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File metadata and controls

299 lines (236 loc) · 11.6 KB

Getting Started


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • python3
  1. To run the development setup (postgres backend defined in sql/, API backend defined in api/), use docker-compose:

    docker-compose up

    This should bring up the Postgresql server running on port 5434 and the API server running on port 5000.

  2. (optional) load in supporting parcel data for Alameda county (takes a few minutes)

    • make install-python-dependencies
    • make load-data
  3. (optional) test out the API:

    # if you haven't run already
    make install-python-dependencies
    # activate virtual env
    . .env/bin/activate
    # post trace data via the API
    python api/
    # query the grid
    python api/

Schema Overview

Following notes on this doc

Temporal Grid Schema

The temporal grid schema divides space-time into 30-minute chunks of 14m-14m space. Timestamps are aligned to the hour and half-hour and are stored in UTC time. The 14m-14m grid is represented by a full plus code stored as text. I refer to the unique tuple of 30-min aligned timestamp and pluscode a place-time.

A domain is currently the SHA-256 hash of the timestamp and plus code; it is intended as the foreign key for external lookups (Note: my impression of the domain was unclear from the API document. I'm not really using it at the moment, so let me know how I can make it work better for you).

The current implementation of the grid is a sparse representation.

    pluscode TEXT NOT NULL,
    domain TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS grid_time_code_idx ON grid(time, pluscode);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS domain_idx ON grid(domain);

The grid is supported by two UDFs:

  • plus_code(wkt_text) accepts WKT-formatted strings of geographic points and returns a full plus-code:

    select start_time, plus_code(st_astext(geographic_location)) from location_history;
    -- +---------------------+-------------+
    -- | start_time          | plus_code   |
    -- |---------------------+-------------|
    -- | 2020-04-03 22:36:13 | 849VRPXM+JQ |
    -- | 2020-04-03 23:24:00 | 849VVP2M+5J |
    -- | 2020-04-03 23:31:52 | 849VVP2M+CV |
  • half_hour(timestamp) accepts YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS formatted timestamps and returns the timestamp aligned to the nearest previous half hour.

    select half_hour(start_time), plus_code(st_astext(geographic_location)) from location_history;
    -- +---------------------+-------------+
    -- | start_time          | plus_code   |
    -- |---------------------+-------------|
    -- | 2020-04-03 22:30:00 | 849VRPXM+JQ |
    -- | 2020-04-03 23:00:00 | 849VVP2M+5J |
    -- | 2020-04-03 23:30:00 | 849VVP2M+CV |

Storing People Counts in the Grid

Because I'm not sure of how I want to handle arbitrary key-value pairs at each grid square, I'm currently defining two views:

  • grid_count: stores the number of unique location records at each place-time:

    SELECT count(distinct userid) as num,
           plus_code(st_astext(geographic_location)) as geocode,
           half_hour(start_time) as timestamp
    FROM location_history
    group by geocode, timestamp
    ORDER BY timestamp asc;
    select * from grid_count limit 10;
    -- +------+-------------+---------------------+
    -- | num  | geocode     | timestamp           |
    -- |------+-------------+---------------------|
    -- | 2    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 00:00:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 00:30:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 01:00:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 01:30:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9V | 2020-04-02 02:00:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 02:00:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9V | 2020-04-02 02:30:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 02:30:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 03:00:00 |
    -- | 1    | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 03:30:00 |
    -- +------+-------------+---------------------+
  • grid_sick: stores the number of unique location records at each place-time that correspond to users who have self-identified as "feeling sick":

           count(distinct lh.userid) as num_sick,
           plus_code(st_astext(geographic_location)) as geocode,
           half_hour(start_time) as timestamp
    FROM location_history as lh
    JOIN sick_continuous as sc on lh.userid = sc.userid and half_hour(start_time) = sc.timestamp
    group by geocode, half_hour(start_time)
    ORDER BY timestamp asc;
    select * from grid_sick limit 10;
    -- +------------+-------------+---------------------+
    -- | num_sick   | geocode     | timestamp           |
    -- |------------+-------------+---------------------|
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-02 00:00:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-03 00:00:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-03 01:00:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-03 01:30:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+CW | 2020-04-03 01:30:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-03 02:00:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-03 02:30:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9V | 2020-04-03 03:00:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9W | 2020-04-03 03:00:00 |
    -- | 1          | 849VVP2M+9V | 2020-04-03 03:30:00 |
    -- +------------+-------------+---------------------+

Supporting Data Schemas

The above grid schema exists independent of any individual data sources. The two views defined above take advantage of a supporting schema that captures individual location history traces, self-reporting on feeling sick and other municipal data sources.

Location History

Individual location histories can be captured by the following schema

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS location_history(
    userid  INT NOT NULL,
    start_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    end_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    geographic_location geography(POINT, 4326),
    semantic_location TEXT,
    address TEXT
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS geoloc_idx ON location_history USING GIST (geographic_location);
  • userid: a unique identifier to tie a location history to a sickness reporting (see sick table schema below)
  • start_time, end_time: store the UTC range of time that a user was at a given location
  • geographic_location: a geographic POINT indicating a user's location
  • semantic_location: the semantic name of the user's location (e.g. "Berkeley Bowl")
  • address: the street address of the user's location (e.g. "1960 Adeline St, Oakland, CA 94607")

It is expected that at least one of geographic_location, semantic_location and address is populated.

Sickness Reporting

The sick table captures reports of sickness over time. Through a survey or other means, a user (identified by userid) reports that they feel sick (feels_sick = 1) or not (feels_sick = 0) at a given time (likely specified at the granularity of a day).

The sick_continuous view takes advantage of TimescaleDB's aggregation API to carry a report of being sick or not forward through time so it is easier to join against (see examples at the end of the SQL snippet below):

    userid INT NOT NULL,
    feels_sick INT NOT NULL

SELECT create_hypertable('sick', 'time');

SELECT timestamp, userid, COALESCE(locf, 0) as feels_sick FROM
        time_bucket_gapfill('30 minute', time, '2020-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp, now()) as timestamp,
        max(feels_sick) as feels_sick,
        locf(max(feels_sick)) as locf
    FROM sick
    GROUP BY timestamp, userid
) a
ORDER BY timestamp ASC;

-- raw "sick" reports
select * from sick;
| userid   | time                | feels_sick   |
| 1        | 2020-04-02 00:00:00 | 0            |
| 1        | 2020-04-03 00:00:00 | 1            |
| 2        | 2020-04-03 00:00:00 | 1            |

-- made continuous
| timestamp              | userid   | feels_sick   |
| 2020-04-02 21:30:00-04 | 1        | 0            |
| 2020-04-02 22:00:00-04 | 1        | 0            |
| 2020-04-02 22:30:00-04 | 1        | 0            |
| 2020-04-02 23:00:00-04 | 1        | 0            |
| 2020-04-02 23:30:00-04 | 1        | 0            |
| 2020-04-03 00:00:00-04 | 2        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 00:00:00-04 | 1        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 00:30:00-04 | 2        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 00:30:00-04 | 1        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 01:00:00-04 | 1        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 01:00:00-04 | 2        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 01:30:00-04 | 2        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 01:30:00-04 | 1        | 1            |
| 2020-04-03 02:00:00-04 | 1        | 1            |

Geographic Context

I've done some work integrating parcel data from Alameda county which allows us to map the following

parcel # (APN)  <---->  geographic bounding box <---> user geographic coordinates
street address

I can document this later if we need; data files available for download here (via Alameda county data hub)

Data Ingestion


api/ implements a simple Flask application that supports:

  • pushing data to the server: location tracing and sickness reporting
    • example: api/
  • simple grid queries: count of people (sick, or total) in a placetime
    • example: api/

TODO: dockerize the API server

Bulk Data Load

Following scrips have been written:

  • loads a KML export from Google timeline into the location_history table
  • loads a GeoJSON export from Google takeout into the location_history table
  • loads in Alameda county shape files
  • loads in Alameda county address records (ties APNs to street addresses)

Data Formats

Google Timeline KML Export

Sample file: data/history-2020-04-01.kml

Load in sample location history data:

  • python scripts/ 1 data/history-2020-04-01.kml

To download for yourself:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Use the menu to navigate to "Your timeline"
  3. Pick the day you want, add places or export your location history (if you do not have location history enabled, you should be able to add a sequence of places)
  4. Use the "gear icon" in the lower right corner and select the option "Export this day to KML"
  5. Use the python script above to load it into the database. Choose a user id (1, above) that is unique (working on autoassigning these)

Setup/Install (non-docker)

  • relies on Postgresql 11 (as of now)

  • PostGIS:

    • install: sudo apt install postgresql-11-postgis-3
    • SQL: CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
  • PLpython3:

    • install: sudo apt install postgresql-plpython3-11
    • SQL: CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u;
  • Timescaledb:

    • install: look at website
  • setup.sql defines all tables, functions, etc:

    • remember to change relative import paths in the half_hour and plus_code UDFs