This is another in the family of “guess the mystery number” games. In TRAP the computer selects a random number between 1 and 100 (or other limit set). Your object is to find the number. On each guess, you enter 2 numbers trying to trap the mystery number between your two trap numbers. The computer will tell you if you have trapped the number.
To win the game, you must guess the mystery number by entering it as the same value for both of your trap numbers. You get 6 guesses (this should be changed if you change the guessing limit).
After you have played GUESS, STARS, and TRAP, compare the guessing strategy you have found best for each game. Do you notice any similarities? What are the differences? Can you write a new guessing game with still another approach?
TRAP was suggested by a 10-year-old when he was playing GUESS. It was originally programmed by Steve Ullman and extensively modified into its final form by Bob Albrecht of People’s Computer Co.
As published in Basic Computer Games (1978):
Downloaded from Vintage Basic at
(please note any difficulties or challenges in porting here)