- HTML Introduction
- What is HTML?
- What is an HTML Element?
- Web Browsers
- HTML Page Structure
- HTML History
- Web Browsers
- Web Browsers
- HTML Editors
- Examples of popular editors
- Writing, saving and viewing HTML documents
- HTML Elements and their Attributes
- Anatomy of HTML Elements
- The
<html !DOCTYPE>
Declaration - General guidelines: case sensitivity, self-closing Tags etc.
Element and it's children<head>
Element and it's children:<body>
- Headings:
<h1> - <h6>
- Paragraphs:
- Formatting:
- Quotations:
- Tables:
- List:
- Javascript and CSS:
- style attribute
- class attribute
- id attribute
- File Paths
- Computer Code:
- Form:
- Media:
- Others:
- comment tag
- comment tag
- Block and Inline Elements
- Semantic and Non Semantic Elements
- Style Guide and Best Practices
- HTML Entities and Symbols
- HTTP Methods
- CSS Introduction
- Syntax/Anatomy of CSS Rules
- Adding CSS Styles to HTML Documents
- Specificity
- The
rule - Units
- Box Sizing
- CSS comments
- Selectors
- Simple selectors
- Combinator selectors
- Attribute selectors
- Pseudo-class selectors
- Pseudo-elements selectors
- Colors
- Color Names
- Color Values
- Color Keywords
- Gradients
- Linear Gradients
- Radial Gradients
- Conic Gradients
- Backgrounds
- background-color
- background-image
- background-repeat
- background-attachment
- background-position
- background (shorthand property)
- Text
- text-color
- text-align
- text-decoration
- text-transform
- text-shadow
- spacing
- text-indent
- letter-spacing
- line-height
- word-spacing
- white-space
- Fonts
- font-family
- font-style
- font-size
- font-weight
- Borders & Outline
- CSS Box Model
- Borders
- Border Width
- Border Color
- Border Sides
- Border Shorthand
- Border Image
- Border Radius
- Rounded Borders
- outline-style
- outline-color
- outline-width
- outline-offset
- outline
- Height & Width
- min & max
- Icons
- Adding Icons
- Spacing: Margins & Padding
- Sides
- Value
- Link States
- Lists
- list-style-type
- list-style-position
- list-style-image
- list-style(shorthand)
- Tables
- border-collapse
- Position
- static
- relative
- fixed
- absolute
- sticky
- Float
- Overflow
- Z Index
- Opacity
- Display
- inline
- block
- inline-block
- flex
- grid
- display:none vs visibility:hidden
- Display:grid
- Display:flex
- Shadow Effects
- text-shadow
- box-shadow
- 2D Transforms
- translate()
- rotate()
- scaleX()
- scaleY()
- scale()
- skewX()
- skewY()
- skew()
- matrix()
- Transitions
- transition-delay
- transition-duration
- transition-property
- transition-timing-function
- transition
- Animations
- @keyframes
- animation-name
- animation-duration
- animation-delay
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-direction
- animation-timing-function
- animation-fill-mode
- animation
- Media Queries
- Media Query Syntax
- Media Types
- CSS Functions
- CSS Variables
- Bootstrap 5 Introduction
- Containers
- Grid Basic
- Typography
- Colors
- Tables
- Images
- Jumbotron
- Alerts
- Buttons
- Button Groups
- Badges
- Progress Bars
- Spinners
- Pagination
- List Groups
- Cards
- Dropdowns
- Collapse
- Navs
- Navbar
- Carousel
- Modal
- Tooltip
- Popover
- Toast
- Scrollspy
- Offcanvas
- Utilities
- Flex
- Forms
- Select Menus
- Checks and Radios
- Range
- Input Groups
- Floating Labels
- Form Validation
- Introduction
- What JavaScript can do
- History of JavaScript
- Adding JS scripts to HTML Documents
- Javascript Output
- JavaScript Syntax & Statements
- Variables
- var
- let
- const
- identifiers
- assignment operator
- data types
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Type Operators
- Operator Precedence
- JavaScript Functions
- Function Syntax
- Arrow Functions
- Function Invocation
- Function Return
- JavaScript Scope
- JavaScript Hoisting
- JavaScript Objects
- Object Definition
- Object Properties
- Object Methods
- The
- JavaScript Reserved Words
- JavaScript Strings
- Escape Character
- Strings as Objects
- String Methods
- Template Literals
- JavaScript Numbers
- Precision
- Numeric Strings
- NaN - Not a Number
- Number bases
- Number Constructor
- Number Methods
- Number Properties
- Arrays
- Creating Arrays
- Arrays Constructor
- Array Methods
- Difference Between Arrays and Objects
- Array Iteration
- Array Sorting
- Difference Between Arrays and Objects
- Date Objects
- Date Constructor
- Date Formats
- Get Date Methods
- Set Date Methods
- Math Object
- Math Methods
- Conditional Statements
- if, else, and else if
- Switch Statement
- Comparison and Logical Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Nullish Coalescing Operator
- Optional Chaining Operator
- For Loop
- for
- for/in
- for/of
- while
- do/while
- break and continue
- JavaScript Maps
- JavaScript Sets
- Iterables
- JavaScript Regular Expressions & Expression Modifiers
- JavaScript Errors
- Throw
- Try...Catch...Finally
- Error Name Values
- Error Object Properties
- JavaScript Classes
- Class Syntax
- Class Properties
- Class Methods
- Class Inheritance
- Prototype Inheritance
- Factory Functions
- JavaScript Modules
- JavaScript Strict Mode
- JavaScript JSON
- JavaScript Coding Conventions and Best Practices
- JavaScript Common Mistakes
- More on ES6 and ESNext
- JavaScript HTML DOM
- HTML DOM Tree of Objects
- Finding HTML Elements: Getters
- Modify HTML Element Property
- Navigating Between Nodes
- Creating and modifying Nodes
- DOM HTMLCollection Object and NodeList Object
- Modify HTML Element CSS
- Handling Forms
- Events
- Event Handlers
- JavaScript BOM
- Window Object
- Screen Object
- Location Object
- History Object
- Navigation Object
- Pop-up Boxes
- Cookie Objects
- JavaScript Web APIs
- Web Console API
- Web Storage API
- Web Workers API
- Web Fetch API
- Web Geolocation API
- JQuery Introduction
- Getting Started
- jQuery Syntax
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Events
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery Hide/Show
- jQuery Fade
- jQuery Slide
- jQuery Animate
- jQuery stop()
- jQuery Callback
- jQuery Chaining
- jQuery HTML
- jQuery Get
- jQuery Set
- jQuery Add
- jQuery Remove
- jQuery CSS Classes
- jQuery css()
- jQuery Dimensions
- JQuery Traversing
- jQuery Traversing
- jQuery Ancestors
- jQuery Descendants
- jQuery Siblings
- jQuery Filtering
- JQuery AJAX
- JQuery noConflict()
- JQuery Filters
- PHP Introduction
- What is PHP?
- PHP Installation
- Installing XAMPP
- Basic PHP Syntax
- Case Sensitivity
- PHP Comments
- PHP Output
- echo
- printf
- print_r
- var_dump
- Any content outside of the tags
- Variables
- Creating (Declaring) Variables
- Constants
- Variable Scope
- Global Variables - Superglobals
- Data Types
- Strings and String Methods
- Numbers and Number Methods
- Arrays and Array Methods
- Arrays
- Indexed Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Nullish Coalescing Operator
- Operator Precedence
- Conditional Statements
- if, else, and else if
- Switch Statement
- For Loop
- for
- for/in
- for/of
- while
- do/while
- break and continue
- Functions
- Function Declaration
- Callback Functions
- PHP Math Object
- Regular Expressions
- Form Handling
- GET vs. POST
- Validation and Filtering and Sanitization
- Date and Time
- Date() Function
- mktime() Function
- Date From a String With strtotime()
- Get Date or Time
- Date() Function
- Include/Require Files
- File Upload
- Errors/Exceptions
- Throw
- Try...Catch...Finally
- Error Name Values
- Error Object Properties
- What is OOP
- Classes/Objects
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Access Modifiers
- Inheritance
- Constants
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Traits
- Static Methods
- Static Properties
- Namespaces
- Iterables
- MySQL Database MySQL Database
- MySQL Database
- MySQL Connect
- MySQL Create DB
- MySQL Create Table
- MySQL Insert Data
- MySQL Get Last ID
- MySQL Insert Multiple
- MySQL Prepared
- MySQL Select Data
- MySQL Where
- MySQL Order By
- MySQL Delete Data
- MySQL Update Data
- MySQL Limit Data