A QGIS Processing script to implement FwDET v2.1
Tested against QGIS 3.34.5
download and install the QGIS version shown above (other versions may also work) and ensure you have the GRASS processing provider enabled.
download processing_scripts/fwdet_21.py script to your local machine
In the QGIS Processing Toolbox, select the python icon drop down , and
Add Script to Toolbox...
then point to the downloaded script. This should load new algorithms to the Scripts/FwDET
group on the Processing Toolbox.
Instructions are provided on the algorithm dialog
Example DEM and inundation polygon are provided in the test_case\PeeDee folder (see Issue #12).
create a virtual environment from the supported QGIS version and the ./requirements.txt
- verify that the filtering/smoothing operations match the ArcPy equivalents
- could not find a QGIS pre-installed equivalent to ArcPy's CostAllocation. Instead, we use
which provides a similar result with a neutral cost surface. This is also quite slow. A better alternative would use WhiteBoxTools; however, this adds a dependency. - the algorithm is sensitive to tiny holes in the inundation polygon. These could be fixed through pre-processing to remove small holes.
- did not test a coastal scenario