- Installed ImageMagick
- ImageMagick will take a multi page PDF and convert it into 1 page per image. So we will not have any issues with needing to explode PDFs
- Two folders inside BackendInternals inputPDF and SlidesDump convert.py takes the name of a file in inputPDF converts it to a jpg and dumps it into SlidesDump
- Right now the web server (apache) is just pointed at /home/goodwin/dds2/ should probably fix that
- Created front-end admin UI for dds
- http://www.simonbattersby.com/blog/simple-jquery-image-crossfade/
- This is the best cross fade solution I have seen so far, will require re-working how we handle images. will * NOT * work with HTML. If that is still in the works.
- Added uploading (VERY BASIC)
- Changed Apache's upload limit to 20MB -- we need to puppet this
- https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/apache
- Convert script is up, uses paths from my local laptop
- Next goal is to move to a more production like environment
- Added mysql to stack, created a db creation script