A guide to an HA deployment of Kubernetes, using Kubespray and as few cloud components as possible!
This is a conscious decision. We know life is easier in the cloud, yet we must also be able to deploy on-prem.
As such, we follow a dual approach, providing instructions for both a deployment on AWS, as well as Bare Metal for each of the respective sections below.
Note: This guide is still being refined. Feedback is welcome!
This guide is structured as follows:
- Set Up Kubernetes Host Machines
Prepare the hosts, before installing kubernetes, depending on if you’re using bare metal, virtual private servers, EC2 instances, etc.
- Requirements
A couple of basic things you’ll need to take care of before beginning to install your cluster.
- Install Kubernetes
Use the Ansible playbooks / recipes provided by the Kubespray project, in order to set up your Kubernetes cluster.
- High-Availability without AWS ELB
Even if you have an HA K8s cluster, you still need an HA way to bring traffic into your cluster. Your best option is to use one of the cloud providers' Load Balancers (e.g. AWS ELB), but what if you can’t / don’t want to?
- Set Up Persistent Storage for K8s
At some point, some apps will need some persistent storage (that can even survive K8s cluster restarts). GlusterFS is nice like that and can help you with this.
- Deploying on Kubernetes
Finally, we’ll look at how to deploy some basic apps on Kubernetes.
Let’s start by Setting Up the Hosts on which we’ll install our Kubernetes cluster!
The process of getting the hosts ready will clearly differ depending on whether you’re actually on bare metal servers, or if you’re running on some hosted servers (e.g. VPS, EC2 instances, etc.)
Docker is known to have several issues with different Linux kernel versions. One thing
we learnt (the hard way) is that One does not simply run Docker on Linux
(and expect
a production-grade system).
We would recommend you stay with one of the supported OS versions that Kubespray supports.
Namely: Ubuntu and CoreOS. We chose Ubuntu, due to previous familiarity with the distro.
Clearly, the first step after you wire up the servers on your rack is to install the operating system. In our case this was Ubuntu 16.04, so I wrote down the steps, in case you have any doubts.
EC2 (ok, and VPC) is all we’ll be using out of Amazon’s services, to ensure we can easily transfer somewhere else.
Now, you could just go on the AWS web console, start a bunch of ubuntu 16.04
tag/name them appropriately and give them to Ansible (the next step), but… why would you?
We have Terraform
for that. In fact, the
Kubespray repo even has a terraform
example for AWS ready for you!
BUT… it uses the AWS ELB and NAT gateway. Deal breakers for us here, so what are we to do but roll our own ?
Amazon’s elastic load balancer is used to bring internet traffic into your k8s cluster.
We hereby provide an HA solution that is based on the Kubernetes Service LoadBalancer.
- NAT Gateway
The Kubespray example deploys all of the Kubernetes cluster on a private subnet, meaning the EC2 instances don’t have public IPs. Amazon’s NAT gateway offers a way to NAT your traffic to a set of Elastic IPs, allowing - amongst other things - your peers to whitelist just your IPs.
We will provide a different solution to satisfy this constraint, as we can’t afford to have just any random set of IPs as the source of our traffic.
Both these will be discussed in the next section.
Now that you have some hosts ready, you can proceed with the rest of the requirements before installing your Kubernetes cluster.
The approach we will use for setting up the Kubernetes cluster is based on the kubernetes-incubator/kubespray project, with a couple of differentiations.
First of all, let’s take care of the kubespray
As explained in the
kubespray requirements doc,
you need to set up a couple of things before asking kubespray
to set up your k8s cluster.
First and foremost, you need to install Ansible on the machine that you will be using to initiate
the installation. This is probably your workstation. (On macOS, installation is as simple as
brew install ansible
- Public Key Access
Having already installed the OS and having ssh access to the servers, we’ll copy our public key to each of the target servers, for easier access:
cat ~/.ssh/<your_key>.pub #copy this value ssh root@<node> mkdir .ssh vi .ssh/authorized_keys # paste the public key #Now ensure we have enabled use of authorized_keys file vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config #uncomment the line for Authorized keys sudo service ssh restart
- IP forwarding
Follow instructions in this article to check if it’s enabled and how to do so.
- Public Key
On AWS, the public key of the EC2 key pair you will use, is automatically inserted in place for you. Nothing to do here.
A note on Python. Kubespray will handle that for you, as long as you set the
bootstrap_os variable (in group_vars/all.yml ). We’re setting up on Ubuntu, so:
bootstrap_os: ubuntu
ensures Python is now installed.
Everything ready? Great!! Let’s proceed with Installing the Kubernetes Cluster!!
Now it’s time to proceed with the installation of the actual cluster.
In order to do this, we’ll use kubespray’s
ansible playbooks, which involves two steps:
1. Telling Ansible where the playbooks will run (in Ansible terms this is called "creating the inventory")
2. Editing some options for the playbooks
This can be created using a python script (you might need to install python3
— brew install python3
by running the following set of commands, available in the
kubespray guide for building your own inventory.
If using terraform to set up your infra, this should be automatically generated for you.
See how, here.
Once you have your inventory ready (don’t forget the python interpreter setting from the previous section), it’s time to let Ansible do the heavy lifting for you.
Getting Ansible to set up your Kubernetes cluster is as simple as:
ansible-playbook \
--inventory-file=my_inventory/hosts \ # (1)
kubespray/cluster.yml # (2)
--become \ # (3)
--user=ubuntu # (4)
The inventory file (i.e. details about your hosts) that you created in the previous section.
The path to the kubespray
According to Ansible help this
run operations with become
- i.e. run withsu
The user to connect as to your kubernetes cluster hosts. I am emphasizing this because I was confused what I should use in the case that the bastion hosts have a different user than the kubernetes hosts.
Leave the efk attribute to false , as we’ll deploy our
own E(F)(L)K
Now, even though this sounds straightforward enough, I had quite some trouble getting it to work when combined with bastion hosts.
The kubespray deployment example also includes bastion hosts. The idea is you SSH into these hosts and from there (and only from there) you’re allowed to ssh into the rest of your cluster.
Make sure to set the right value in your inventory’s group_vars/all.yml
HINT: If you don’t and you’re deploying on Ubuntu 16.04, you’ll run into the
/usr/bin/python not found
error we explore below.
There is currently an
open issue about
setting up kubectl
locally by automating the process of pulling
down the keys from the first master node.
As this is not available yet, we combined some of the solutions there and came up with a couple of plays that handle that for you.
However, this is still WIP, so for the moment (PRs welcome!)
you still need to edit the ~/.kube/config
file manually, in order to:
add the IP of the master node under the clusters section
Add the
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
instead of thecertificate-authority
attribute to the cluster.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-dashboard/
amazing guide !
$ kubectl apply -f service-loadbalancer-daemonset.yaml
daemonset "service-loadbalancer" created
service "lb-service" created
# add role to as many *worker* nodes as you see fit,
# good to have at least one in each AZ
# (master nodes are unschedulable)
$ kubectl label node ip-10-139-91-136 role=loadbalancer
node "ip-10-139-91-136" labeled
$ kubectl label node ip-10-139-92-222 role=loadbalancer
node "ip-10-139-92-222" labeled
$ kubectl label node ip-10-139-93-237 role=loadbalancer
node "ip-10-139-93-237" labeled
These were pretty misleading, cause we did have SSH access. Testing manual access via SSH was fine.
You might see errors like this:
fatal: [kubernetes-mcore-gluster1]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host \"\". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh", "unreachable": true} fatal: [kubernetes-mcore-gluster0]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host \"\". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh", "unreachable": true}
We even enabled the Ansible debug logs (by using -vvv
on the command line)
and we copy-pasted the ssh
command, which worked fine outside of Ansible.
A good way to verify you are having the same problem, is by utilizing the
Ansible ping
module (available out of the box).
`ansible gfs-cluster -m ping -i my_inventory/mcore_hosts -u ubuntu` kubernetes-mcore-gluster1 | FAILED! => { "changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "rc": 127 } kubernetes-mcore-gluster0 | FAILED! => { "changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "rc": 127 }
The issue therefore was not related to SSH at all! In fact the issue
was that /usr/bin/python
was not available on the hosts.
These hosts are started from the official Ubuntu 16.04 EC2 AMIs, where only
exists is available out of the box.
There are 2 solutions:
Set the Ansible python interpreter to
E.g. like so (in your inventory file)
[all:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
Have Ansible install python 2 for you before gathering facts.
During some of the initial ansible runs, we got:
RUNNING HANDLER [kubernetes/master : Master | wait for kube-scheduler] ***********************************************************************************************************************************
Wednesday 06 September 2017 12:35:20 +0300 (0:00:00.073) 0:39:54.652 ***
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (60 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (60 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (60 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (59 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (59 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (59 retries left).
fatal: [kubernetes-mcore-master2]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 60, "changed": false, "content": "", "failed": true, "msg": "Status code was not [200]: Request failed: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>", "redirected": false, "status": -1, "url": "http://localhost:10251/healthz"}
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (13 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (12 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (1 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (11 retries left).
fatal: [kubernetes-mcore-master1]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 60, "changed": false, "content": "", "failed": true, "msg": "Status code was not [200]: Request failed: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>", "redirected": false, "status": -1, "url": "http://localhost:10251/healthz"}
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (10 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (9 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (8 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (7 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (6 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (5 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Master | wait for kube-scheduler (1 retries left).
fatal: [kubernetes-mcore-master0]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 60, "changed": false, "content": "", "failed": true, "msg": "Status code was not [200]: Request failed: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>", "redirected": false, "status": -1, "url": "http://localhost:10251/healthz"}
The problem turned out to be that the EC2 instances did not have enough
resources (we were trying out if t2.micro
would be enough in terms of memory
/ compute).
The solution was to upgrade to t2.small
Wow! You have your Kubernetes cluster set up!! Congrats!! Now, let’s look at a few Additional HA Considerations.
This section will cover how network traffic is routed in and out of the cluster in an HA way.
Of course, if you are running on AWS, the easiest option is to use your cloud provider’s features for this. Namely:
- Elastic Load Balancers
For incoming traffic into your Kubernetes cluster.
- NAT Gateway
For outgoing traffic, so that:
your traffic always appears as originating from specific IPs (useful, e.g. for firewall whitelisting)
you can keep all your EC2 instances in a private subnet (so that they don’t have a public IP) but still give them internet access.
We’ve put together some instructions for each:
Or, you may want to skip ahead to Persistent Storage for Kubernetes.
Ok, let’s decompose this into the following 3 steps:
- 1.DNS ⇒ Host
Resolve Host from DNS
- 2.Host ⇒ Kubernetes
Forward traffic from host to Kubernetes cluster
- 3.Kubernetes ⇒ Your Service
Map incoming request to your service running within Kubernetes
Our solution will be based on the Kubernetes Service LoadBalancer.
The Service LoadBalancer is essentially deployed as a Pod within the k8s cluster, so we will first need to look at how an incoming request will reach that specific pod.
This actually turns out to be much simpler than we originally thought and basically boils down to this:
Add an `A` record to your DNS with the IP of every host that you will deploy the Service LoadBalancer pod on.
By adding the multiple A
records, you are telling DNS clients to essentially round robin between the
candidate hosts.
A detailed discussion on the number of hosts you will choose to deploy it on, is slightly beyond the scope of this guide. Suffice it to say you should deploy to at least 2 hosts.
Ok, our incoming request has now reached one of the hosts. What next?
The idea is, again, quite simple:
Rather than opening a separate port on each worker node, through multiple NodePort
services (one for
each of the different services we would have running within our K8s cluster), instead, we will have a single
service, for the Service LoadBalancer.
This way, we avoid port conflicts on the host (e.g. in the case where we’re deploying multiple instances of the same app) and access control also becomes much simpler (only one firewall port needs to be opened).
Here is an example of the service definition:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: lb-service
namespace: kube-system
type: NodePort
app: service-loadbalancer
- port: 80
nodePort: 30800
name: http
- port: 443
nodePort: 30443
name: https
With this, the incoming request for app.under.my_domain.name:30800
, should now have entered the
Kubernetes cluster and we just need to find out where to route it internally.
This is finally where the Service LoadBalancer is able to do its thing. The incoming request has reached one of its pods and it now needs to look up how to route this service.
The Service LoadBalancer is actually already very powerful (even though it’s still under WIP) and
supports many different ways to do this, but we will be focusing on the Name-based virtual hosting
The Service LoadBalancer readme currently states that this is an undocumented feature, but I found it pretty easy to get it to work. |
Let’s consider an example to help you understand the differences involved.
Deploy Grafana and expose it not as NodePort
, but rather through the Service LoadBalancer’s
Name-based virtual hosting.
Here’s a great resource for how to deploy various common components into your K8s cluster. This is how Grafana is deployed there:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: grafana
namespace: monitoring
app: grafana
component: core
type: NodePort
- port: 3000
nodePort: 30000
app: grafana
component: core
This would open up port 30000
on the worker node and would forward incoming requests from that port
directly to Grafana, on port 3000
on the container its running on.
Instead, using the Service LoadBalancer, we don’t need to expose that port at all!
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: grafana
namespace: monitoring
app: grafana
component: core
serviceloadbalancer/lb.host: grafana.under.my_domain.name:30800 # (1)
# type: NodePort # (2)
- port: 3000
# nodePort: 30000 # (3)
app: grafana
component: core
Added annotation that tells the ServiceLoadbalancer to implement the virtual hosting. Note port inclusion. ; )
commented out the lines to help you spot the difference
commented out the lines to help you spot the difference
Compared to AWS ELB, this approach does not provide a solution for the health check mechanism bundled into ELB. Combined with an AWS Auto-Scaling Group, this can help you overcome node failures by automatically destroying the failed instances and starting new ones.
I am not interested in this feature for the given use case and for the time being, so we are explicitly excluding it from our scope.
Done already? You can move on to the HA NAT section.
As we mentioned above, there are 2 main reasons we are considering, for which you would need to use NAT for your outgoing network traffic.
- 1.Static Origin IPs
Your traffic always appears as originating from specific IPs (useful, e.g. for firewall whitelisting)
- 2.Private Subnets
You can keep all your EC2 instances in a private subnet (so that they don’t have a public IP) but still give them internet access through the NAT gateway.
Even though I am most certainly NOT a networks expert, from what I’ve gathered in the past couple of days, an HA NAT deployment consists of the following components:
A set of nodes that implement NAT, each with its own public static IP address (no pun intended). Internet-bound traffic from the internal network is routed to these nodes, where NAT is applied before the traffic is forwarded.
- Routing Table
A software-defined routing table for each of the private network subnets. This way the traffic from the Kubernetes nodes who are running in the private subnets can reach a suitable NAT node, so that it can then be forwarded to the internet.
- Health check & Fail-over
Some entity that monitors the NAT nodes (failures, unreachable, etc.) and modifies the above routing table, in case one of the nodes goes down.
In our particular bare metal scenario, there is actually no hard "business" need for us to provide NAT as part of our deployment. If any NATing takes place, it happens elsewhere on the network.
We are simply assigned a set of predefined public IPs for my Kubernetes cluster nodes. This solves #1. #2 is not a particular concern as there is a separate firewall (with its own set of policies).
And this leads us to the first real-world solution for implementing NAT: YAGNI! i.e. If it’s already taken care of, for you, why build it in the first place?
Even though we’ve not had the use case yet, you might! If you do need to roll your own HA NAT, here’s what to consider: 1. Who in your network does the actual NATing? 2. How is the traffic routed from the private subnets to the NAT nodes and 3. How do you monitor #1 and how do you modify #2 ? |
Once on AWS, things are always a lot simpler… and more expensive!
The most expensive solution is the AWS NAT Gateway. It covers everything you need and it only takes a few clicks (or CLI/API calls) to set it up. Therefore, it is also the simplest!
You simply create a new NAT gateway from the AWS console. Then go to the Route Table of your private subnet, which probably looks something like:
<your_private_ip_range> local
and add a single entry: <nat_gateway_id>
so that all non-local traffic will now go through the NAT gateway.
You will need one NAT gateway per AZ, so you’ll need to repeat this process if you have a different private subnet per AZ. |
This solution is a sort of a roll-your-own, but-with-Amazon’s-help type of solution and boils down to the following:
- 1.NAT Instances
Deploy an off-the-shelf NAT Instance (meaning they give you the AMI you need) per AZ.
- 2.Route Table
Add an entry to the route table of each private subnet towards the EC2 instance id of the NAT instance in the same AZ as the subnet.
- 3.Health-Check
Use the EC2 instance
User Data
to add a bash script that allows the NAT instances to monitor each other.
The approach is described in detail in a (rather old) AWS article.
Even though considerably cheaper, there are 2 important caveats to this approach from our experience. |
There is some sort of bug in the
script that can lead to both NAT instances reaching aSTOPPED
state. All it takes is a simple "start" to get them going, but we did get bit hard by this and we did have to install appropriate monitors in place. -
When picking the EC2 instance size for your NAT instance, you’ll be inclined to just go with
. Do take into account that the smaller instances have a considerably lower network bandwidth, so if you are experiencing some sort of bottleneck that you can’t trace on the rest of your infra, you’ll want to test that too!
Awesome! Now, time for the final piece of the puzzle: Persistent Storage for Kubernetes.
There’s a whole bunch of applications that store data you really, absolutely, definitely, 100% won’t want to lose. For those apps, you’ll need to have Kubernetes assign them some persistent storage.
Before moving on, please make yourself familiar with the storage options offered by Kubernetes:
Depending on your deployment environment (Public Cloud, Private Cloud, or bare metal on-prem installation), you will need to select a suitable https://kubernetes .io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#storageclasses[Backing Storage type].
Awesome! After all that reading, let’s get back to hands on:
Even though originally, we wanted no dependency on AWS, for our persistent storage of our Elasticsearch cluster, we will use dynamically provisioned AWS EBS volumes.
on the command line, this is set as --cloud-provider=aws
, but kubespray
also has an option in its all.yml
properties file, so you’ll need to set:
cloud_provider: aws
(note the _
vs -
in the different way the var is set).
Without this attribute, even if you have created the StorageClass (see below)
you will get "no volume plugin matched" errors
in the kube-controller-manager logs (took me a while to find out where
these logs are…)
This is enabled by adding a plugin for provisioning volumes. This
comes in the form of a StorageClass
Here is an example:
kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
name: ebs
provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
type: gp2
zones: eu-west-1a, eu-west-1b, eu-west-1c
GlusterFS is not recommended for deploying Elasticsearch. Here’s some more info on that: link1, and link2. The only approach we found that sounded close to what we want is link3 but we had no time to look into this in more detail. |
Create a logical volume with 100GB to each server with the following command:
sudo lvcreate -L 100g <name-of the-volume-group>
The name of the volume group can be retrieved with the following command under VG column:
sudo lvs
Here’s how to do that on the command-line:
sudo vgcreate worker3 /dev/xvdf
sudo lvcreate -L 9g worker3
Add the volume disk id, on the same line, for each host in your glusterfs cluster inventory:
e.g. disk_volume_device_1=/dev/mapper/ent—vg-lvol0
Sample inventory:
[all] pegasus ansible_host= ip= disk_volume_device_1=/dev/mapper/pegasus--vg-lvol0 ent ansible_host= ip= disk_volume_device_1=/dev/mapper/ent--vg-lvol0
[gfs-cluster] kube-node [network-storage:children] gfs-cluster
Basically, for each Kubernetes PV you want to add to glusterFS, you will need to follow this procedure:
Add extra EBS volumes and attach them to existing EC2 instances (Similarly need extra LVMs, on bare metal)
Add the device mapping to ansible inventory, incrementing the
As long as your container is running under root
, you’re fine.
Alas, that’s not the case for all containers (hello Elasticsearch!).
We have encountered what seems to be a pretty common issue, as you can see from the following links:
One solution:
set owner / group id on the gluster volume and on the node set Access Control Lists.
Second solution:
chown ???
third solution:
gluster volume set $VOLUME allow-insecure on
In the end, we managed to overcome this by using both the below on the PVC:
pv.beta.kubernetes.io/gid: "1234"
AND adding the following security context on the spec
of the Pod
(not the container) that is using the PVC
supplementalGroups: [1000]
fsGroup: 1000
With all this done, you’re now ready to start Deploying on Kubernetes!