You can either compile the project manually or run it using Docker. Compilation is pretty lengthy :)
All the dependencies have already been cloned/compiled in the docker container.
Please refer to for information on Docker.
Tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common autoconf git build-essential libtool libprotobuf-c-dev libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev python python3 python3-mako zip libevent-dev pkg-config libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev make libboost-all-dev automake jq wget ninja-build libsqlite3-dev libgmp3-dev valgrind libcli-dev libsecp256k1-dev libsodium-dev libbase58-dev nano tmux
# Install Berkeley 4.8 db libs (chips dependecy)
# Source:
mkdir ~/db-4.8.30 && cd ~/db-4.8.30 && wget && unzip
cd db-4.8.30 && cd build_unix/ && ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-cxx && make && sudo make install
cd ~ && git clone && cd chips && ./
cd ~/chips/src
sudo ln -s $HOME/chips/src/chipsd /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -s $HOME/chips/src/chips-cli /usr/local/bin/
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
# Bootstraping CHIPS
mkdir $HOME/.chips/ && cd $HOME/.chips/ && wget
tar xvzf CHIPS-bootstrap.tar.gz
rm CHIPS-bootstrap.tar.gz
Create chips.conf
Create chips.conf
file with random username, password, txindex and daemon turned on.
You can copy the following lines in your bash shell and press enter. It will create the CHIPS configuration file with random RPC username and password with all needed settings.
mkdir -p $HOME/.chips/
echo "server=1
rpcuser=$(openssl rand -base64 12)
rpcpassword=$(openssl rand -base64 12)
rpcallowip=" > $HOME/.chips/chips.conf
cd ~
chips-cli getinfo
The output might be an error followed by Loading blocks...
. CHIPS is loading our bootstrapped blocks. Just give it some time and try again later. Successful result is an object with info.
cd ~
tail -f $HOME/.chips/debug.log
You should see something like below. If new lines are added quickly and the dates are in the past the chain is being synced. If new lines are slow to appear, the chain has been synced and is adding new blocks in real time.
2020-12-21T22:17:29Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000001ce73ea95c83670afc1c10f20f1a8034aff91070b9e61916c647 height=6741707 version=0x20000000 log2_work=75.981897 tx=6966436 date='2020-08-16T10:30:21Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.4MiB(2698txo)
2020-12-21T22:17:29Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000d0835bdfd153721c2a169966d5a3fc6ed4e244c41420c7d50b6f height=6741708 version=0x20000000 log2_work=75.981897 tx=6966437 date='2020-08-16T10:32:15Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.4MiB(2699txo)
2020-12-21T22:17:29Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000022826e9293b8075ba5a207f71d33abe14ff9abeae7005abe92d4 height=6741709 version=0x20000000 log2_work=75.981897 tx=6966438 date='2020-08-16T10:33:53Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.4MiB(2700txo)
2020-12-21T22:17:29Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000001f55c8e27c5daeb7dac9c5f863af5d465090e5173f51a0556e9ef height=6741710 version=0x20000000 log2_work=75.981897 tx=6966439 date='2020-08-16T10:34:54Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.4MiB(2701txo)
cd ~ && git clone
cd lightning && ./configure && make
sudo make install
NOTE: You do not need to run Lightning Network Daemon until CHIPS daemon is fully synced. You can tell if the CHIPS daemon is fully synced by looking at the commad output of chips-cli getinfo
, where the output of blocks
and headers
will be matching. Example:
chips-cli getinfo
"chain": "main",
"blocks": 7709392,
"headers": 7709392,
Once the CHIPS daemon is fully synced with the network, run Lightning Network Daemon. It shouldn't take much time to sync with CHIPS blockchain if CHIPS is fully synced. Its still a good idea to run it in a tmux session.
# Create a tmux session
tmux new -s lightning
# Then inside the tmux session you've just created
lightningd --log-level=debug &
# CTRL + B, then D to detach from the tmux session, to attach to the session again `tmux a -t lightning`
# Get chain info - If it returns your node’s id, you’re all set.
lightning-cli getinfo
# If you don't see output `lightning-cli` of this command formatted, you can add `jq` with pipe command like following:
lightning-cli getinfo | jq .
# Get a new address to fund your Lightning Node
# This returns an address, which needs to be funded first in order to open a channel with another node.
lightning-cli newaddr
# Run the following command to check if your node has funds
lightning-cli listfunds
# Optionally, using these two parameters, you can connect to a node visible on the LN explorer
lightning-cli connect
lightning-cli fundchannel
Join the CHIPS discord to get a small amount of CHIPS
Then clone BET repo and build the binaries
git clone
cd bet
First determin what is the public IP of your server/VPS/VM/node. You probably know that already if you connected to this server over the internet through ssh terminal connection. In any case, you can also use the following command to get the public IP of your node:
NOTE: If you see the following output running ./bet
command for the first time, just execute the same command again. This seems to be the bug, and will be resolved in future updates to bet
./bet cashier
ln is in sync with chips
corrupted size vs. prev_size
# Example output would be like, which you can use in next commands.
# e.g. Dealer node is at (you will know this IP from someone who will be running a dealer node OR you can run the dealer node yourself)
$ cd ~/bet/privatebet && ./bet dcv
cd ~/bet/privatebet && ./bet player
You might see something like this when running bet for the first time. The number of blocks will keep on rising. This means LN is not synced. You just need to let it be for a while and let it sync. Feel free to exit the currently running command. The sync is happening in the background in the tmux session that you have started earlier.
root@959aa68123b4:~/bet# cd ~/bet/privatebet && ./bet dcv
ln is 48513 blocks behind chips network