I am going to attempt to document every step required to get osm-history2 up and running on a clean install of Mavericks
###1. Install the install tools Install homebrew. Easy to do from terminal with:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
This process will also walk you through installing command-line tools for Xcode.
Next install git and mongodb:
$ brew install git
$ brew install mongodb
To test mongodb, launch a server $ sudo mongod
. If this fails, you probably need to make a /data/db
directory for mongo to use. Once this is done, you should be able to connect to it with ````$ mongo```
###2. The Tools
The main tool we need, osm-history-splitter, has many dependencies:
###Osmium Osmium Github Repository. I did not test each of these, I just installed them all just to be safe.
$ brew install boost
$ brew install lzlib
$ brew install shapelib
$ brew install libgd
$ brew install gdal
At this point, brew had some questions about my Python installation, I followed the instructions provided by brew to put Homebrew's site-packages into the sys.path used by Python.
I also modified my $PATH
to put /usr/local/bin
before /usr/bin
so that Homebrew's links ran before system defaults. (This was prompted by brew doctor
*I do not know if libgd
actually did what I think it did... but it didn't break anything yet, so I'm rolling with it.
$ brew install expat
Mac OS X already has expat 1.5, so I had to brew link --force expat
to override it.
$ brew install geos # => geos-3.4.2 already installed
I suppose this is good -- probably happened with GDAL.
$ brew install google-sparsehash
$ brew install v8
This may install an incompatible version of v8 for osmium, but it's working thus far... so rolling with it.
$ brew install protobuf-c
$ brew install doxygen
Next, OSM-Binary is required. Nothing fancy here, just clone the repository and follow the instructions found in the README (copied below)
$ git clone https://github.com/scrosby/OSM-binary.git
$ cd OSM-Binary
$ make -C src
$ make -C src install
At this point, I attempted to install Osmium (per instructions in the README)
$ git clone https://github.com/joto/osmium.git
$ cd osmium
$ sudo make install
$ make clean
Run the tests?
$ cd test
$ ./run_tests.sh
I had 27 tests ok and 1 compile error, I think it was a BOOST error, and I did not install libboost-test, so we'll just assume that's what happened...
###3. osm-history-splitter Now that dependencies are installed, lets install osm-history-splitter
$ git clone https://github.com/MaZderMind/osm-history-splitter.git
$ cd osm-history-splitter
$ make
Run tests:
$ ./osm-history-splitter test/version-two-node-after.osh test/test.config
It ran!
###4. osm-history2
$ git clone https://github.com/rsoden/osm-history2.git
$ cd osm-history2
$ cp sample-config.yml config.yml
- Update the location of your osm-history-splitter tool in the config file.
###Ruby $ sudo gem install bundler $ bundle install
This may crash, if it does, then you should just install each gem by hand. I think the issue here lies with the bundler not being able to find the appropriate header files which we just spent so much time installing.
I did the following things as troubleshooting steps, somewhere in there, something worked:
$ brew info protobuf-c
showed it was missing pkg-config
, so I $ brew install pkg-config
I then over-rode system Ruby (probably a good idea anyways)
$ brew install rbenv
Follow those instructions, updated to Ruby 2.1.3, hoping it would force all gems to see new header files.
Fail, downgrade to previous dev environment: 2.0.0p247
$ rbenv install 2.0.0-p247
$ rbenv global 2.0.0
In the event the bundler is unable to handle each of the previous gems, you now have a better ruby version manager and can begin the fun gem install process...
$ gem install mongo
$ gem install bson
$ gem install bson_ext
$ gem install rgeo
$ gem install nori
$ gem install nokogiri
$ gem install rspec
$ gem install debugger
Ultimately, clone from github.com/planas/pbf_parser and then gem build pbf_parser.gemspec
and then gem install pbf_parser
. This worked for me... hope it works for you!