All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Versioning based on Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 format.
- upgrade functionality.
- Help options / readme options
- upgrade feature to pull the latest release from the repo.
- obscue functionality.
- 9-groom-the-release-package-content
- previous build script/build process.
- fix : v200 version is throwing an error , path changes added.
- fix : v200 version is throwing an error
- feature : read the passphrase from a url or file when using Silent Mode.
- Intractive mode and silent mode to pass options as input parameters.
- Removed the
- Version updated based on latest release number.
- Include the License and Readme document on bin folder for each distribution.
- Nothing.
- Script version functionality from main script.
- Fix typo. (password confirmation)
- Confirm the new password when encrypting.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing
- Create a script to combine all the scripts into once script which can be executed withouth path dependencies.
- Create a build script to release the latest script.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing
- versioning info. added.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Windows loading dependencies from bash profile.
- versioning info. added.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Windows support for folders with spaces
- functionality to compress sub-folders.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- functionality to compress sub-folders.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- windows filepath with space support.