template <typename Source>
static basic_json parse(const Source& source,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (1)
static basic_json parse(const char_type* str,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (2)
static basic_json parse(const char_type* str, std::size_t length,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (3)
static basic_json parse(std::basic_istream<char_type>& is,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (4)
template <typename InputIt>
static basic_json parse(InputIt first, InputIt last,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (5)
template <typename Source,typename TempAllocator>
static basic_json parse(const allocator_set<allocator_type,TempAllocator>& alloc_set,
const Source& source,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (6) (since 0.171.0)
template <typename TempAllocator>
static basic_json parse(const allocator_set<allocator_type,TempAllocator>& alloc_set,
const char_type* str,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (7) (since 0.171.0)
template <typename TempAllocator>
static basic_json parse(const allocator_set<allocator_type,TempAllocator>& alloc_set,
const char_type* str, std::size_t length,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (8) (since 0.177.0)
template <typename TempAllocator>
static basic_json parse(const allocator_set<allocator_type,TempAllocator>& alloc_set,
std::basic_istream<char_type>& is,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (9) (since 0.171.0)
template <typename InputIt,class TempAllocator>
static basic_json parse(const allocator_set<allocator_type,TempAllocator>& alloc_set,
InputIt first, InputIt last,
const basic_json_decode_options<char_type>& options = basic_json_decode_options<CharT>()); (10) (since 0.171.0)
(1) Parses JSON data from a contiguous character sequence provided by source
and returns a basic_json
Throws a ser_error if parsing fails.
(2) Parses JSON data from a null-terminated character string and returns a basic_json
Throws a ser_error if parsing fails.
(3) Parses JSON data from a string and length and returns a basic_json
Throws a ser_error if parsing fails.
(4) Parses JSON data from an input stream and returns a basic_json
Throws a ser_error if parsing fails.
(5) Parses JSON data from the range [first
) and returns a basic_json
Throws a ser_error if parsing fails.
(6)-(10) Same as (1)-(5), except they accept an allocator_set argument.
= a contigugous character source, such as a std::string
or std::string_view
- a character string
- the length of a character string
- an input stream
, last
- pair of LegacyInputIterators that specify a character sequence
- a basic_json_options
- an error handler. Since 0.171.0, an error handler may be provided as a member of a basic_json_options.
json val = json::parse("[1,2,3,4,]");
catch(const jsoncons::ser_error& e)
std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
Extra comma at line 1 and column 10
std::string s = R"({"field1":"NaN","field2":"PositiveInfinity","field3":"NegativeInfinity"})";
auto options = json_options{}
json j = json::parse(s,options);
std::cout << "\n(1)\n" << pretty_print(j) << '\n';
std::cout << "\n(2)\n" << pretty_print(j,options) << '\n';
"field1": null,
"field2": null,
"field3": null
"field1": "NaN",
"field2": "PositiveInfinity",
"field3": "NegativeInfinity"
Input JSON file example.json
{"File Format Options":{"Color Spaces":["sRGB","AdobeRGB","ProPhoto RGB"]}}
std::ifstream is("example.json");
json j = json::parse(is);
std::cout << pretty_print(j) << '\n';
"File Format Options": {
"Color Spaces": ["sRGB","AdobeRGB","ProPhoto RGB"]
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
class MyIterator
const char* p_;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = char;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = const char*;
using reference = const char&;
MyIterator(const char* p)
: p_(p)
reference operator*() const
return *p_;
pointer operator->() const
return p_;
MyIterator& operator++()
return *this;
MyIterator operator++(int)
MyIterator temp(*this);
return temp;
bool operator!=(const MyIterator& rhs) const
return p_ != rhs.p_;
int main()
char source[] = {'[','\"', 'f','o','o','\"',',','\"', 'b','a','r','\"',']'};
MyIterator first(source);
MyIterator last(source + sizeof(source));
json j = json::parse(first, last);
std::cout << j << "\n\n";
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
using namespace jsoncons; // for convenience
using pmr_json = jsoncons::pmr::json;
int main()
char buffer[1024] = {}; // a small buffer on the stack
std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource pool{std::data(buffer), std::size(buffer)};
std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<char> alloc(&pool);
std::string json_text = R"(
"street_number" : "100",
"street_name" : "Queen St W",
"city" : "Toronto",
"country" : "Canada"
auto doc = pmr_json::parse(combine_allocators(alloc), json_text);
std::cout << pretty_print(doc) << "\n\n";
catch (const std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << '\n';
"city": "Toronto",
"country": "Canada",
"street_name": "Queen St W",
"street_number": "100"