This is a listing of behaviors that are needed on the front end broken down by component and page they exist on.
This is the shell of the program. Once past the landing page this is the top level component that has a navbar and that renders any children that the router gives it. The potential components it would render would be the users profile page, edit profile page, and a book detail page.
- Current logged in user's id
- Current logged in user's queue
- Current logged in user's favorites
- Add/Remove book from Queue
- Add/Remove book from Favorites
This component shows off a users profile. On initial load this will be the logged in users profile, but by the user navigating through their friends the profile component would need to display other users.
- The information for the current user it is looking at. It is going to be a challenge to learn how to have this component go from looking at one user to another
- Be able to click any book and go to the Book component
- componentDidMount() As soon as this component mounts it is going to make a get request to collect the user that it needs to display. It is going to know what the user is by reading the
. The route that renders this component must have a path of'/user/:userId'
This component is responsible for showing a book cover, author and details. The user would arrive to this page by clicking a book from a user profile or from a search done through the app navbar/
- The details of the book that is being viewed
- Add a book to Queue
- Add a book to Favorites
- componentDidMount() As soon as this component mounts it is going to make a get request to get the info for the book that it needs to view. It knows what book to render by reading the
. The route that renders this component needs to have a path of'/book/:bookId'
The component responsible with helping the user manage their queue and their favorites.
- None all of its state comes from the App component which keeps track of the currently logged in users queue and favorites.
- Add/Remove a book to Queue
- Add/Remove a book to Favortes