diff --git a/datumaro/plugins/lfw_format.py b/datumaro/plugins/lfw_format.py
index 6bf3d4a9b6..e78ee15736 100644
--- a/datumaro/plugins/lfw_format.py
+++ b/datumaro/plugins/lfw_format.py
@@ -65,13 +65,12 @@ def _load_items(self, path):
         items = {}
         label_categories = self._categories.get(AnnotationType.label)
+        images = {}
         if osp.isdir(self._images_dir):
             images = {
-                osp.splitext(osp.relpath(p, self._images_dir))[0].replace("\\", "/"): p
+                osp.splitext(osp.relpath(p, self._images_dir))[0].replace("\\", "/"): Image(path=p)
                 for p in find_images(self._images_dir, recursive=True)
-        else:
-            images = {}
         with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
@@ -85,51 +84,47 @@ def get_label_id(label_name):
             for line in f:
                 pair = line.strip().split("\t")
                 if len(pair) == 1 and pair[0] != "":
                     annotations = []
                     image = pair[0]
                     item_id = pair[0]
                     objects = item_id.split("/")
                     if 1 < len(objects):
                         label_name = objects[0]
                         label = get_label_id(label_name)
                         if label is not None:
                             item_id = item_id[len(label_name) + 1 :]
-                    if item_id not in items:
-                        image = images.get(item_id)
-                        if image:
-                            image = Image(path=image)
+                    if item_id not in items:
                         items[item_id] = DatasetItem(
-                            id=item_id, subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=annotations
+                            id=item_id,
+                            subset=self._subset,
+                            media=images.get(image),
+                            annotations=annotations,
                 elif len(pair) == 3:
                     image1, id1 = self.get_image_name(pair[0], pair[1])
                     image2, id2 = self.get_image_name(pair[0], pair[2])
                     label = get_label_id(pair[0])
                     if id1 not in items:
-                        annotations = []
-                        annotations.append(Label(label))
-                        image = images.get(image1)
-                        if image:
-                            image = Image(path=image)
                         items[id1] = DatasetItem(
-                            id=id1, subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=annotations
+                            id=id1,
+                            subset=self._subset,
+                            media=images.get(image1),
+                            annotations=[Label(label)],
-                    if id2 not in items:
-                        annotations = []
-                        annotations.append(Label(label))
-                        image = images.get(image2)
-                        if image:
-                            image = Image(path=image)
+                    if id2 not in items:
                         items[id2] = DatasetItem(
-                            id=id2, subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=annotations
+                            id=id2,
+                            subset=self._subset,
+                            media=images.get(image2),
+                            annotations=[Label(label)],
                     # pairs form a directed graph
@@ -139,35 +134,32 @@ def get_label_id(label_name):
                 elif len(pair) == 4:
                     image1, id1 = self.get_image_name(pair[0], pair[1])
                     if pair[2] == "-":
-                        image2 = pair[3]
-                        id2 = pair[3]
+                        image2, id2 = pair[3], pair[3]
                         image2, id2 = self.get_image_name(pair[2], pair[3])
                     if id1 not in items:
-                        annotations = []
                         label = get_label_id(pair[0])
-                        annotations.append(Label(label))
-                        image = images.get(image1)
-                        if image:
-                            image = Image(path=image)
                         items[id1] = DatasetItem(
-                            id=id1, subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=annotations
+                            id=id1,
+                            subset=self._subset,
+                            media=images.get(image1),
+                            annotations=[Label(label)],
                     if id2 not in items:
                         annotations = []
                         if pair[2] != "-":
                             label = get_label_id(pair[2])
-                        image = images.get(image2)
-                        if image:
-                            image = Image(path=image)
                         items[id2] = DatasetItem(
-                            id=id2, subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=annotations
+                            id=id2,
+                            subset=self._subset,
+                            media=images.get(image2),
+                            annotations=annotations,
                     # pairs form a directed graph
@@ -179,24 +171,35 @@ def get_label_id(label_name):
         if osp.isfile(landmarks_file):
             with open(landmarks_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
                 for line in f:
-                    line = line.split("\t")
+                    line_parts = line.split("\t")
+                    item_id = osp.splitext(line_parts[0])[0]
-                    item_id = osp.splitext(line[0])[0]
                     objects = item_id.split("/")
-                    if 1 < len(objects):
-                        label_name = objects[0]
-                        label = get_label_id(label_name)
-                        if label is not None:
-                            item_id = item_id[len(label_name) + 1 :]
+                    label_name = objects[0] if 1 < len(objects) else ""
+                    label = get_label_id(label_name)
+                    if label is not None:
+                        item_id = item_id[len(label_name) + 1 :]
                     if item_id not in items:
                         items[item_id] = DatasetItem(
-                            image=osp.join(self._images_dir, line[0]),
+                            image=Image(path=osp.join(self._images_dir, line_parts[0])),
                     annotations = items[item_id].annotations
-                    annotations.append(Points([float(p) for p in line[1:]], label=label))
+                    annotations.append(Points([float(p) for p in line_parts[1:]], label=label))
+        labeled_images = set(
+            item.media.path
+            for item in items.values()
+            if getattr(item.media, "path", None) is not None
+        )
+        for image_name, image in images.items():
+            if image.path in labeled_images:
+                continue
+            items[image_name] = DatasetItem(id=image_name, subset=self._subset, image=image)
         return items
@@ -241,90 +244,94 @@ def apply(self):
             label_categories = self._extractor.categories()[AnnotationType.label]
             labels = {label.name: 0 for label in label_categories}
+            unlabeled_items = []
+            neutral_items = []
+            included_items = []
             positive_pairs = []
             negative_pairs = []
-            neutral_items = []
             landmarks = []
-            included_items = []
             for item in subset:
-                anns = [ann for ann in item.annotations if ann.type == AnnotationType.label]
-                label, label_name = None, None
-                if anns:
-                    label = anns[0]
-                    label_name = label_categories[anns[0].label].name
-                    labels[label_name] += 1
+                label_annotations = [
+                    ann for ann in item.annotations if ann.type == AnnotationType.label
+                ]
+                if not label_annotations:
+                    unlabeled_items.append(item)
+                    continue
+                label_obj = label_annotations[0]
+                label_name = label_categories[label_obj.label].name
+                labels[label_name] += 1
                 if self._save_media and item.media:
-                    subdir = osp.join(subset_name, LfwPath.IMAGES_DIR)
-                    if label_name:
-                        subdir = osp.join(subdir, label_name)
+                    subdir = osp.join(subset_name, LfwPath.IMAGES_DIR, label_name)
                     self._save_image(item, subdir=subdir)
-                if label is not None:
-                    person1 = label_name
-                    num1 = item.id
-                    if num1.startswith(person1):
-                        num1 = int(num1.replace(person1, "")[1:])
-                    curr_item = person1 + "/" + str(num1)
+                person1 = label_name
+                num1 = item.id
+                if num1.startswith(person1):
+                    num1 = int(num1.replace(person1, "")[1:])
+                curr_item = person1 + "/" + str(num1)
-                    if "positive_pairs" in label.attributes:
+                if "positive_pairs" in label_obj.attributes:
+                    if curr_item not in included_items:
+                        included_items.append(curr_item)
+                    for pair in label_obj.attributes["positive_pairs"]:
+                        search = LfwPath.PATTERN.search(pair)
+                        if search:
+                            num2 = search.groups()[1]
+                            num2 = int(num2)
+                        else:
+                            num2 = pair
+                            if num2.startswith(person1):
+                                num2 = num2.replace(person1, "")[1:]
+                        curr_item = person1 + "/" + str(num2)
                         if curr_item not in included_items:
-                        for pair in label.attributes["positive_pairs"]:
-                            search = LfwPath.PATTERN.search(pair)
-                            if search:
-                                num2 = search.groups()[1]
-                                num2 = int(num2)
-                            else:
-                                num2 = pair
-                                if num2.startswith(person1):
-                                    num2 = num2.replace(person1, "")[1:]
-                            curr_item = person1 + "/" + str(num2)
-                            if curr_item not in included_items:
-                                included_items.append(curr_item)
-                            positive_pairs.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (person1, num1, num2))
-                    if "negative_pairs" in label.attributes:
+                        positive_pairs.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (person1, num1, num2))
+                if "negative_pairs" in label_obj.attributes:
+                    if curr_item not in included_items:
+                        included_items.append(curr_item)
+                    for pair in label_obj.attributes["negative_pairs"]:
+                        search = LfwPath.PATTERN.search(pair)
+                        curr_item = ""
+                        if search:
+                            person2, num2 = search.groups()
+                            num2 = int(num2)
+                            curr_item += person2 + "/"
+                        else:
+                            person2 = "-"
+                            num2 = pair
+                            objects = pair.split("/")
+                            if 1 < len(objects) and objects[0] in labels:
+                                person2 = objects[0]
+                                num2 = pair.replace(person2, "")[1:]
+                                curr_item += person2 + "/"
+                        curr_item += str(num2)
                         if curr_item not in included_items:
-                        for pair in label.attributes["negative_pairs"]:
-                            search = LfwPath.PATTERN.search(pair)
-                            curr_item = ""
-                            if search:
-                                person2, num2 = search.groups()
-                                num2 = int(num2)
-                                curr_item += person2 + "/"
-                            else:
-                                person2 = "-"
-                                num2 = pair
-                                objects = pair.split("/")
-                                if 1 < len(objects) and objects[0] in labels:
-                                    person2 = objects[0]
-                                    num2 = pair.replace(person2, "")[1:]
-                                    curr_item += person2 + "/"
-                            curr_item += str(num2)
-                            if curr_item not in included_items:
-                                included_items.append(curr_item)
-                            negative_pairs.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (person1, num1, person2, num2))
-                    if (
-                        "positive_pairs" not in label.attributes
-                        and "negative_pairs" not in label.attributes
-                        and curr_item not in included_items
-                    ):
-                        neutral_items.append("%s/%s" % (person1, item.id))
-                        included_items.append(curr_item)
+                        negative_pairs.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (person1, num1, person2, num2))
-                elif item.id not in included_items:
-                    neutral_items.append(item.id)
-                    included_items.append(item.id)
+                if (
+                    "positive_pairs" not in label_obj.attributes
+                    and "negative_pairs" not in label_obj.attributes
+                    and curr_item not in included_items
+                ):
+                    neutral_items.append("%s/%s" % (person1, item.id))
+                    included_items.append(curr_item)
                 item_landmarks = [p for p in item.annotations if p.type == AnnotationType.points]
                 for landmark in item_landmarks:
+                    label_name = label_categories[landmark.label].name
-                        "%s\t%s"
-                        % (item.id + LfwPath.IMAGE_EXT, "\t".join(str(p) for p in landmark.points))
+                        "%s/%s\t%s"
+                        % (
+                            label_name,
+                            item.id + LfwPath.IMAGE_EXT,
+                            "\t".join(str(p) for p in landmark.points),
+                        )
             annotations_dir = osp.join(self._save_dir, subset_name, LfwPath.ANNOTATION_DIR)
@@ -344,3 +351,7 @@ def apply(self):
                 people_file = osp.join(annotations_dir, LfwPath.PEOPLE_FILE)
                 with open(people_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                     f.writelines(["%s\t%d\n" % (label, labels[label]) for label in labels])
+            if unlabeled_items and self._save_media:
+                for item in unlabeled_items:
+                    self._save_image(item, subdir=osp.join(item.subset, LfwPath.IMAGES_DIR))
diff --git a/tests/test_lfw_format.py b/tests/test_lfw_format.py
index c9f492cc71..da180dad86 100644
--- a/tests/test_lfw_format.py
+++ b/tests/test_lfw_format.py
@@ -143,6 +143,38 @@ def test_can_save_and_load_with_landmarks(self):
             compare_datasets(self, source_dataset, parsed_dataset)
+    @mark_requirement(Requirements.DATUM_GENERAL_REQ)
+    def test_can_save_and_load_with_only_landmarks(self):
+        source_dataset = Dataset.from_iterable(
+            [
+                DatasetItem(
+                    id="name0_0001",
+                    subset="test",
+                    media=Image(data=np.ones((2, 5, 3))),
+                    annotations=[
+                        Points([0, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0, 3, 0], label=0),
+                    ],
+                ),
+            ],
+            categories=["name0"],
+        )
+        target_dataset = Dataset.from_iterable(
+            [
+                DatasetItem(
+                    id="name0_0001",
+                    subset="test",
+                    media=Image(data=np.ones((2, 5, 3))),
+                ),
+            ],
+            categories=["name0"],
+        )
+        LfwConverter.convert(source_dataset, "./lfw", save_media=True)
+        parsed_dataset = Dataset.import_from("./lfw", "lfw")
+        compare_datasets(self, parsed_dataset, target_dataset)
     def test_can_save_and_load_with_no_subsets(self):
         source_dataset = Dataset.from_iterable(