Prefer pagination over infinite scrolling
Life cycle |
Tiers |
Responsible |
2. Design |
Network |
UX/UI Designer |
Priority |
Implementation difficulty |
Ecological impact |
3 |
4 |
3 |
Saved resources |
Network / Storage |
You should avoid allowing visitors to see everything by simply scrolling web pages and loading content little by little when displaying lists of products or articles on websites.
This fancy effect will generate content as users scroll through their screens. This will ask the associated server for the x next articles/products for each "scroll". This can lead to performance issues, SEO issues and accessibility issues.
Classic pagination systems with an efficient filtering should be implemented. Visitors will find content they are interested in more easily and so will indexing robots. This method facilitates compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) (cf.").
The number of ... |
is equal to or less than |
lists without a classic pagination system |
10% |