diff --git a/runtime/README.md b/runtime/README.md
index c5f3fb26da..4280210d1a 100644
--- a/runtime/README.md
+++ b/runtime/README.md
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ Command Code: `0x4154_5348` ("ATSH")
| measurement | u8[48] | Digest of the image requested for authorization. The `source` field needs to be set to '1` for InRequest, otherwise
this field is ignored. |
| context | u8[48] | Context field for `svn`; e.g., a hash of the public key that authenticated the SVN. |
| flags | u32 | See AUTHORIZE_AND_STASH_FLAGS below |
-| source | u32 | This field identifies the source of the digest to be used to compare with the SoC's
SHA digest in the SoC Manifest
1 - InRequest - Use the hash in the 'measurement' field of this command
2 - ShaAcc - Use the result of the SHA Accelerator.
3 - LoadAddress - The image located in the `LoadAddress` will be streamed to the SHA Accelerator to
retrieve the digest that will be used for authorization.
4 - StagingAddress - The image located in the `StagingAddress` will be streamed to the SHA Accelerator to
retrieve the digest that will be used for authorization |
+| source | u32 | This field identifies the source of the digest to be used to compare with the SoC's
SHA digest in the SoC Manifest
1 - InRequest - Use the hash in the 'measurement' field of this command
2 - LoadAddress - The image located in the `ImageLoadAddress` will be streamed to the SHA Accelerator to
retrieve the digest that will be used for authorization.
3 - ImageStagingAddress - The image located in the `StagingAddress` will be streamed to the SHA Accelerator to
retrieve the digest that will be used for authorization |
*Table: `AUTHORIZE_AND_STASH_FLAGS` input flags*
| **Name** | **Value** |