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Do you want to contribute?

This is a README for developers wanting to contribute to the MongoDB PHP driver.

Current branches

  • 1.3 is the current stable branch, critical fixes only allowed here
  • master is the development branch for new features (to become 1.4)


The official repository of this driver is on Github. When fixing a bug in the current release branch, please ensure you branch from it, and submit the Pull Request against it again. If there has been a while since you update your local fork, please ensure you rebase it properly :)

Bugfixes and Pull Requests should be filed against the lowest release branch All new development happens in master (i.e. new features, BC changes, ..).

Running the tests

To run the test, you'll have to configure the tests/utils/ file (copy the tests/utils/ to tests/ and edit it).

The testing framework bootstraps mongod environments (standalone, replicaset, sharding, authentication...) with the help of the mongo shell utility, on non-standard ports, so there is no need to worry about overwriting your local environment.

To boot up the environment run:

$ make servers

And to tear it down again, after running the tests, run:

$ make stop-servers

If you'd only like to bootup (and run) specific set of setups you can enable individual setups by defining an environment variable called MONGO_SERVER_[STANDALONE|REPLICASET|MONGOS]=yes before executing 'make servers'.

And finally, to execute the tests run:

$ make test

Writing tests

All tests

Test template for a Standalone MongoDB

Test for PHP-XYZ: The ticket title
<?php require_once "tests/utils/"; ?>
require_once "tests/utils/";

$host = MongoShellServer::getStandaloneInfo();
$mc = new MongoClient($host);

/** Write your test code here **/
<?php exit(0); ?>
** Expected output here **

Some notes about the template:

  • Please use a collection named after the ticket number (for easier tracking)
  • The exit(0); statement allows you to run the testcase standalone from the command line (without running it via run-tests.php) and see what is going on without being flooded with hundred of lines from the --EXPECTF-- section.
  • Other available skipif tests:
  • (MongoShellServer::getStandaloneInfo())
  • (MongoShellServer::getStandaloneInfo(true))
  • (MongoShellServer::getReplicasetInfo())
  • (MongoShellServer::getReplicasetInfo(true))
  • (MongoShellServer::getReplicasetInfo(true))
  • (MongoShellServer::getBridgeInfo())
  • (MongoShellServer::getShardInfo())

Code coverage

Code coverage is generated by running the test suite after having enabled coverage before compiling the driver

$ phpize
$ ./configure --enable-coverage
$ make clean all tests

Then you should have a coverage/ folder with the juicy details.