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File metadata and controls

322 lines (233 loc) · 9.56 KB

Nebula setup

Nebula installers and configuration tools.

This document describes basic Nebula installation and configuration process. Advanced techniques such as database configuration, optimization, and backup, security, GPU acceleration support etc. are out of the scope of this guide. For production deployment, you should get familiar with Linux security, PostgreSQL, memcached and NGINX configuration as well as basic Python programming.

Nebula is a complex software, which can be configured to fit many different workflows, so don't be ashamed to get in touch with us and get a professional support.

Yes. This is what we do for a living.

Terms and definitions

  • asset - A record in MAM database. Asset can be a physical media file, URL or just a virtual record for short text stories.
  • folder - Each asset falls into one folder based on its purpose (movie, music video, trailer, news story etc). Each folder has its own metadata set.
  • item
  • bin - Ordered list of items. Typically a playlist block.
  • event - Calendar record. Typically a singe program block in channel's EPG
  • hub - Nebula API server
  • service - Services are started and operated by the master process and can be controlled (stopped, restarted ) using API.
  • plugin - Python script which extends default Nebula functionality. There are several types of plugins available.
  • site - Nebula instance with own database. Usually a television network with one or more channels
  • storage - Nebula does not use UNC paths for access to files. Instead each storage is mounted according to its type and storage ID and relative path is used.


Use script to install all required libraries and software


Nebula also needs NGINX server with http push module and mp4 module to be installed. Use and create /var/www/yoursitename/http.conf file.

Assuming your site name is "nebula" and NGINX server is running on the same machine as Nebula itself, you may use the following configuration:

server {
    server_name          _;
    set $nxcore_root    /mnt/nebula_01/.nx;

    add_header          Access-Control-Allow-Headers    'origin, content-type, accept, user-agent, referer' always;
    add_header          Access-Control-Allow-Origin     '*' always;

    location /msg_publish {
        nchan_channel_id                $arg_id;
        nchan_message_buffer_length     50;
        nchan_message_timeout           10s;

    location ~ /ws/(.*) {
        nchan_subscriber        websocket;
        nchan_channel_id        $1;

        add_header              Access-Control-Allow-Headers    'origin, content-type, accept, user-agent, referer' always;
        add_header              Access-Control-Allow-Origin     '*';

    location /proxy/ {
        mp4_max_buffer_size 5m;
        root                    $nxcore_root;
        add_header              Access-Control-Allow-Headers    'origin, content-type, accept, user-agent, referer' always;
        add_header              Access-Control-Allow-Origin     '*' always;

    location /thumb/ {
        root                    $nxcore_root;
        add_header              Access-Control-Allow-Headers    'origin, content-type, accept, user-agent, referer' always;
        add_header              Access-Control-Allow-Origin     '*' always;

    location ~* ^/tools/(.*)/static/(.*)$ {
        alias                   $nxcore_root/scripts/v5/webtools/$1/static/$2;

    location / {
        proxy_pass              http://localhost:8080;
        proxy_set_header        Host $host;
        proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

⚠️ This is just a very simple configuration example. Always use https in production!


Conversion nodes depend on ffmpeg. You may use this script to install it.

Database schema

Create a database using support/schema.sql. If you are running PostgreSQL server and nebula-setup on the same machine, you may use script to create database user and database and apply the schema. Credentials provided in the settings.json file will be used in that case.

Site template

Create a file template/ in the root directory of this repository to override settings from defaults/ folder.

Use to apply the template. This script can be also used later to modify site settings without tweaking database manually.

Example configuration

Assuming there are two machines:

  • - all in one nebula server + production storage
  • - caspar cg playout server
import socket

HOST = socket.gethostname()

from defaults import *

# Configured storages are mounted to /mnt/${sitename}_${idstorage}/
# By default /mnt/sitename_01/.nx/ is used to store plugins, low-res
# videos, thumbnails, reports etc.

data["storages"] = {
    1 : {
        "title"    : "production",
        "protocol" : "samba",
        "path"     : "//",
        "login"    : "nebula",
        "password" : "nebulapass"

    2 : {
        "title"    : "playout",
        "protocol" : "samba",
        "path"     : "//",
        "login"    : "nebula",
        "password" : "nebulapass"

# Currently only playout channels (type 0) are supported.

data["channels"] = {
    1 :  [0, {
        'title': 'Nebula TV',
        'engine' : 'casparcg',
        'controller_host' : 'localhost',
        'controller_port' : 42100,
        'caspar_host' : '',
        'caspar_port' : 5250,
        'caspar_channel' : 1,
        'caspar_feed_layer' : 10,
        'playout_storage' : 2,
        'playout_dir' : "media.dir",
        'playout_container' : 'mov',
        'day_start' : [8, 0],
        'send_action' : 2,
        'rundown_accepts': "asset['content_type'] == VIDEO",
        'scheduler_accepts': "asset['id_folder'] in [1, 2]",
        'fps': 25,
        'live_source' : 'DECKLINK 2 FORMAT 1080i5000',
        'plugins': [],
        'solvers': [],
        'meta_set' : [
                ('title', {}),
                ('description', {})

# Services

#         type      host  title      config path                    autostart  loop_delay

data["services"] = {
    1  : ["mesg",   HOST, "mesg",    "template/services/mesg.xml",  True,      5],
    2  : ["broker", HOST, "broker",  None,                          True,      5],
    3  : ["meta",   HOST, "meta",    None,                          True,      5],
    4  : ["play",   HOST, "play",    "template/services/play.xml",  True,      5],
    5  : ["conv",   HOST, "conv01",  None,                          True,      5],
    6  : ["psm",    HOST, "psm",     None,                          True,      30],



Messaging/logging service. One is needed for each network segment.

Relay address is the address of the configured NGINX server. All multicast status messages will be relayed to its HTTP push module and served to clients using websockets.



Playout controller.

Only id_channel parameter must be specified in the service configuration. There must not be two services controlling the same channel at the same time!



Jobs broker. One broker service is needed per site. No configuration file is needed.


Metadata extraction service. Two meta services are recommended for each site. One with no configuration file at all (scan all files) and one with the following configuration:

    <cond>asset["status"] == CREATING</cond>

This one will scan only recently changed media files, which significantly improves overal system performance.


Media transcoding service. A configuration file is optional and allows to limit service usage to perform a particular action(s).


Playout storage monitor. One psm service is needed if the site uses one or more playout channels. No configuration file is needed.


Watchfolder service creates new assets from media files.

Folder tag attributes:

  • id_storage (required)
  • path (required)
  • id_folder (default 12 - Incoming)
  • recursive (default True)
  • hidden (default False) - Ignore dotfiles
  • quarantine_time (default 10)
  • case_sensitive_exts (default False)
    <folder id_storage="1" path="media.dir"></folder>


Worker is a wrapper service, which executes given worker plugin script.

Configuration example:

<service script="dummy"/>


Advanced content analysis. This service is not yet finished and its configuration is subject of changes.


File ingest services based on Themis library. This service is not yet finished and its configuration is subject of changes.



EBU Tech 3293

EBUCore ContentGenres Czech translation

Czech translation of the EBUContentGenre thesaurus

Ircing, Pavel, 2013, LINDAT/CLARIN digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL) Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University,