A .NET client for accessing the 4me v1 REST API
For new development, it is recommended to use .NET SDK for 4me GraphQL.
The C# SDK for 4me provides access to most REST API endpoints, while the .NET SDK for 4me GraphQL exposes the full functionality available in the 4me GraphQL API.
The C# SDK for 4me uses the Newtonsoft.Json framework NuGet Package, which is a high-performance JSON framework for .NET and available under MIT licensing.
The solution has 2 main objects, BaseItem which is a data type with the minimum object attributes for a 4me data object; and the BaseHandler which contains all methods to handle http requests and responses to and from the 4me REST API.
Almost all data types and handlers have been implemented. As an example, the solution contains a data object Person and a handler PeopleHandler. The data type contains all known and documented fields, the handler exposes methods for all known functions on the /people endpoint.
Finally, there is an overall class, the Sdk4meClient, which exposes all available handlers. Using it like this is simple and can be done with very limited set of code.
The default implementation has a set of built-in functionalities to optimize the 4me REST API usage.
The SDK supports both Personal Access Token and OAuth 2.0 Client Credential Grant authentication methods. It automatically renews the token 1 minute before it expires when using OAuth 2.0 Client Credential Grant.
The Get method allows predefined and custom filtering. More information about filters can be found on the 4me developer website.
The Get method allows you to select the fields that you want to retrieve. It is recommended to specify the fields you need, as not all fields may be available in production and retrieving fields that you do not need may have a performance impact. If no fields are specified, the default field selection as specified on the 4me developer website will be returned. However, if you do need all fields, you can use an asterisk (*) as the field selector, but please note that it may include fields that are not yet available in production and it will have an impact on performance.
The API requests returning a collection are almost always paginated. A single API request will return at most 100 records. The client allows you to set the number of items per page, as well as the number of pages to be requested. More information about pagination is available on the 4me developer website.
The UploadAttachment method makes it possible to upload attachments, which can be referenced later when inserting or updating an object. The DeleteAttachment methods can be used to delete any attachment listed in the Attachments property. More information about attachments can be found on the 4me developer website.
Filtering and field selection requires references to fields. All endpoints and fields are in snake case; the client will convert camel case to snake case.
The client supports the usage of multiple authentication tokens. The number of API requests is limited to 3600 request per hour, which in some cases in not enough. When multiple tokens are used, the client will always use the token with the highest remaining request value. More information about rate limiting can be found on the 4me developer website.
The 4me REST API limits the number of requests to 10 per second. The client will keep track of the response time and lock the process to make sure it takes at lease 100 milliseconds per request.
A custom, Sdk4meException, is implemented. It will convert the API exception response to a string value.
using Sdk4me;
AuthenticationToken token = new AuthenticationToken("clientID", "ClientSecret");
Sdk4meClient client = new Sdk4meClient(token, "accountID", EnvironmentType.Production);
Person me = client.Me.Get();
Console.WriteLine($"{me.Name} ({me.PrimaryEmail})");
Site site = client.Sites.Get(1324);
By default, this will return all fields of the site.
List<Request> requests = client.Requests.Get();
foreach (Request request in requests)
Console.WriteLine($"Requests found: {requests.Count}");
This will return the default fields for a request.
Sdk4meClient client = new Sdk4meClient(token, accountID, EnvironmentType.Production,
itemsPerRequest: 100, maximumRecursiveRequests: 1000);
client.ItemsPerRequest = 100;
client.MaximumRecursiveRequests = 1000;
This will set the items returned per page to 100 and the maximum number of recursive requests to 1000.
List<ConfigurationItems> cis = client.ConfigurationItems.Get(
new FilterCollection()
new Filter("Status", FilterCondition.Equality, ConfigurationItemStatus.BrokenDown),
new Filter("CreatedAt", FilterCondition.GreaterThanOrEqualToAndLessThanOrEqualTo, new DateTime(2017, 1, 1), new DateTime(2019, 12, 31))
foreach (ConfigurationItem ci in cis)
This will return all configuration items created between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2019 with a broken down status.
List<Request> requests = client.Requests.Get(new Filter("RequestedByID", FilterCondition.Equality, person.ID));
This will return all requests requested by a specific person.
List<ProjectTaskTemplate> projectTaskTemplates = client.ProjectTaskTemplates.Get(PredefinedEnabledDisabledFilter.Enabled);
foreach (ProjectTaskTemplate projectTaskTemplate in projectTaskTemplates)
This will return all enabled project task templates using a predefined filter.
List<Person> people = client.People.Get(PredefinedPeopleFilter.Directory, new Filter("sourceID", FilterCondition.Present));
foreach (Person person in people)
This will return all people registered in the directory account of the support domain account from which the data is requested that have a sourceID value.
List<Person> people = client.People.Get("CustomFields", "Manager", "SourceID");
foreach (Person person in people)
Console.WriteLine($"The manager of {person.Name} is {(person.Manager != null ? person.Manager.Name : "unknown")}");
This will return all people and only load the CustomFields, Manager and SourceID fields.
people = client.People.Get("*");
foreach (Person person in people)
Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} {person.JobTitle}");
This will return all people and load all fields.
Person person = new Person()
PrimaryEmail = "[email protected]",
Organization = new Organization() { ID = 123 },
Name = "New User (Example)"
Site = new Site() { ID = 123 }
person = client.People.Insert(person);
Organization organization = client.Organizations.Get(1234);
organization.Name = "A new name";
organization = client.Organizations.Update(organization);
Organization organization = client.Organizations.Get(1234);
List<Address> addresses = client.Organizations.GetAddresses(organization);
bool result = client.Organizations.DeleteAddress(organization, addresses[0]);
The client exposes a Delete and DeleteAll method. Those can only be used to delete child or relational objects not an object itself.
Person person = client.People.Get(new Filter("EmployeeID", FilterCondition.Equality, 100)).First();
people.CustomFields.AddOrUpdate("support_countries", new JArray() { "BE", "NL" });
people.CustomFields.AddOrUpdate("hire_date", new DateTime(2022, 08, 01));
people.CustomFields.AddOrUpdate("working_hours", 8.45);
person = client.People.Update(person);
person.CustomFields.TryGetValue<DateTime>("hire_date", out DateTime date);
double workingHours = person.CustomFields.Get<double>("working_hours");
Request request = client.Requests.Get(123);
client.Requests.UploadAttachment(".\\HelloWorld.txt", "text/plain", out string key, out long size);
request.Note = "Please review the attached document";
request.ReferenceNoteAttachment(key, size, false);
request = client.Requests.Update(request);
The client will add a note with an attachment to the request.
Request task = client.Tasks.Get(123);
client.Tasks.UploadAttachment(".\\HelloWorld.txt", "text/plain", out string key, out long size);
NoteCreate newNote = new NoteCreate()
Text = "Hello World",
SuppressNoteAddedNotifications = true
newNote.ReferenceAttachment(key, size, false);
client.Tasks.AddNote(task, newNote);
The client will add an note with an attachment to the request suppressing the note add notification.
Service service = client.Services.Get(123);
client.Services.UploadAttachment(".\\HelloWorld2.txt", "text/plain", out string key, out long size);
if (service.CustomFields.ContainsKey("an_attachment"))
service.CustomFields["an_attachment"] = key;
service.CustomFields.Add("an_attachment", key);
service.ReferenceCustomFieldAttachment(key, size);
service = client.Services.Update(service);
The client will add an attachment to a custom field of an existing service.
ProductBacklog backlog = client.ProductBacklogs.Get(123);
client.ProductBacklogs.UploadAttachment(".\\picture.png", "image/png", out string key, out long size);
backlog.ReferenceProductGoalAttachment(key, size, true);
backlog.ProductGoal = $"This is an embedded image. {{:filesize=\"{size}\" size=\"32x32\"}}";
backlog = client.ProductBacklogs.Update(backlog);
The client will updated the product goal description with a inline attachment.
Person person = client.People.Get(123);
client.People.DeleteAttachment(person, AttachmentType.Information, person.Attachments[0]);
The client will delete the first information attachment.
AuthenticationToken token = new AuthenticationToken("TheBearerToken");
Sdk4meClient client = new Sdk4meClient(token, "account-name", EnvironmentType.Production);
Person person = client.People.Get(new Filter("SourceID", FilterCondition.Equality, "123456"), "Team", "ThrowAnExceptionField").FirstOrDefault();
List<Team> teams = client.People.GetTeams(person);
foreach (Team team in teams)
catch (Sdk4meException ex)
Returns a Sdk4meException with the following message: Unknown fields: throw_an_exception_field
AuthenticationTokenCollection tokens = new AuthenticationTokenCollection()
new AuthenticationToken("clientID", "ClientSecret"),
new AuthenticationToken("PersonalAccessToken")
Sdk4meClient client = new Sdk4meClient(tokens, "account-name", EnvironmentType.Production, EnvironmentRegion.EU);