Implemented in Java for simple interactions with a URLFrontier server
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/urlfrontier-client*.jar
Usage: Client [-hV] [-p=NUM] [-t=STRING] [COMMAND]
Interacts with a URL Frontier from the command line
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-p, --port=NUM URL Frontier port (default to 7071)
-t, --host=STRING URL Frontier hostname (defaults to 'localhost')
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
ListNodes Prints out list of nodes forming the cluster
ListQueues Prints out active queues
ListCrawls Prints out list of crawls
GetStats Prints out stats from the Frontier
PutURLs Send URLs from a file into a Frontier
GetURLs Get URLs from a Frontier and display in the standard output
SetActive Pause or resume the Frontier
GetActive Check whether the Frontier has been paused
DeleteQueue Delete a queue from the Frontier
DeleteCrawl Delete an entire crawl from the Frontier
SetLogLevel Change the log level of a package in the Frontier service