Diagram explaining the relationships between the different classes and their properties
- For this project, currently it also requires:
- WebDriver.dll
- WebDriver.Support.dll
- SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.dll
- chromedriver.exe
- See Adding Dependencies for how to add these to the project
- Build the project
- Navigate to: '.\HDT_OpponentGuesser\bin\Debug'
- Find the 'HDT_OpponentGuesser.dll' inside (and the other dlls it requires (see Dependencies))
- Close Hearthstone Deck Tracker
- Copy over the .dll to '%AppData%\HearthstoneDeckTracker\Plugins'
- Relaunch Hearthstone Deck Tracker
- The GUI elements in this project are WPF UserControls
- So to add a new one, simply right click on project and select Add -> User Control (WPF) and name it
- This will create a .xaml (frontend) and .xaml.cs (backend) file for you
- Perhaps see if a more efficient method can be found for gathering session cookie than the selenium method currently being used
- Capturing and storing stats of players decks vs different deck archetypes
- Perhaps also using this to find best fit deck for players deck to display their best mulligan choices at game start?
- Currently only supports Standard_Ranked; could be expanded to get the players game mode on game start and modify the API call to pass that in, instead of defaulting to Standard_Ranked
- Potentially also display the cards which don't match the predicted deck in the decklist, as was in the original design
- Didn't end up being incorporated because I thought it could clutter it too much and wasn't too useful to display
Logs are stored here: ('%AppData%\HearthstoneDeckTracker\Logs')
Missing dependencies in HSDT (required DLL's) results in:
- Error (in log): "The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference."
Just use Nuget to download the specific version it is wanting in the reference, then copy that dll from the Debug folder to the %AppData%\HearthstoneDeckTracker\Plugins\ folder
- Can either be done via:
- Package Manager Console (harder), or
- In VS by right clicking on the project and selecting "Manage Nuget Packages" (easier)
- To find the version, right click on the .dll and select properties, then go to details tab.
- Can either be done via: