Here comes the literature.
[] Chapter 1
[] Chapter 3: Market Efficiency
[] Chapter 4: Market Failure
Market failures: compare assumptions of perfect market to failures and responses
[] Chapter 5
- 114ff: Equity principles
- Compensation Principle
- Tradeoffs across measures
- Weighted net benefits
- 114ff: Equity principles
[] Chapter 6: Public Goods and Publicly Provided Goods
- 134ff: public goods
- examples for all four, which should be taxed?
- 134ff: public goods
[] Chapter 9
- 213f: taxing financial transactions
[] Chapter 17: Taxation
- what are the five goods attributes?
- Efficiency
- Administrative Ease
- Flexibility
- Political responsibility
- Fairness
- 455f direct vs. indirect
- horizontal equity
- vertical equity
- general framework
- utilitarianism
- rawls
- what are the five goods attributes?
[] Chapter 18: Tax Incidence
[] Chapter 19: Taxation and Economic Efficiency
[] Chapter 20: Optimal Taxation
[] Chapter 21: Taxation of Capital
- 600f discuss some of the problems
[] Chapter 22: US Tax
[] Chapter 23: CIT
[] Chapter 24: Tax Avoidance