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Pythonic Code!

We want to write fast, memory efficient and super readable code. Try this out:

import this

At the beginning of my career, I did not pay a lot attention to this. However, you really need this not just for efficiency but also for being able to understand pythonic code.


Unpacking and list apprehension

Beyond List Apprehension: Unpacking! Convert a range object into a list:

my_list = [*range(1,99,2)]

Use enumerate for index and value pairs:

indexed_vals_comp = [(i,val) for i, val in enumerate(vals)]
## But this is not pythonic enough! Do this:
indexed_vals_unpack = [*enumerate(vals, 1)] ## Begin index at 1 

## try unpack with map()

verbs_map = map(str.upper,verbs)
verb_uppercase =[*verbs_map]

Summerizing: you only need list apprehension if you are doing not vectorizble actions to entries in a iterator.


Boolean Indexing and Broadcasting Re-bind the IDs and the features

old_features = [*range(2,99,3)]

old_features_np = np.array(old_features)
new_features = old_features * 9

new_bindings = [(IDs[i], new_feature) for i,new_feature in enumerate(new_features)]

## Use the new bindings for new mappings
def phrase(index,i):
    return " ".join([index,"record has val",i])

phrase_map = map(phrase,new_bindings)

phrases = [*phrase_map]

Examing Run Time

IPython Magic commands are enhancements on top of normal Python syntax Prefixed by the "%" character

Try this out:


Now we focus on %timeit



After these, you can discover which codes are more efficient than others!

runs and times per run

%timeit -r9 -n12 formal_dict = dict()
%timeit -r9 -n12 literal_dict = {}

cell magic

## Anycode in this cell...

actual timings

times = %timeit -o set(my_stuff)

## times for each run

Code profiling

Profiling time consumption

Let's see the frequency and timing of each lines of a code

!pip install line_profiler

%load_ext line_profiler

## Magic command for line-by-line times

## profile a function
%lprun -f function_name function_name(arg1,arg2,agr3)

Profiling memory consumption

!pip install memory_profiler

%load_ext memory_profiler

## Magic command

## profile a function
%mprun -f function_name function_name(arg1,arg2,agr3)

Efficient Functions


new_list = [*zip(l1,l2,l3,...)] ## Note that each li is an iterable, a list can be combined with a, for example, map object.


from collections import Counter

# Use list comprehension to get each names's starting letter
starting_letters = [a[0] for a in names]

# Collect the count of names for each starting_letter
starting_letters_count = Counter(starting_letters)



from itertools import combinations

list_tup = [*combinations(obj_list,num)] ## choose num from obj_list


set methods

  • itersection()
  • difference() # a.difference(b) = a\b
  • symmetric_difference() # all elements in exactly one list
  • union()

Use built-in function for membership testing:

  • in

Eliminating Loops

Using np vectorizations, map, itertools.

Writing more efficient Loops

Move operations outside loop as much as possible:

# Collect all possible pairs using combinations()
possible_pairs = [*combinations(types, 2)]

# Create an empty list called enumerated_tuples
enumerated_tuples = []

# Add a line to append each enumerated_pair_tuple to the empty list above
for i,pair in enumerate(possible_pairs, 1):
    enumerated_pair_tuple = (i,) + pair

# Convert all tuples in enumerated_tuples to a list
enumerated_pairs = [*map(list, enumerated_tuples)]

Iterrating over Pandas Dataframe

for i,row in df.iterrows():

This is much faster than for loop with iloc

However, there is even a faster approach:

for row_namedtuple in team_wins_df.itertuples():

If we want to apply a function for each column (0) or row (1), use df.apply.

Pandas internals

Even better than apply!!!

Vectorize Operations!

win_perc_preds_loop = []

# Use a loop and .itertuples() to collect each row's predicted win percentage
for row in baseball_df.itertuples():
    runs_scored = row.RS
    runs_allowed = row.RA
    win_perc_pred = predict_win_perc(runs_scored, runs_allowed)

# Apply predict_win_perc to each row of the DataFrame
win_perc_preds_apply = baseball_df.apply(lambda row: predict_win_perc(row['RS'], row['RA']), axis=1)

# Calculate the win percentage predictions using NumPy arrays
win_perc_preds_np = predict_win_perc(baseball_df['RS'].values, baseball_df['RA'].values)
baseball_df['WP_preds'] = win_perc_preds_np
