The backend is implemented with NodeJS using:
- ExpressJs to expose APIs
- Mongooseto to store data
- Mocha for unit tests.
To start the server (server folder):
Launch mongod.exe locally :
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe" --port 27017 --dbpath C:\data\db
Install packages:
cd server
npm install
- Generate and configure API keys:
Before using these templates, you need to generate some API keys:
| API | Options | Link | | :--------------: | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | Google Map API | | | Mandatory | News API | ENV_API_KEY_DARKSKY | | Mandatory | Weather API | ENV_API_KEY_NEWS | | Mandatory
Configure your key's values into the \server\.env file
- To start backend server:
# in server directory
npm start
- Once started, to test server urls api :
- To launch unit tests (server must be shutdown, i.e no "npm start"), make sure mongodb is started.
cd server
npm test (or npm run test:noverbose for minimal logs.)