Overview |
Prerequisites |
Design |
Development |
Optional |
In this section you will create a Lambda function to execute the business logic of the WhereBot. The code will call the reverse geocode API to provide a description of the general area of the person being tracked.
Task: You will create and upload a zip file to populate a new Lambda function named "lex-wherebot" using Node.js 8.10. You will enter your APP ID and APP Code from your HERE developer account as environment variables. You will test the function.
Step-by-step instructions (expand for details)
- On your computer, create the following text files with provided content in a new, empty folder:
(expand for content)
{ "name": "demo", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "request": "^2.0.0" } }
(expand for content)
'use strict'; const request = require('request'); function formatResponse(sessionAttributes, fulfillmentState, location) { var chatReply = "Not able to locate!"; if (location) { chatReply = location; } var message = {'contentType': 'PlainText', 'content': chatReply}; return { sessionAttributes, dialogAction: { type: 'Close', fulfillmentState, message, }, }; } // Get the coordinates for a person by name // Coordinates are hard-coded for demo purposes function getTrackablePersonLocation(name) { var coords = null; switch(name) { case 'mike': coords = '33.448,-112.074'; // Phoenix break; case 'nic': coords = '37.866,-122.275'; // Berkeley break; case 'jay': coords = '47.612,-122.332'; // Seattle break; case 'richard': coords = '52.520,13.404'; // Berlin break; default: coords = null; // for demo purposes we only, no error handling } return coords; } // --------------- Events ----------------------- function dispatch(intentRequest, callback) { console.log(`dispatch userId=${intentRequest.userId}, intentName=${intentRequest.currentIntent.name}`); const APP_ID = process.env.APP_ID; // HERE APP ID stored in environment variables const APP_CODE = process.env.APP_CODE; // HERE APP Code stored in environment variables const sessionAttributes = intentRequest.sessionAttributes; const slots = intentRequest.currentIntent.slots; const trackablePerson = slots.slotOne.toLowerCase(); var formattedResponse = null; var prox = getTrackablePersonLocation(trackablePerson); if (prox) { const url = 'https://reverse.geocoder.api.here.com/6.2/reversegeocode.json' + '?app_id=' + APP_ID + '&app_code=' + APP_CODE + '&prox=' + prox + '&mode=retrieveAreas&maxresults=1&gen=9'; request(url, { json: true }, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { return console.log('err: ', err); } console.log('statusCode:', res && res.statusCode); console.log('body: ', JSON.stringify(body)); var location = body.Response.View[0].Result[0].Location.Address.Label; formattedResponse = formatResponse(sessionAttributes, 'Fulfilled', location); callback(formattedResponse); }); } else { formattedResponse = formatResponse(sessionAttributes, 'Fulfilled', null); } } // --------------- Main handler ----------------------- exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { try { dispatch(event, (response) => { callback(null, response); }); } catch (err) { callback(err); } };
Be sure to review the code of index.js. It contains the call to the reverse geocoder API from HERE.
In a console, in the same directory of the new files, execute an npm install command
npm install
Zip the contents of the folder (index.js, package.json, node_modules) for use in a later step.
Sign in to the AWS console with your developer account at https://console.aws.amazon.com. Under AWS services, type "Lambda", then select Lambda:
Select the Create function button, choose Author from scratch, and then apply the following values:
- Function name: lex-wherebot
- Runtime: Node.js 8.10
After selecting the Create function you are now ready to configure the function.
In the Configuration tab, in the Function code section, under Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file. When prompted, select the zip file you created.
After the zip has loaded, you should now see the code.
In the Environment variables section, add "APP_CODE" and "APP_ID" (exactly as shown) keys corresponding with values from your HERE developer account (prereqs).
Select Save button in upper right of screen.
To the left of the Test button, select Configure test events from the dropdown menu. Select Create new test event, type "TestWhereBot" for Event name, and add the following JSON:
{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "invocationSource": "FulfillmentCodeHook", "userId": "user-1", "sessionAttributes": {}, "bot": { "name": "WhereBot", "alias": "$LATEST", "version": "$LATEST" }, "outputDialogMode": "Text", "currentIntent": { "name": "assetlocaion", "slots": { "slotOne": "Nic" }, "confirmationStatus": "None" } }
The structure of the JSON is suited for mock input from your Lex WhereBot. It provides the value of "Nic" for slotOne for testing.
After selecting Create button, you are ready to test!
Select the Test button with TestWhereBot selected in the dropdown menu.
You should see results similar to this output:
You have successfully created and tested your lambda function.
Task: You will return to the Amazon Lex service and modify "WhereBot" to use the lambda function you created. You will test your bot to confirm it is successfully using the lambda function.
Step-by-step instructions (expand for details)
Return to the "WhereBot" you created in the Amazon Lex service. If you don't know how to navigate there, just access AWS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com. Under AWS services, type "Lex", then select Amazon Lex:
Select "WhereBot"
In the Fulfillment section, select AWS Lambda function and select lex-wherebot from dropdown menu
If you see a dialogue box appear requesting to give permission to Amazon Lex to invoke your function, select OK
Select the Build button at top of page and wait for success.
Expand the Test bot panel on righ side of screen and type "Where" in the textbox with the watermark of Chat with your bot... When prompted for Who?, type "Michael".
The values returned are processed from the lambda function.
Select Clear chat history and type "Where is Richard"
The values returned are processed from the lambda function.
You have successfully completed integration and testing of the lambda function in your Lex service.
You are have completed the required sections of this workshop!
You are now ready to proceed to the next step.