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Releases: conradkleinespel/rooster


23 Apr 19:48
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Known to compile with Rust 1.33.0 and Cargo 1.33.0.

Prevents memory zeroing code from being optimized away at compile time.


07 Apr 17:28
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Known to compile with Rust 1.33.0 and Cargo 1.33.0.

This release replaces the rust-crypto crate, which has been unmaintained since September 2016, with a combination of the openssl crate and libsodium, which are actively maintained. You will need openssl and libsodium installed on your system to use Rooster 2.8+.

A new command has been introduced: rooster set-scrypt-params <log2n> <r> <p>. It can be used to set the parameters used by the scrypt key derivation function. This can be useful if you want to make brute-forcing your password file more difficult. For instance, you can set log2n = 15, which will make your computer take more time to decrypt your password file, the default being log2n = 12.

Your existing Rooster file should continue working as before. I recommend you keep a backup of it, just in case a bug was inadvertently introduced in Rooster 2.8.

The script has been removed in favor of distribution specific installation instructions.


29 Oct 17:07
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Known to compile with Rust 1.21.0 and Cargo 0.22.0.

Minor bugfix.

To update Rooster, follow the installation instructions:


29 Oct 16:51
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Known to compile with Rust 1.21.0 and Cargo 0.22.0.

New import command

You can now import passwords into Rooster from a JSON file:

rooster import dump.json

The import format is the same as the export format from rooster export.

New weak command

Rooster can now check if you have any weak passwords:

Try it:

rooster weak

Fuzzy search everywhere

The add, delete, regenerate, rename and transfer now also support fuzzy search. This makes it easier to use these commands if you make a typo or have a lot of passwords saved with Rooster.

For instance, try renaming your Google password with:

rooster rename ggl NewGoogleName

Previously, you had to type rooster rename google NewGoogleName.

Thanks @yamnikov-oleg for this improvement!

Code updates

Thanks to @yamnikov-oleg, all 3rd party dependencies used by Rooster are now in Rooster's Github repository, which will make it easier to them after an update in the future.

Thanks to @Eternity-Yarr, Rooster now uses serde for JSON serialization instead of the deprecated rustc-serialize.

Thanks you both ! 👍

To update Rooster, follow the installation instructions:


06 Jun 23:59
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Known to compile with Rust 1.17.0 and Cargo 0.18.0.

New transfer command

Rooster has a new command: transfer. It allows you to update the username for an app.

Imagine you had a YouTube password saved:

rooster generate YouTube [email protected]

Now, you change email addresses. Updating the email in Rooster is now easy:

rooster transfer YouTube [email protected]

No more double builds for Linux

Previously, the script would build Rooster both in release and debug mode. This took a long time but was necessary because of a bug in the clipboard library we used.

The bug has now been fixed and double builds have been removed.

Enjoy fast installs ! 😃

To update your rooster installation, you can run this new install script now:

curl -sSL '' | sh

Feel free to inspect the code changes and let us know if you run into any trouble. Thanks!


04 Apr 01:31
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Known to compile with Rust 1.16.0 and Cargo 0.17.0.

This release comes with a lot of improvements.

Improved get command

The new get command is smarter and especially useful if you have multiple passwords for the same site.

Let's say you have a lot of Twitter accounts, one for each project you're working on. Previously, you'd have to do rooster list | grep -i twitter to see all of your Twitter accounts' exact names. Now, rooster get twitter shows you all passwords and allows you to select the one you want, with 1 command:


In this example, you can see I typed 1 to select the TwitterFlyingCars password.

No more grepping! 😃

A few things to note here:

  • with rooster get twitterflyingcars, you'd immediately get the right password, just as before
  • the new get command is capable of "fuzzysearch", meaning rooster get twttr would work
  • rooster list is still here (more on that later!)

New uninstall command

With rooster uninstall, you can now get instructions on how to completely remove Rooster from your system.


Improved list output

The list command now has a bit cleaner output.


Help commands and command validation

You can now run help commands, like rooster get --help without having to type your master password first.


Also, if you forget an argument for a command, like if you forget the username in rooster generate AppName, then Rooster will tell about that before asking you for your master password.


Mistyping the master password

When you mistype your master password, Rooster is now nicer with you and allows you to type it again. The wording has also been improved thanks to @maxjacobson in #12.



Onboarding is vastly improved. Dropbox users get special attention. Rooster will now help them setup password-file-sync if they wish to do so.


Install script and Arch Linux package

To top it off, we have a new installation script. That means you can install Rooster with just 1 command whatever OS you are using it on. And Arch Linux has its own AUR package.

To update your rooster installation, you can run this new install script now:

curl -sSL '' | sh

Feel free to inspect the code changes and let us know if you run into any trouble. Thanks!

Rooster v2.4.1

20 Nov 16:41
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Known to compile with Rust 1.13.0 and Cargo 0.13.0.

This release improves info messages when copying a password to the clipboard fails. And it prevents passwords from being displayed to the terminal if copying to clipboard fails.

Thanks @maxjacobson for the fixes: 7924624 and 0440c8e.

Run cargo install rooster in your terminal to update your version of Rooster.

Rooster v2.4.0

11 Nov 16:54
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Known to compile with Rust 1.13.0 and Cargo 0.13.0.

This release fixes compile time errors with newer Rust versions. It also removes a stub for a formerly planned analytics module within Rooster.

Run cargo install rooster in your terminal to update your version of Rooster.

Rooster v2.3.0

25 Sep 18:27
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Known to compile with Rust 1.11.0 and Cargo 0.12.0.

This release fixes a bug where a password would not be persisted with add or generate if Rooster failed to copy it to the clipboard.

Thanks a lot to @maxjacobson for the fix: 218940d 👍

Run cargo install rooster in your terminal to update your version of Rooster.

Rooster v2.2.0

18 Aug 04:16
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Known to compile with Rust 1.10.0 and Cargo 0.11.0.

This release adds 2 new commands:

  • rename: rename an app name (easier than delete followed by add/generate)
  • change: change a password manually, like add but for an existing password.

This release also allows deleting multiple apps with a single delete call, ie:

rooster delete youtube dailymotion

Run cargo install rooster in your terminal to update your version of Rooster.