There is a virtual machine image available for download from
The repository owners are attempting to maintain this machine for quick deployment of a development / research environment for this project.
#Running Install Script To get the machine up and running, run the script located here:
There is a script which automatically clones this script located in /root/
If Git does not clone it properly, run: git config --global http.sslVerify false
This should allow you to clone the script properly. It will automatically copy it to /home/osmhistory/
Password for both root and osmhistory is “osm”
Now you can just run /home/osmhistory/
and the machine should build itself...
#Enabling Shared Folders: In virtualbox, setup a shared folder pointing to your osm-history2 directory (or parent directory).
Then install guest tools with:
zypper in virtualbox-ose-guest-tools
Ignore the repositories that don't have it with (i), once installed, run this to activate it:
modprobe vboxsf
Make a folder you want to link:
mkdir /home/share
To mount the folder do:
mount -t vboxsf {name of folder} /home/share
The host folder now appears at /home/share/ You can use the host for editing, version control, etc, and then just switch over to the VM for running tests and scripts.
To have this done automagically, put the following lines into /etc/init.d/after.local
modprobe vboxsf
mount -t vboxsf {name of folder} /home/share
/etc/init.d/mongodb start
##Before you can shutdown the machine, be sure to run mongod --shutdown
as root! Then you can run shutdown now
to power off the machine
#First Time Startup: Manually
(Latest update: These apply to current VM version 1.3.14) ##Tools & Environment
####Gain Root access: su Current password is 'osm'
####Enable Shared Library export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
####Disable SSL Verification on Git: git config --global http.sslVerify false
####Install protobuf 2.6.0 from source: cd /home/osmhistory/protobuf-2.6.0 ./ ./configure make && make install
####Build protobuf-c from source: cd /home/osmhistory/protobuf-c-master
make && make install
####Install the OSM-Binary headers: cd /home/osmhistory/OSM-binary-master cd src make && make install
####Build Osmium:
cd /home/osmhistory/osmium-master
make install
Optionally, run tests
27 ok, 0 compile error, 1 fail
####Install osm-history-splitter
cd /home/osmhistory/osm-history-splitter-master
make clean
make install
##Ruby Perform a new install of Ruby with zypper, this seems to enable Ruby to find the previously installed headers easier...
zypper in ruby-devel
It will scream about not finding ruby in the first two repositories it searches, use i
to ignore, then y
to install when it finds it...
###Install Gems:
gem install bundler
gem install mongo
gem install bson
gem install bson_ext
gem install pbf_parser
gem install rgeo
gem install nori
gem install nokogiri -v 1.5.0
(Will find appropriate versions of these gems to lock them in -- also, not entirely sure bundler is necessary because it's not working as it should...)
#Running the Server
##Start Mongo /etc/init.d/mongodb start
This should be integrated into a startup script.
#Running the Application
Unfortunately, the version of osm-history2 which is in the VM is configured for ssh, so first delete it, then reclone it.
cd /home/osmhistory
rm -r osm-history2
git clone
cd osm-history2
##Import a new file? rake new analysis_windows/nic_test.yml