Make it available for integrators online for training purposes. Make it standalone.
User flow:
Go to simulator web page (on laptop, or even on device itself)
Connect to video device (it will now listen to ui events)
Install ui extension for sim if not already installed
press ui panel on touch 10/device.
- simulator subscribes to events, updates model and visuals
press buttons in room
- simluator updates ui extensions (bi-directional demo)
show ui events clearly in simulator too
couple of tasks: add coke button etc
add a macro that changes light when in/out of call
- Update device to be a board pro
- Voice support (use chrome's)
- Add support for web views (fire alarm?)
- Add sounds to projector canvas, blinds, switches
- Indicate temperature better
- Play music (nrk radio?) from one of the black boxes
- Show api traffic better
- Add 'report issue'
- Add macro task (eg some presets)
- Use room analytics data
- T3 alarms?