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127 lines (87 loc) · 6.5 KB

File metadata and controls

127 lines (87 loc) · 6.5 KB

Technodactyl Studios presents their debut game:


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Dinorun is a side scrolling platform game where the levels are procedurally generated based on audio files uploaded by the user.

It's built as a single page application, with a responsive design. It is played using the keyboard and also has touch screen controls so can be played on phone or tablet devices.

The levels and scores are stored in a PSQL database, with the top three scores for the current level are displayed on the end screen.


This project was originally a Makers Academy final project, which I have exported and modifed. To see the original repository, please click here.

How to Install


The application has been developed using Ruby v2.6.5, Ruby on Rails v6.0.2.2, and PostgreSQL 12.1. Therefore, to setup the application please ensure you have the Homebrew package manager the following installed:

  • Ruby v2.6.5 (can be installed from the terminal using the ruby package manager RVM command rvm install 2.6.5)
  • PostgreSQL v12.1 (can be installed from the terminal using homebrew brew install [email protected])
  • Yarn v1.22 (can be installed from the terminal using homebrew brew install yarn)
  • Bundler v2.1.4 (can be installed from the terminal through ruby gems gem install bundler)

Once the above has been installed, clone or download the git repository, move to the program root directory, then run the following in the command line to install the program:

bundle install
yarn install

Credentials and Database

Since the application requires persistent data, such as users and mp3s, a PSQL database is used in conjunction with ApplicationRecord. To set the database up, first ensure you have PSQL installed and running as a service. Then create the relevant rails credentials for each environment as shown below.

The application is set up to have three different environments, if you are developing the application further, please set up credentials for all three, however if you are only installing production, skip 'development' credentials and perform all commands with the environment variable RAILS_ENV=production.


  • Fill in the template for the global credentials, which be found in config/credentials/credentials.yml.enc.template
  • Open the rails credentials in your editor of choice EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit (if this if your first time opening the credentials, a new rails master key config/master.key to encrypt the credentials will be generated, do not check this into your version control)
  • Add the filled template to the credentials list, then save and exit


  • Fill in the template for the production credentials, which be found in config/credentials/production.yml.enc.template
  • Open the rails credentials in your editor of choice EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit -e production (if this if your first time opening the credentials, a new rails production key config/credentials/production.key to encrypt the credentials will be generated, do not check this into your version control)
  • Add the filled template to the credentials list, then save and exit

To setup the development and test database tables with the correct schema run the following in the command line:

rails db:create
rails db:migrate

Server Configuration

The application uses Ruby on Rails default application server: Puma. The configuration for the puma server are in config/puma.rb. The server is currently setup to listen for requests on the local unix socket shared/sockets/puma.sock, to change the server to listen on a localhost port, comment the unix socket line and uncomment the local server port line to host on http://localhost:3000/.

How to run

To start the server run rails server in the relevant RAILS_ENV environment.

Running Tests

Testing Suites:

  • Backend - Rspec, Capybara
  • Frontend - Jasmine

To run the backend tests run rspec in the command line To run the frontend tests run rails s in the command line, then navigate to http://localhost:3000/jasmine (ensure the server is set to run on localhost, see above)


Song Selection




Win Screen


Game Engine Flow

Game engine developed in pure Javascript without frameworks.

Game Engine Flow

Audio Analysis Flow

Audio analysis using Javascript Web Audio API peak analysis.

Audio Analysis Flow


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.