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This directory contains work by Frederic Prost (ENS-Lyon), revised
by Gilles Kahn (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis) to axiomatize Domain Theory
as devised by Scott and Plotkin, with the ambition of checking on
the computer the paper by Kahn and Plotkin, Concrete Domains (to appear
in TCS, December 1993). Needless to say, only a few initial pages have been
handcrafted, but the feeling is that the definitions are probably sound.

Many thanks to Yves Bertot, who knows and understands Coq deeply, and always 
helped us in distress.
Third Edition, January 1996        Works under Coq V5.10.15

Much work on the basic set theoretic package in the Newton Institute, in
Summer 1995 has allowed including two new lemmas, contained in newfil.v and
triple.v. Critical for this was the proof of a general induction principle for
sets. The proof is due to  Yves Bertot. Once this lemma was established,
proving the lemma in triple.v was just a matter of managing the boring
administrative detail.

Second Edition, November 1993  	     Works under Coq V5.8.2

The global structure is unchanged. The major modification concerns
the definition of a partial order, which is now a type. A partial order
is a triple made of a set, a binary relation on this set, and a proof that
this relation is an order.

The second modification, that results in 42% reduction in the size of the
long proofs, is a more systematic use of Auto to prove boring facts. Globally
however, the package is only 30% shorter. Thus, the improvement is mostly
that the user can stay more focussed on the mathematics, as some trivial 
things will be proved automatically.

First edition, September 1993        Works under Coq V5.8.2

Ensembles.v gives elementary set theory, built on Type!
Relations.v gives basic definitions for relations.
podefs.v    gives basic definitions regarding partial orders.
algpodefs.v gives definitions surrounding algebraic pos and domains.
ps.v        develops elementary facts regarding the power set construction
            as a partial order under inclusion
lpo.v       develops elementary facts on partial orders
alpo.v      is getting into the meat of the Concrete Domains paper with
            more serious proofs (i.e. a few lines of mathematical arguments
            in a textbook presentation)

If you want to use this stuff:
Copy the file paths.v in your .coqrc.
Now you can require any component. If you want the whole shebang, use a 
powerful computer and invoke:

Require condom.
	1. If I find the time, I will contribute more. I have bigger proofs
in store, but I need time to polish them a bit.
	2. I am interested in all remarks regarding the style of 
axiomatization, or shorter proofs, or elementary facts that should logically be
added to these packages.
	3. (Short ad) If you find the style bizarre, it is because I use the
wonderful man-machine interface built by Yves Bertot, that generates most
of the Vernacular for me from mouse-clicks.

					        Antibes, September 4 1993
                                                Gilles Kahn