This Terraform module creates an Azure Kubernetes Service.
Non-exhaustive feature list, most of them can be overridden:
- Cluster created with User Assigned identity, and related role assignments are managed, for better dependencies lifecycle management
- Default latest stable Kubernetes version used at creation
- Cluster and containers logs sent to Log Analytics Workspace or Storage Account
- Kube audit logs disabled by default for cost purpose
- Cluster is private by default
- Virtual Network integration
- Azure CNI Overlay network mode by default, support for Azure CNI, Cilium & Kubelet. More in the Azure documentation
- Azure CSI KeyVault enabled by default
- Azure Policies enabled by default
- Calico network policy enabled by default
- Workload identities enabled by default
- Additional node pools can be configured within the module
- Azure naming convention for all resources
- Container Insights enabled by default
This modules supersedes the previous AKS module. We've built a new module to clean up the technical debt that piled up due to fast-moving AKS product and keep backwards compatibility for existing users. Also, we've decided to remove all Kubernetes resources from this new module as a recommended best practice and for better tooling responsibility segregation.
So this module does less, that why light
, but it should do it better.
Module version | Terraform version | OpenTofu version | AzureRM version |
>= 8.x.x | Unverified | 1.8.x | >= 4.0 |
>= 7.x.x | 1.3.x | >= 3.0 | |
>= 6.x.x | 1.x | >= 3.0 | |
>= 5.x.x | 0.15.x | >= 2.0 | |
>= 4.x.x | 0.13.x / 0.14.x | >= 2.0 | |
>= 3.x.x | 0.12.x | >= 2.0 | |
>= 2.x.x | 0.12.x | < 2.0 | |
< 2.x.x | 0.11.x | < 2.0 |
If you want to contribute to this repository, feel free to use our pre-commit git hook configuration which will help you automatically update and format some files for you by enforcing our Terraform code module best-practices.
More details are available in the file.
This module is optimized to work with the Claranet terraform-wrapper tool
which set some terraform variables in the environment needed by this module.
More details about variables set by the terraform-wrapper
available in the documentation.
module "acr" {
source = "claranet/acr/azurerm"
version = "x.x.x"
location = module.azure_region.location
location_short = module.azure_region.location_short
client_name = var.client_name
environment = var.environment
stack = var.stack
resource_group_name =
sku = "Standard"
logs_destinations_ids = []
module "vnet" {
source = "claranet/vnet/azurerm"
version = "x.x.x"
location = module.azure_region.location
location_short = module.azure_region.location_short
client_name = var.client_name
environment = var.environment
stack = var.stack
resource_group_name =
cidrs = [""]
module "nodes_subnet" {
source = "claranet/subnet/azurerm"
version = "x.x.x"
location_short = module.azure_region.location_short
client_name = var.client_name
environment = var.environment
stack = var.stack
resource_group_name =
name_suffix = "nodes"
virtual_network_name =
cidrs = [""]
service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.Storage", "Microsoft.KeyVault"]
module "private_dns_zone" {
source = "claranet/private-endpoint/azurerm//modules/private-dns-zone"
version = "x.x.x"
environment = var.environment
stack = var.stack
resource_group_name =
name = "privatelink.${module.azure_region.location_cli}"
virtual_network_ids = []
resource "tls_private_key" "main" {
algorithm = "RSA"
module "containers_logs" {
source = "claranet/run/azurerm//modules/logs"
version = "x.x.x"
client_name = var.client_name
environment = var.environment
location = module.azure_region.location
location_short = module.azure_region.location_short
stack = var.stack
resource_group_name =
storage_account_enabled = true
workspace_custom_name = "log-aks-containers-${var.environment}-${module.azure_region.location_short}"
module "aks" {
source = "claranet/aks-light/azurerm"
version = "x.x.x"
location = module.azure_region.location
location_short = module.azure_region.location_short
client_name = var.client_name
environment = var.environment
stack = var.stack
resource_group_name =
kubernetes_version = "1.30.4"
service_cidr = ""
nodes_subnet = {
name =
virtual_network_name =
private_cluster_enabled = true
private_dns_zone_type = "Custom"
private_dns_zone_id =
default_node_pool = {
vm_size = "Standard_B4ms"
os_disk_size_gb = 64
node_pools = [
name = "nodepool1"
vm_size = "Standard_B4ms"
os_disk_type = "Ephemeral"
os_disk_size_gb = 100
vnet_subnet_id =
enable_auto_scaling = true
min_count = 1
max_count = 10
linux_profile = {
username = "nodeadmin"
ssh_key = tls_private_key.main.public_key_openssh
container_registry_id =
oms_agent = {
log_analytics_workspace_id =
data_collection_rule = {
custom_log_analytics_workspace_id =
maintenance_window = {
allowed = [{
day = "Monday"
hours = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
maintenance_window_auto_upgrade = {
frequency = "RelativeMonthly"
interval = 1
duration = 4
week_index = "First"
day_of_week = "Monday"
start_time = "10:00"
utc_offset = "+02:00"
logs_destinations_ids = []
Name | Version |
azapi | ~> 2.0 |
azuread | ~> 3.0 |
azurecaf | ~> 1.2.28 |
azurerm | ~> 4.0 |
null | >= 3.0 |
Name | Source | Version |
diagnostics | claranet/diagnostic-settings/azurerm | ~> 8.0.0 |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
aci_subnet | ID of the Subnet for ACI virtual-nodes. | object({ |
null |
no |
aks_user_assigned_identity_custom_name | Custom name for the AKS user assigned identity resource. | string |
null |
no |
api_server_authorized_ip_ranges | IP ranges allowed to interact with Kubernetes API for public clusters. See documentation about "" default value : - - Set to to wide open (not recommended) |
list(string) |
[ |
no |
auto_scaler_profile | Auto Scaler configuration. | object({ |
null |
no |
automatic_upgrade_channel | The upgrade channel for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are patch , rapid , node-image and stable . Setting this field to null sets this value to none. |
string |
"patch" |
no |
azure_active_directory_rbac | Active Directory role based access control configuration. | object({ |
null |
no |
azure_policy_enabled | Option to enable Azure Policy add-on. | bool |
true |
no |
client_name | Client name/account used in naming. | string |
n/a | yes |
container_registry_id | Azure Container Registry ID where Azure Kubernetes Service needs pull access. | string |
null |
no |
cost_analysis_enabled | Option to enable cost analysis in the Azure portal for this Kubernetes cluster. The sku_tier must be set to Standard or Premium to enable this feature. |
bool |
false |
no |
custom_name | Custom AKS name, generated if not set. | string |
"" |
no |
data_collection_rule | AKS Data Collection Rule configuration. | object({ |
{} |
no |
data_collection_rule_custom_name | Custom name for the AKS Data Collection Rule. | string |
null |
no |
default_node_pool | Default Node Pool configuration. | object({ |
{} |
no |
default_tags_enabled | Option to enable or disable default tags. | bool |
true |
no |
diagnostic_settings_custom_name | Custom name of the diagnostics settings, name will be 'default' if not set. | string |
"default" |
no |
environment | Project environment. | string |
n/a | yes |
extra_tags | Additional tags to add on resources. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
http_application_routing_enabled | Whether HTTP Application Routing is enabled. | bool |
false |
no |
http_proxy_settings | Azure Kubernetes Service HTTP proxy settings. URLs must be in format http(s)://fqdn:port/ . When setting the no_proxy_list parameter, the AKS Private Endpoint domain name and the AKS VNet CIDR (or Subnet CIDRs) must be added to the list. |
object({ |
null |
no |
image_cleaner_configuration | Kubernetes image cleaner configuration. | object({ |
{} |
no |
key_vault_secrets_provider | Enable AKS built-in Key Vault secrets provider. If enabled, an identity is created by the AKS itself and exported from this module. | object({ |
{} |
no |
kubernetes_version | Version of Kubernetes to deploy. | string |
null |
no |
linux_profile | Username and SSH public key for accessing Linux nodes with SSH. | object({ |
null |
no |
location | Azure region to use. | string |
n/a | yes |
location_short | Short string for Azure location. | string |
n/a | yes |
logs_categories | Log categories to send to destinations. | list(string) |
null |
no |
logs_destinations_ids | List of destination resources IDs for logs diagnostic destination. Can be Storage Account , Log Analytics Workspace and Event Hub . No more than one of each can be set.If you want to use Azure EventHub as a destination, you must provide a formatted string containing both the EventHub Namespace authorization send ID and the EventHub name (name of the queue to use in the Namespace) separated by the | character. |
list(string) |
n/a | yes |
logs_kube_audit_enabled | Whether to include kube-audit and kube-audit-admin logs from diagnostics settings collection. Enabling this can increase your Azure billing. |
bool |
false |
no |
logs_metrics_categories | Metrics categories to send to destinations. | list(string) |
null |
no |
maintenance_window | Maintenance window configuration. This is the basic configuration for controlling AKS releases. See documentation. | object({ |
null |
no |
maintenance_window_auto_upgrade | Controls when to perform cluster upgrade with more finely controlled cadence and recurrence settings compared to the basic one. See documentation. | object({ |
null |
no |
microsoft_defender | Specifies the ID of the Log Analytics Workspace where the audit logs collected by Microsoft Defender should be sent to. | object({ |
null |
no |
monitor_metrics | Specifies a Prometheus add-on profile for this Kubernetes Cluster. | object({ |
null |
no |
name_prefix | Optional prefix for the generated name. | string |
"" |
no |
name_suffix | Optional suffix for the generated name. | string |
"" |
no |
network_mode | Azure Kubernetes Service network mode to use. Only available with Azure CNI. | string |
null |
no |
network_plugin | Azure Kubernetes Service network plugin to use. Possible names are azure and kubenet . Possible CNI modes are None , Overlay and Cilium for Azure CNI and None for Kubenet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. |
object({ |
{} |
no |
network_policy | Azure Kubernetes Service network policy to use. | string |
"calico" |
no |
node_pools | A list of Node Pools to create. | list(object({ |
[] |
no |
nodes_resource_group_name | Name of the Resource Group in which to put Azure Kubernetes Service nodes. | string |
null |
no |
nodes_subnet | The Subnet used by nodes. | object({ |
n/a | yes |
oidc_issuer_enabled | Whether the OIDC issuer URL should be enabled. | bool |
true |
no |
oms_agent | OMS Agent configuration. | object({ |
n/a | yes |
outbound_type | The outbound (egress) routing method which should be used. Possible values are loadBalancer and userDefinedRouting . |
string |
"loadBalancer" |
no |
pod_cidr | CIDR used by pods when network plugin is set to kubenet or azure CNI Overlay. |
string |
null |
no |
pods_subnet | The Subnet containing the pods. | object({ |
{} |
no |
private_cluster_enabled | Configure Azure Kubernetes Service as a Private Cluster. See documentation. | bool |
true |
no |
private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled | Specifies whether a Public FQDN for this Private Cluster should be added. See documentation. | bool |
false |
no |
private_dns_zone_id | ID of the Private DNS Zone when private_dns_zone_type = "Custom" . |
string |
null |
no |
private_dns_zone_role_assignment_enabled | Option to enable or disable Private DNS Zone role assignment. | bool |
true |
no |
private_dns_zone_type | Set Azure Kubernetes Service private DNS zone if needed and if private cluster is enabled ( - "Custom" : You will have to deploy a private DNS Zone on your own and provide the ID with <private_dns_zone_id> variable - "System" : AKS will manage the Private DNS Zone and creates it in the Node Resource Group - "None" : In case of None you will need to bring your own DNS server and set up resolving, otherwise cluster will have issues after provisioning. See documentation. |
string |
"System" |
no |
resource_group_name | Name of the resource group. | string |
n/a | yes |
route_table_id | Provide an existing Route Table ID when outbound_type = "userDefinedRouting" . Only available with Kubenet. |
string |
null |
no |
service_cidr | CIDR used by Kubernetes services (kubectl get svc). | string |
n/a | yes |
sku_tier | Azure Kubernetes Service SKU tier. Possible values are Free ou Standard . |
string |
"Standard" |
no |
stack | Project stack name. | string |
n/a | yes |
storage_profile | Select the CSI drivers to be enabled. | object({ |
null |
no |
user_assigned_identity_resource_group_name | Resource Group where to deploy the Azure Kubernetes Service User Assigned Identity resource. | string |
null |
no |
user_assigned_identity_tags | Tags to add to AKS MSI. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
workload_identity_enabled | Whether Azure AD Workload Identity should be enabled for the cluster. oidc_issuer_enabled must be set to true to use this feature. |
bool |
true |
no |
Name | Description |
apiserver_endpoint | APIServer Endpoint of the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
id | ID of the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
identity_principal_id | AKS System Managed Identity principal ID. |
key_vault_secrets_provider_identity | The User Managed Identity used by the Key Vault secrets provider. |
kube_config | Kube configuration of the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
kube_config_raw | Raw kubeconfig to be used by kubectl command. |
kubelet_user_managed_identity | The Kubelet User Managed Identity used by the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
kubernetes_version | Azure Kubernetes Service Kubernetes version. |
managed_private_dns_zone_id | ID of the AKS' managed Private DNS Zone. |
managed_private_dns_zone_name | Name of the AKS' managed Private DNS Zone. |
managed_private_dns_zone_resource_group_name | Resource Group name of the AKS' managed Private DNS Zone. |
module_diagnostics | Diagnostics Settings module output. |
name | Name of the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
node_pools | Map of Azure Kubernetes Service Node Pools attributes. |
nodes_resource_group_name | Name of the Resource Group in which Azure Kubernetes Service nodes are deployed. |
oidc_issuer_url | The OIDC issuer URL that is associated with the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
portal_fqdn | Portal FQDN of the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
private_cluster_enabled | Whether private cluster is enabled. |
private_fqdn | Private FQDNs of the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
public_fqdn | Public FQDN of the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
resource | Azure Kubernetes Cluster resource object. |
resource_data_collection_rule | Data Collection Rule resource output. |
resource_node_pools | Azure Kubernetes Node Pools resource output. |
user_managed_identity | The User Managed Identity used by the Azure Kubernetes Service. |
- Azure Kubernetes Service documentation:
- Azure Kubernetes Service MSI usage:
- Azure Kubernetes Service User-Defined Routes usage:
- Terraform Kubernetes provider documentation: