: Front-End Developer Integration. Fast built integrated tools based on RollupJS. 🚀
The naming inspiration comes from
nd Engineer
, that is "FEer", such as "PHPer"、 "JAVAer"
- global
npm i feer-cli -g
- usage
feer <project-name>
- or
npx feer-cli <project-name>
During the creation process using the feer
template selection is provided:
? Which type do you want to create? (Use arrow keys)
❯ PC - (build the pc page)
H5 - (build the h5 page)
PC-multi - (build the pc multi-page)
├── .babelrc ---> Babel configuration file
├── .gitignore ---> Git filtering rule
├── .eslintrc ---> ESLint configuration file
├── .eslintignore ---> ESLint filtering rule
├── package.json
├── build ---> Output folder
├── config ---> Configuration folder(`*`)
├── views ---> Nunjucks template engine
├── imgs ---> Image resource file (this folder can be deleted when using CDN)
└── src ---> Source folder
├── app.js -----> Local configuration, such as port/Route/Mock etc.
├── build.js ----> Nunjucks template processing
├── server.js ----> Fastify static server, routing processing
└── rollup.config.js ---> RollupJS configuration file, configurable environment variables
├── libs ---> Can store incoming third party library files
├── mods ---> Module business logic
├── index.js ---> The entry file: index.js
└── sass ---> Sass, Source code folder, customizable
├── index.html ---> Html template file
├── js ---> Javascript source folder
├── css ---> Css source folder
└── img ---> Image resource file (this folder can be deleted when using CDN)
- Based on the
, Fast modular packaging to minimize bundles - Tree- Shaking helps you remove useless code
- Support single/multiple page development
- Support Proxy access interface
- Emulation API based on MockJS
- Simple and convenient configuration,fast packaging
- Nunjucks, rich and powerful template engine
- Support Sass, Less powerful CSS extension language
- Flexible routing configuration
- ES6 writes elegant JS code
- Supports automatic browser opening (automatically gets the local IP address)
- Through the test of many projects, continuous improvement and upgrading
- support ie6、7+, etc.