- Windows 10 or Linux or MacOS, 64-bit
- RAM, 8GB required, 16GB preferable
- 128 GB Storage (SSD would be preferable)
- 4 Core CPU
Download IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and install. If you already have it installed and your license has expired, we will provide you with a valid license for the duration of the course. If you prefer using another IDE, that's also fine as the examples do not use any IDE-specific functionality.
- Java Development Toolkit, download and install the latest LTS version JDK 21. Create an environmental variable named JAVA_HOME pointing to the JDK installation folder.
- Maven, download Maven and follow the instructions. Through the Maven dependency management mechanism, we will download every library needed in our projects. Create an environmental variable named MVN_HOME pointing to Maven's installation folder.
- Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin and %MVN_HOME%\bin to your PATH envrionmental variable.
- Download and install Git Version Control.
- Create a Github account.