Resume.js is a simple CLI process manager to manager your node processes,and auto restart your process when exit.
[sudo] npm install -g cli-resumejs
Resume.js let you manage your processes with commands,which communicate with different processes base on UNIX domain socket.
We can use resume -h to get all commands support
resume -h
Usage: resume resume [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-r, --run <filename> run a process which will resume itself when broke.
-l, --list list all processes.
-R, --restart <pid> restart a running process.
-s, --stop <pid> stop a running process
-L, --log <ppid> show the log of a resume process
$ resume -r ./serverA.js
$ resume -r ./serverB.js
$ resume -l
Run a node process with resume.js with -r command
resume -r ./example.js
Then we can list our processes with -l command
resume -l
PID | PPID | Process Name | Start Time | Log File
-------| ------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------
1030 | 1026 | ./example.js | 02 2014 17:50:55 | /Users/cson/.resume/log/1414921836441.log
1036 | 1028 | ./example2.js | 02 2014 17:55:52 | /Users/cson/.resume/log/1414921836782.log
Use -R command to restart a process
resume -R 1030
Restart progress 1030 success!
Use -s command to stop a process
resume -s 1036
Stop progress 1036 success!
We can also show the log of a process with -L command
resume -L 975
Sun Nov 02 2014 17:40:58 GMT+0800 (HKT)
Run child process ../example/example.js(968) success!
Sun Nov 02 2014 17:41:19 GMT+0800 (HKT)
child process ../example/example.js(968) exit!
Sun Nov 02 2014 17:41:19 GMT+0800 (HKT)
Restart child process ../example/example.js(971)
Sun Nov 02 2014 17:41:48 GMT+0800 (HKT)
child process ../example/example.js(971) exit!
Sun Nov 02 2014 17:41:48 GMT+0800 (HKT)
Restart child process ../example/example.js(975)
When your process exit ,resume.js will auto restart it ,let your prcess run forever.
Firstly,list all processes:
resume -l
PID | PPID | Process Name | Start Time | Log File
-------| ------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------
1030 | 1026 | ./example.js | 02 2014 17:50:55 | /Users/cson/.resume/log/1414921836441.log
Then we kill the process with kill command:
kill -s SIGKILL 1030
Fianlly,list all processes again,and we will see the process has auto restarted:
PID | PPID | Process Name | Start Time | Log File
-------| ------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------
1053 | 1026 | ./example.js | 02 2014 18:09:01 | /Users/cson/.resume/log/1414921836441.log