diff --git a/core/src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Scanl/Window.hs b/core/src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Scanl/Window.hs index 9f4e014472..70a0a3d9f6 100644 --- a/core/src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Scanl/Window.hs +++ b/core/src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Scanl/Window.hs @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Scanl.Window -- @(Insert a)@ indicates that the input element @a@ is being inserted in -- the window without ejecting an old value, increasing the window size by -- 1. An input of type @(Replace a a)@ indicates that the first argument of - -- Replace is being inserted in the window and the second argument is being - -- removed from the window, the window size remains the same. The window + -- Replace is being removed from the window and the second argument is being + -- inserted in the window, the window size remains the same. The window -- size can only increase and never decrease. -- -- You can compute the statistics over the entire stream using window folds @@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (length, sum, minimum, maximum) -- -- Replace can be implemented using Insert and Delete. -- --- XXX Use "Replace old new" instead. -- | Represents incremental input for a scan. 'Insert' means a new element is -- being added to the collection, 'Replace' means an old value in the @@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (length, sum, minimum, maximum) data Incr a = Insert !a -- | Delete !a - | Replace !a !a -- ^ Replace new old + | Replace !a !a -- ^ Replace old new instance Functor Incr where fmap f (Insert x) = Insert (f x) @@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ incrScanWith n (Scanl step1 initial1 extract1 final1) = step (SWRing rb st) a = do (rb1, old) <- RingArray.replace rb a - r <- step1 st (Replace a old, rb1) + r <- step1 st (Replace old a, rb1) return $ case r of Partial s -> Partial $ SWRing rb1 s @@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ incrScanWith n (Scanl step1 initial1 extract1 final1) = step (SWRing mba rh st) a = do (rb1@(RingArray _ _ rh1), old) <- RingArray.insert (RingArray mba (n * SIZE_OF(a)) rh) a - r <- step1 st (Replace a old, rb1) + r <- step1 st (Replace old a, rb1) return $ case r of Partial s -> Partial $ SWRing mba rh1 s @@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ incrRollingMapM f = Scanl.mkScanlM f1 initial f1 _ (Insert a) = f Nothing a -- f1 _ (Delete _) = return Nothing - f1 _ (Replace x y) = f (Just y) x + f1 _ (Replace old new) = f (Just old) new -- | Apply a pure function on the latest and the oldest element of the window. -- @@ -269,7 +268,7 @@ incrRollingMap f = Scanl.mkScanl f1 initial f1 _ (Insert a) = f Nothing a -- f1 _ (Delete _) = Nothing - f1 _ (Replace x y) = f (Just y) x + f1 _ (Replace old new) = f (Just old) new ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sum @@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ incrSumInt = Scanl step initial extract extract step s (Insert a) = return $ Partial (s + a) -- step s (Delete a) = return $ Partial (s - a) - step s (Replace new old) = return $ Partial (s + new - old) + step s (Replace old new) = return $ Partial (s + new - old) extract = return @@ -353,7 +352,7 @@ incrSum = Scanl step initial extract extract let incr = -new - err in add total incr -} - step (Tuple' total err) (Replace new old) = + step (Tuple' total err) (Replace old new) = -- XXX if (new - old) is large we may lose err let incr = (new - old) - err in add total incr