Before starting please make sure that you have successfully installed the below dependencies on your development environment.
- The latest LTS version of Node.js - Node.JS is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- npm - is the official Nodejs Package Manager (npm) which allows the management of dependencies and packages. It is automatically installed with nodejs, so you don't have to install it separately.
- git / GitHub account - is a version control system for source code and GitHub is a community site that enables the easy creation and collaboration on Git projects.
After installing node please verify that you have set up everything correctly by typing the below commands on your terminal:
node -v
(any version above or equal 17 is fine)npm -v
(any version or equal 7 is fine)
Feel free to use any IDE you like. However, VS Code is the recommended IDE since it is light-weight, has a tone of extensions/plugins, and it is an industry standard.
VS Code will be used within class.