* this project can be found here: https://pi4j.com/
MCP23017 1602A GPB0 RS GPB1 RW GPB2 EN GPA0 D0 GPA1 D1 GPA2 D2 GPA3 D3 GPA4 D4 GPA5 D5 GPA6 D6 GPA7 D7 VSS grnd VDD +5 V0 grnd A +5 K grnd A2 grnd A1 +5 A0 grnd
Simple implementation of MCP23017, specific to controlling a 1602A LCD. If you are interested
in a full utilization of all MCP23017 functionality, see :
- mvn clean package
- cd target/distribution
- sudo ./runMCP23017_LCD.sh.sh parms........
sudo ./runMCP23017_LCD.sh -b 0x01 -a 0x21 -x 4 -t trace -line1 aBc -line2 XyZ
Bus 1, address 0x21, reset pin GPIO4, detailed logging , line one text, line two text
Clears display, Line1 begins in fourth position, line2 begins in second position
sudo ./runMCP23017_LCD.sh -b 0x01 -a 0x21 -x 4 -r -clearLCD -t trace -line1 aaaaaa -line1Offset 4 -line2 zzzzzz -line2Offset 2
line one starts at offset 4, line two offset 2 Param -shiftL 2 shift both lines 2 positions to left