This is a draft/proposal as of 2024.
We hope to acknowledge all contributors to our material, but there are many different sizes of contributions to something as wide-ranging as CodeRefinery. We have these levels of credit:
- Editors take an overall, long-term view, set the overall strategy, and manage the fit of the various sections. They merge pull requests (but so can others).
- Contributors/Authors have made contributions which are locally significant to one part of the lesson, and take responsibility for what they have added (along with the team).
- Acknowledgees have made other contributions.
Editors and contributors are listed in the CITATION.cff
file within
each repository and are includes as authors in the archived DOI in
Zenodo. Editors are usually mentioned in the README file itself.
Acknowledgees are listed on the Github contributors pages (or
READMEs if it's not via Github).
If you have been linked here, you might have been asked if you want to be listed as an author. If someone has asked you, then don't worry if you contribution is enough: the threshold is not high. If so, consider:
- Your name and info will be included in the Zenodo citation, which is permanent
- You will be included in future releases as well, unless you ask to be removed
- Please send us: family-names, given-names, and if you want ORCID ((reference of valid keys)[]).
Editors should be proactive reach out to people when they contribute, but everyone should also send a pull request to be included in CITATION.cff if you desire. Note that nothing of the above is defined as only "git or in-writing contributions".
There are very many, so we try to leave the Github contributions page as the main source of them. They can also be added to the lesson README page if it's not a Github interaction (or if it's desired for some other reason).
Anyone is welcome to take a long-term view of the lesson to become a future editor. Be active in Github/chat/our meetings/etc. and we will be happy to distribute the work and credit more.