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About Codewars

Jake Hoffner edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 18 revisions

Codewars is a community of developers, which are called Code Warriors, that train on improving their development skills. It is much like a dojo. The content on the site is created by the community.

Key Concepts


In our dojo, kata are code challenges focused on improving skill and technique. Some train programming fundamentals, while others focus on complex problem solving.

Each kata is crafted for and by the community. The author (or Sensei) who created kata will initially include one or more languages to train in. Other Code Warriors later can "translate" the kata into additional languages.

You can read more about kata here.


Ranks are used to indicate progression and difficulty. Code Warriors complete Kata which are assigned a rank, which in turn earns them a higher rank once they complete enough of them. There are two classes of ranks, Kyu and Dan. You begin with Kyu at level 8 and work your way down to level 1. Then you progress to Dan, where you work your way up from level 1 to level 8.

Why the names Kyu and Dan? The terms are borrowed from a system in Japanese martial arts, which is in turn borrowed from the game of Go. Kyu (or Kyū) indicates the number of degrees away from master level (Dan). This is why they count downward. Once you reach master level, we count upward. Black belts in martial arts are Dan level.


Honor represents the level of respect a user has earned from the community, based on their skill and contributions. While ranks are an indication of your skill only, honor is an indication mostly of your activity and contributions.

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