This folder contains the source documentation files for Framework X.
You can see the website for the user-accessible version.
Found a typo or want to contribute? This folder contains everything you need to help out with the documentation.
We use mkdocs-material to render our documentation to a pretty HTML version.
If you want to contribute to the documentation, it's easiest to just run this in a Docker container in the project root directory like this:
docker compose -f docs/compose.yaml up
You can access the documentation via http://localhost:8000
Props to mkdocs, this uses live reloading, so that every change you do while
this Docker container is running should immediately be reflected in your web
If you want to generate a static HTML folder for deployment, you can again use a Docker container in the project root directory like this:
docker compose -f docs/compose.yaml run -u $(id -u) build
The resulting build/docs/
should then be deployed behind a web server.
See also the Framework X website repository
for more details about the website itself.
If you want to add a new documentation file and/or change the page order, make sure the mkdocs.yml
file contains an up-to-date list of all pages.
Happy hacking!