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chrilith edited this page Mar 13, 2016 · 23 revisions

Passerelle, formerly known as "Saitek Flight Panels for Lua", is a Lua module to control your gaming devices. This module has been design to allow the Saitek Flight Instrument Panel (FIP) device and X52 Pro flight stick to be controlled from Lua.

Back in 2011, the motivation was to allow Flight Simulator 2004 users to use the FIP with the simulator using Pete Dowson's FSUIPC and its Lua scripting capabilities. This module can now be used in a wide range of games and flight simulators integrating a Lua scripting engine.

Latest version

The latest version is available in the releases page.

A Lua Module to Control your Gaming Devices

This module is based on Lua 5.1.4 and has been widely tested with:

With the latest version, it should work well using FSUIPC with:

Any game implementing a Lua engine like Blizzard's World of Warcraft should work too.


Installing the Module

This section will give you a basic information on how to use a Lua script in your favorite games. In any case, always refer to the documentation provided by the script developer.

Developing a Lua Script

Lua is a very easy language to learn. If you want to create your own module and use it with you game, you'll need to know more about how to use the Passerelle API. The following sections will help you understand what can be achieved.


Contributing to the Project

As with any Open Source project, you can contribute to this one. Do not hesitate to ask for new functionalities.


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