

dataframe - Spark Dataframe

prediction_type - either regressor or classifier

family_configs - a dictionary that contains the

model_family as the key and a dictionary of overrides as the value

Below is an example of calling the run_family_runner function:

## Generic configuration
experimentNamePrefix = "/Users/[email protected]/AutoML"
labelColumn = "label"
xgBoostExperiment = "runXG_" + RUNVERSION
logisticRegExperiment = "runLG_" + RUNVERSION
projectName = "MGM_AutoML_Demo"

## This is the configuration of the hardware available
nodeCount = 4
coresPerNode = 4
totalCores = nodeCount * coresPerNode
driverCores = 4

cntx = dbutils.entry_point.getDbutils().notebook().getContext()
api_token = cntx.apiToken().get()
api_url = cntx.apiUrl().get()
notebook_path = cntx.notebookPath().get()
xg_boost_overrides = {
  "labelCol": labelColumn,
  "scoringMetric": "areaUnderROC",
  "oneHotEncodeFlag": True,
  "autoStoppingFlag": True,
  "tunerAutoStoppingScore" : 0.91,
  "tunerParallelism" : driverCores * 2,
  "tunerKFold" : 2,
  "tunerTrainPortion": 0.7,
  "tunerTrainSplitMethod": "stratified",
  "tunerInitialGenerationMode": "permutations",
  "tunerInitialGenerationPermutationCount": 8,
  "tunerInitialGenerationIndexMixingMode": "linear",
  "tunerInitialGenerationArraySeed": 42,
  "tunerFirstGenerationGenePool": 16,
  "tunerNumberOfGenerations": 3,
  "tunerNumberOfParentsToRetain": 2,
  "tunerNumberOfMutationsPerGeneration": 4,
  "tunerGeneticMixing": 0.8,
  "tunerGenerationalMutationStrategy": "fixed",
  "tunerEvolutionStrategy": "batch",
  "tunerHyperSpaceInferenceFlag": True,
  "tunerHyperSpaceInferenceCount": 400000,
  "tunerHyperSpaceModelType": "XGBoost",
  "tunerHyperSpaceModelCount": 8,
  "mlFlowLoggingFlag": True,
  "mlFlowLogArtifactsFlag": False,
  "mlFlowTrackingURI": api_url,
  "mlFlowExperimentName": experimentNamePrefix +"/" + projectName+ "/" + xgBoostExperiment,
  "mlFlowAPIToken": api_token,
  "mlFlowLoggingMode": "bestOnly",
  "mlFlowBestSuffix": "_best",
  "mlFlowModelSaveDirectory": "dbfs:/tmp/mgm/ml",
  "pipelineDebugFlag": True

logisticRegOverrides = {
  "labelCol": labelColumn,
  "scoringMetric" : "areaUnderROC",
  "oneHotEncodeFlag": True,
  "autoStoppingFlag": True,
  "tunerAutoStoppingScore": 0.91,
  "tunerParallelism": driverCores * 2,
  "tunerKFold": 2,
  "tunerTrainPortion": 0.7,
  "tunerTrainSplitMethod": "stratified",
  "tunerInitialGenerationMode": "permutations",
  "tunerInitialGenerationPermutationCount": 8,
  "tunerInitialGenerationIndexMixingMode": "linear",
  "tunerInitialGenerationArraySeed": 42,
  "tunerFirstGenerationGenePool": 16,
  "tunerNumberOfGenerations": 3,
  "tunerNumberOfParentsToRetain": 2,
  "tunerNumberOfMutationsPerGeneration": 4,
  "tunerGeneticMixing": 0.8,
  "tunerGenerationalMutationStrategy": "fixed",
  "tunerEvolutionStrategy": "batch",
  "mlFlowLoggingFlag": True,
  "mlFlowLogArtifactsFlag": False,
  "mlFlowTrackingURI": api_url,
  "mlFlowExperimentName": experimentNamePrefix +"/" + projectName+ "/" + logisticRegExperiment,
  "mlFlowAPIToken": api_token,
  "mlFlowLoggingMode": "bestOnly",
  "mlFlowBestSuffix" : "_best",
  "mlFlowModelSaveDirectory": "dbfs:/tmp/mgm/ml",
  "pipelineDebugFlag": True
# Import the family runner
from databricks.labs.automl_toolkit.executor.family_runner import FamilyRunner

family_runner = FamilyRunner()
prediction_type = "classifier"
family_runner_configs = {
  "XGBoost": xg_boost_overrides,
  "LogisticRegression": logisticRegOverrides

family_runner = family_runner.run_family_runner(dataframe,

The return of the 'run_family_runner' function is a dictionary of the following dataframes:

  1. model_report
  2. generation_report
  3. best_mlflow_run_id

Using the Family Runner for Inference

There is currently support for the pipeline api in pyspark. There are two ways to run inference on a modeling pipeline:

  1. By MLflow run id
  2. Pipeline model path

The mlflow_pipeline_inference function, that lives in the FamilyRunner class, takes the following parametersB;

run_id - the mlflow run_id of interest

model_family - a supported model family

prediction_type - either regressor or classifier

datafrme - a pyspark dataframe that will be used for inference

configs - a dictonary of configs to override default values

label - the name of the label column, i.e. the column the model is predicting

Below is an example of running a full inference pipeline via the mlflow run_id from the family_runner above

mlflow_inference_df = family_runner.mlflow_pipeline_inference(run_id,

The mlflow_pipeline_inference function returns a dataframe that includes the original dataframe used for inferece plus additional columns with the feature vector, raw prediction, probability (if applicable), and the prediction.

Inference can be run directly against the patch of a pipeline model already created by the AutoML Toolkit. The path_pipeline_inference function (which lives in the FamilyRunner class) takes the following parameters:

path - the path of the pipelined model

dataframe - a pyspark dataframe that will be used for inference

Below is an example of running inference directly against the path for a pipelined model created by AutoML:

pipeline_save_path = "/dbfs/tmp/mgm/ml/BestRunclassifier_XGBoost_862a8ceacb534404b86f8bdae69c6449/BestPipeline"
path_df = family_runner.path_pipeline_inference(pipeline_save_path,

The path_pipeline_inference function returns a dataframe that include the original datafrmae passed as an argument plus additional columns with the feature vector, raw prediction, probability (if applicable), and the prediction

The Family Runner APIs can also be used for feature engineering tasks based on a selected number of configs. The feaure_eng_pipeline function (which lives in the FamilyRunner class) takes the following parameters:

dataframe - a pyspark dataframe that will be feature engineered

model_family - a supported model family

prediction_type - either regressor or classifier

configs - the set of configs used for the Family Runner

Below is an example of using the family runner to generate a feature engineered dataframe:

feat_eng_df = family_runner.feature_eng_pipeline(source_data,

The feature_eng_pipelinefunction returns a feature engineered dataframe base on the


For more details see the AnalysisTools

from import LinearRegressionModel

from databricks.labs.automl_toolkit.exploration.shapley import Shapley

## Load a pre-trained LinearRegression Model
model_path = "dbfs:/Users/nick.senno/shap/models/boston-linear/"
model = LinearRegressionModel.load(model_path)

## Load pre-scored data set used to train model 
feature_cols = ["INDUS", "LSTAT", "DIS"]
cols = feature_cols + ["features"] + ["label"]
dataDF = spark.table("shap.boston_processed")
featuresDF ="features")

shapley = Shapley(featuresDF, model, "features", 10, 1000, 1621)

## compute per record shapley values with approximate error 
shapley_results = shapley.calculate()

feature_results = shapley.feature_aggregated_shap(feature_cols)

The Shapley class takes the following parameters: feature_data the Spark DataFrame that was used during model training (with feature vector) and result (label vector) model PySpark model feature_col the name of the single feature column created by the PySpark VectorAssembler repartition_value degree to which the training data is split. Higher numbers equate to more conncurrent SHAP calculations per partition but less data per partition vector_mutations number of vector mutations to consider per each record random_seed seed for random number generator for creating vector mutations

To calculate the aggregated Shapley values for each feature, use the feature_aggregated_shap method which takes a list of the original feature column names