2.57.1 (2016-06-16)
- core: fix build problem (d04cefd)
- twig: always get form values before blank (6bde5bc)
- twig: don't render when another rendering is not finished (31cb83a)
- slickgrid: add select editor (6256123)
- core: make couchdb attachments return raw response if superagent does not know how to (a0ee5ec)
- nmr-simulator: check that fields are all numbers (ebb0bc2)
- slickgrid: remove variable in when save in view in unselected (7d59d26), closes #898
- spectra_displayer: fix bug and memory leak with scatter selection (7007f1d)
- spectra_displayer: horizontal legend display with flipped axis (deca15c)
- onde: save in view option (d0fcc92)
- roc-views: implement revision loading (1a49771)
- spectra_displayer: add support for exporting SVG string (8e24c88)
- spectra_displayer: add support for full zoom out action (6d63e07)
- twig: add debouncing option for form variables (6faf709)
- twig: add rendertypeBlock function (fdb31b3)
- twig: add style input variable (31e8a2c)
- twig: add var out for forms (0a4e449)
- twig: allow form values as variable in (bf25023)
- twig: modify form in (db0d440)
- typerenderer: add katex library and implement latex typerenderer (1baf616), closes #412
- viewManager: add metadata management section (a8b35e0)
- core: fix bug in lru (7771494)
- core: fix several bugs in lru (2e68e41)
- couchdbAttachment: fix upload of large Blob (666ea5a)
- onde: resurrect inputSchema (e3b5949)
- periodic_table: remove flickering when going through elements (1f698e1)
- renderer: twig renderer, make sur not a DataOBject (e558684)
- scatter3d: fix merge series warning (e6f5f36)
- single_value: use unescaped value in edit mode (b0fcb8f)
- spectra_displayer: do not autofit series on resize (1afe72a)
- spectra_displayer: fix annotation bug (e141e95)
- spectra_displayer: fix axis boundary setting on zoom (300266b)
- couchdbAttachments: allow get to return a blob (808d994)
- periodic_table: output elements (819c141)
- scatter3d: zoom to fit when double click (e975e21), closes #889
- slick_grid: add option ignore highlights from self (5a5ce25)
- spectra_displayer: add shape properties output for mouse over and click on shape (8529dfe)
- spectra_displayer: add support for mouse tracking output on click (38f4e3c)
- spectra_displayer: add support for multicolor line series (6439d71)
- spectra_displayer: support defaultStyle and style for scatter series (e859944)
- periodic_table: ctrl+click toggles selection as expected (d1388a6)
- dendrogram: add onClick event (5fcc3e3)
- svg_editor: fix remaining problems (7d27848)
- util: mimeTypes use same fallback mechanism as mime-type library (e85250f)
- periodic_table: make ellipsis text overflow work (4a6baf9)
- periodic_table: select event were failing in some cases (898f846)
- periodic_table: add element clicked event (3b3bc69)
- code_executor: fix auto-hide of code editor when module small (f2f5dd7)
- panzoom: cast DataStrings (f24799c)
- svg_editor: reprocess svgModifier when svg changes (01c710b)
- periodic_table: add highlights (a94b1a3)
- periodic_table: allow several source types for elements (url, pref, varin) (2ab7f46)
- svg_editor: allow svg as input variable (8bfd49a)
- periodic_table: add various ways to set background and foreground (3ec42e6)
- util: util .showCode (735b311)
- slickgrid: allow metakey for multiple selection (osx compatibility) (28fec5f)
- slickgrid: fix bug in configuration with custom jpath when no var in (4616d47)
- spectra_displayer: accept jcamp input as object (c638708)
- spectra_displayer: fix Y axis generation (ccae438)
- slickgrid: no resurrect for determining jpaths (5bdd5e9)
- form: resize ace editor after show (6085d7d)
- slick_grid: fix crash in slickgrid when loading preferences (aa4de88)
- better detect if over module header (7c4d2f5), closes #865
- onde: do not store output object as input (72df615)
- API: add preventUnload and clearPreventUnload functions (ef34b24)
- core: viewLock flag in url locks view (2407eea)
- matrix: various improvements (7109a82)
- periodic_table: group and period selection (e4d78b8)
- slick_grid: save data in view (492fc28)
- slickgrid: allow custom jpaths (0ebe1cd)
- code_editor: do not trigger event if text is the same (ca61580)
- code_editor: add option to disable storing the code on change (63b2f8e)
- periodic_table: add temperature slider (b69313a)
- code_executor: hide the code when the space given to display it is really small (c467b1d)
- core: entrypoint wait for data creation when loading main variables (c1719e3)
- api.setVariable should return promise (f085c06)
- dragdrop: handle paste with multiple possible content types (4f8f2e3)
- roc-views: show visualizer version in info box (e526098)
- slickgrid: date and color editors were overriden by text editor (8c5a5eb)
- slickgrid: fix color editor edition should not be contained within slick grid (c78471b)
- slickgrid: width of columns was broken when using action columns or other special columns (377b29a)
- smart_array_filter: keep original array elements when creating result (e536b01)
- module: each module has header toolbar options (302ba8b), closes #847
- slick_grid: add color and backgroundColor options to action columns (115efc7)
- typerenderer: downloadLink add filename option to decide downloaded filename (05189ca)
- fancytree: var out can be the node itself + select anynode, leaf or parent (7e336e6)
- single_value: smarter editor, unforce type when editing (12cf4ea), closes #820
- versionselector: add minVersion option (315cd8f)
- versionselector: can use fragment instead of query string (93b16f6)
- slick_grid: fix move row handle image (d2230c7)
- api: API.createData returns a promise that resolves with created data (527a8d7)
- dragdrop: ask for filename option. strings now have extension and mimetype options (5893c64)
- dragdrop: var out contains additional property readtype (base64, text ...) (39cfee8)
- typerenderer: add search replace options (ef275b4)
- update jsgraph to 1.13.3-55 (2d55e8b)
- code_editor: in-place modification now working (f91fc6d)
- core: DataObject.getType should return 'null' if null is passed (948b95a)
- couchdbAttachments: content type does not have to be in base64 url string (4af0688)
- slickgrid: fix disable column action (283479f)
- slickgrid: make handlebar base64 url -> will show up in build (1624f4f)
- typerenderer: fix oclid with force type (4c61454)
- jsme: allow inplace modification of DataString (fa6e97b)
- slickgrid: fix reorder when inserting after last element (cd4bb0d)
- spectra_displayer: activate zoom plugin for mouse wheel (77d6099)
- urldata: allow fetching from relative URLs (aa8615f)
- dragdrop: allow content not to be typed (762cb06)
- slick_grid: enable manual reordering of lines with drag and drop (b1ccf9d)
- smartArray: add actions clearQuery, setQuery, appendQuery (3af1195)
- build: copy everything from browserified (615a463)
- spectra_displayer: shape selection event name changed (15d9047)
- single_value: add forceType option (59b03b9)
- typerenderer: allow to force type with option
- object_editor: use minimalist json-editor (without ace included) (403902c), closes #797
- slickgrid: rerender should do nothing if grid not yet initialized (bfde451)
- slickgrid: smarter automatic editor and force type option (c0b845e)
- dragdrop: strange bug with regexp (50c0d3a)
- slickgrid: in action column cursor is pointer only if associated action exists (62de45c)
- smart_array_filter: add search string variable out (2aef5f0)
- couchdbAttachments: fix bug when document has no attachments yet (bab5ca6)
- couchdbAttachments: don't treat missing doc._attachments as error (7368db5)
- core: urldata try with credentials when unauthorized (026069e)
- ui: enterValue you can now pre-fill input with a value (593ab7a)
- roc-views: make public checkbox is now working (78f0154)
- roc-views: only match root folders when rendering flavor (d3967e9)
- action_button: img is contained in module without scrollbars (fe5d0c0), closes #799
- object_editor: fix send button (7579792), closes #804
- roc-views: correctly handle flavor in search (082586a)
- typerenderer: set default size of qrcode to 128x128 (46c4b38), closes #800
- roc-views: create directories when saving name with slashes (45b36bd)
- smart_array_filter: add placeholder option (68b240a)
- ui.choose: add autoSelect option if only one result this one is automatically choosen (ce069c7)
- uploadUi: possibility to download attachment (e1b3f6c), closes #794
- build: fix svg-edit images not being included in build (465af99)
- couchdb2: batch inline uploads (5da1607)
- couchdb2: do not generate a synchronous _id (2947de2)
- forms: prevent array defaults to be used in different places (0c6b5ab)
- svg_edit: remove scrollbars (f706119), closes #770
- svg-edit: update svg-edit to 2.8.1 (da054e2), closes #332
- typerenderer: in indicator renderer create a copy of the value. (1738ea0), closes #752
- header: add rest-on-couch view manager (5e982ce)
- leaflet: customize style of geoJSON points (ac35fdc)
- typerenderer: add support for chart objects (583607c)
- make sure editor is updated with a native string (8bf5d15), closes #782
- scatter3d: fix incompatible threejs version (a373c2e)
- typerenderer: remove scrollbars (c696fa4), closes #767
- webservice_search: unlock button after error. Closes #780 (874ca48), closes #780
- datas: add DataObject.getType static method (3a854da)
- JSME: add help icon (b0c1dd4), closes #784
- spectra_displayer: allow the jcamp input type to be an object (a597556)
- template-twig: add var out (8944ab0), closes #783
- typerenderer: add qrcode type renderer. Closes #753 (f7584ad), closes #753
- typerenderer: country renderer (185643e)
- single_value: inline editing of strings and numbers (e978ed8)
- slick_grid: action columns can be added at end or beginning of line (7cba2ee)
- slick_grid: actionRender event in filter (3d1c6b7)
- typerenderer: add renderer for object and allow twig option (255cf66), closes #774
- Remove destructuring declarations because uglifyjs cannot parse it (43bad10)
- rich_text: wait for ckeditor to be ready before resolveReady (0e1804c)
- core: use babel to translate es-2015 into browser-compliant javascript (248d5a3)
- rich_text: new option allows not to store the content in view (57703b2)
- single_value: typerenderer options (1832d10)
- typerenderer: add numeral (e6db670)
- typerenderer: add sprintf option for number (d9cf55d)
- ui: ui.choose no confirmation option (bcaf287)
- jsme: output correct SVG (f09c0a5)
- rich_text: when instantiating ckeditor configure path to mathjax lib (2d209a8)
- slickgrid: on update, scrolling back to row should not set focus on it (fdb269f)
- spectra_displayer: set a different primary grid color (57f85d2)
- spectra_displayer: shapes can be drawn again (3ab42d5)
- type_renderer: when a molfile is loaded from url (29b9e02)
- rich_text: add possibility to debounce output variable (a056f17)
- slick_grid: Choose which columns to be displayed in main and in popup (a857e5a)
- spectra_displayer: add option to control the number of primary axis ticks (ecc6af4)
- spectra_displayer: redesign configuration tab (f574b31)
- webservice_search: allow filter to return a Promise (dd3d5b3)
- webservice_search: Can set header from input variable (c44f42c)
- panzoom: set transform to identity when scaling mode is 'no' (f23cea2)
- slickgrid: sorting should trigger change (423f954)
- spectra_displayer: legend is now displayed outside of the graph (8aae5d1)
- ocl_editor: dialog box must be over other elements (bdcd730)
- smart_array_filter: choose font-size (82650b8)
- slickgrid: implement addRow action (7d31a1d)
- slickgrid: correct selected elements when filtering (37c1394)
- action button: 3 types of content possible: image url, svg, or just content (6a4c385)
- slickgrid: add selectRows action in (e3f1bed)
- smart_array_filter: handle DataObjects (80d0495)
- slickgrid: Fix wrong highlighted line when table is filtered (f694a3f)
- button_action: possibility to insert image (673b66f)
- ocl_editor: add option to enable query features (7e8d4d3)
- leaflet: Convert to string before parsing (bdfd4e9)
- typerenderer: in indicator, cell should not grow with text (284f5ba)
- leaflet: add point var in (renders a circle on the map) (1d80f1f)
- typerenderer: date rendering for strings (cd5102c)
- typerenderer: for number add dateFromNow and dateCalendar options (35df8d1)
- typerenderer: possibility to render number as date (0a8b545), closes #743
- copy web-animations-js when building (3c1abf9)
- data: do not overwrite prototype with DataObject (b4618eb)
- panzoom: fix incorrect mouse to pixel mapping when page is scrolled (a615ea9), closes #736
- slickgrid: fix bug when renaming a column that is filtered (dde8c78)
- spectra_displayer: update jsgraph to v1.13.3-20 (7cf325a)
- dragdrop: allow to read as ArrayBuffer (6b328d3)
- form: templated forms can use default template (55da27c)
- richtext: add action that add text or html on cursor position (6608a0e)
- script_executor: allow to return a Promise for async scripts (fc9ac0a)
- slickgrid: type renderer options for a column (377c395), closes #689
- util/ui: add choose to api (choose from list) (3f31464)
- slickgrid: click event should be generated on each consecutive click (d1b913f)
- No event sent when click on 123 or new molecule in JSME (c973d65)
- jquery.couch: send xhrFields everywhere (4555025)
- update jsgraph to v1.13.3-18 (70ce50e)
- couchdb2: can perform switchView withCredentials (38c3b2b)
- panzoom: add possibility to select a jpath from hover and click pixels events (5fb93c1), closes #723
- slickgrid: If an element was clicked, jpath structure in var out is calculated on this elem (037db0d)
- code_editor: fix bug due to misuse of model.data (a0000f6)
- couchdb: better handling of DataObjects (d4e9ac5)
- panzoom: highlight out was not working (119e773)
- slickgrid: call get() on input variable (9513ba4), closes #717
- slickgrid: fix error with pop-up update/new when column name is has special characters (634a5b1)
- Update JSME to allow the chiral flag in molfile V2000 (3831a44)
- grid: add create blank layer option (c6e6da7)
- grid: add rename layer option (7e50be3)
- grid: add the remove layer option (89e1cc5)
- grid: remove layer notification and update setLayers (b6193f7)
- slickgrid: add newRow filter event (5ec9227)
- webservice_search: add withCredentials options (3adb484)
- core: make sure couch.jquery is loaded after jQuery (567aa70)
- pie_chart: highlight called only when necessary (8c1b5ab)
- remove useless and problematic line in module save dialog (9ffe1cf)
- slickgrid: correct slick grid filter 'documentation' (0232baa)
- slickgrid: fix error when first element of array is undefined (e80f273)
- slickgrid: fix just-in-time filter when an item does not exist (4eec928)
- slickgrid: handle pref script is undefined (4a2bef1)
- slickgrid: init slick before listeners (6fe647e), closes #690
- slickgrid: log error correctly when eval fails (01a379c)
- slickgrid: update the highlights array after sorting (82076cb), closes #694
- spectra_displayer: correctly redraw graph (aa903cf), closes #675
- spectra_displayer: Update jsgraph to v1.13.3-17 (d4f11ba), closes #701
- colorbar: support colors with opacity (52c12cf), closes #685
- core: add possibility to specify senderId in highlight (42cc263)
- couchdbAttachments: add support for uploading dataurls (1504631)
- couchdbAttachments: Allow to call any method without having to call fetchList first (f5b5bd9)
- feedback: change feedback to open new tab in github issues (626e2e8)
- hex: reset zoom on double click (0fe1fe9), closes #688
- panzoom: add inline svg support (1ea67fe), closes #707
- panzoom: implement focus on highlight option (18f7995), closes #671
- panzoom: use 2 arrays for highlight (_highlight, _highlightArray) (b8bedd6), closes #667
- slickgrid: add scriptChanged event in filter (f1d3d5c)
- slickgrid: filter now called with event (3de7ecc)
- slickgrid: script as var in (aebfafa), closes #705
S: Changes both how and when the filter function is called in slick grid Breaks previous view that use the filter feature
The colorbar interpolation function now returns on object {color: '#ff0000', opacity: 0.5} and not directly a color
- parallel_coordinates: add 1D-axes-multi and angular brush modes (da1654e)
- hex: fix the axe arrows (05c2a58)
- incorrect usage of require.toUrl for CSS (537b9a0)
- module: conflict with actionIn in Code executor and Filter editor (1d140ad), closes #686
- onde_module: The action onSubmit is always send event in case of in-place modification (ba25c33)
- plot_function: fix reference to Parser lib (54b9d6b)
- spectra_displayer: Add none option to x axis modification (f097bb6)
- util: rewriteRequirePath should not rewrite valid URLs (ab70686)
- hex: add font-size option (d9902e2)
- hex: add possibility to manually decide which ticks to display (a23a2c7)
- hex: automatic font size (c5ce997)
- hex: axes can be on graph, as legend or not present (65b9a8e)
- hex: stop postions can be given either as percent or as values (719c420)
- code_executor: fix crash when editor is not displayed (bbb1309), closes #665
- components: ⬆️ jsgraph v1.13.0 (c6120ae), closes #615 #666
- function_3d: enable var in (8c6b243), closes #542
- function_3d: fix blank (c17856e)
- hex: Accept the correct chart format (ee7eb6f), closes #550
- panzoom: not using endsWith for browser compatibilty reason (02f6ea1)
- panzoom: accept typed arrays as highlight (47382d2)
- slickgrid: side-by-side 3d (bde1707), closes #652
- util: add isArray (4fb9ff6)
- The chart input should be changed to the correct format. See https://github.com/cheminfo/json-chart
- spectra_displayer: chart input with multiple series and same name (62dea07)
- Spectra displayer: the scatter selection plugin is now using ALT + draw interaction instead of just draw. Previous behavior was in conflict with the zoom plugin.
- code_executor: run code in current window (c716eff)
- datas: fetch can fail (47ad16b)
- onde: ⬆️ onde (remove logs) (2eb72cc)
- slickgrid: ⬆️ slickgrid (40b9876), closes #458
- ⬆️ [email protected] (c142f32)
- slickgrid: avoid layout problem when shrinking height of the module (6b371e5), closes #648
- ignore errors when pasting (2989a15)
- initialize mousetracker state to 'grid' (26d3b8a)
- slickgrid: correct error when resizing column (7c902dc), closes #655
- slickgrid: fix breaking change. Could not create slickgrid module. (d638721)
- slickgrid: only consider configuration columns that have a name (c1191dc), closes #654
- slickgrid: proper total number of lines in tooltip on load (e29d593), closes #657
- spectra_displayer: enable markersIndependant option (5ab6344), closes #477
- spectra_displayer: serie type is in "type", not "serieType" (1f21552)
- don't be silent when fullscreen fails (25bdf5e)
- code_executor: add Ctrl-Return command (f9f725f)
- lib: ⬆️ twig.js (fad1d01)
- slickgrid: add action out on remove and on select (74df15c)
- spectra_displayer: add support for scatter select plugin (ab2185b)
- typerenderer: add backgroundColor general option (5859825), closes #634
- Modules
- dendrogram: Images now allowed in the annotated tree.
- phylogram: Annotated tree added.
- panzoom: add scaling option Fix #646
- code executor: reload when preferences are saved
- rich text editor and postit: replace tape.png with data url
- slickgrid editor: save custom chosen editor with same type as it had Fix #643
- Commit change without navigation when focusout in auto-edit mode Fix #640
- dendrogram: Annotated tree added.
- panzoom: fix error when checking array
- panzoom: fix onResize
- panzoom: implement highlight Also fixes image flickering new image arrives The transform action is no longer available Fix #633
- Core
- correct eslint non-passing code
- Copy paste of module/view. Fix #635
- undef global config aliases before reconfiguring them ref: #528
- ui: add copyToClipboard Only tested in chrome. Works if called on user action (for example click)
- Add fullscreen icon to all modules
- fix css for fullscreen
⚠️ changing global css rule Fix #510 - Fix module selection in context menu
- Fix layer selection in context menu
- update testcase structure
- Util
- colorbar: normalize to hexadecimal before creating scale Fix #644
- fix error in diagram when no vars_in
- fix error in diagram when no vars_out
- Libraries
- ⬆️ slickgrid
- Util
- search box: fix select first element
- Allow switch layer via search box
- rename searchModules -> searchBox
- util: add objectToString method
- Upload ui: Add checkbox to select/unselect all files to delete
- Testcase
- update testcase structure
- Headers
- couchdb2: fix upload inline as string
- Couchdb2: handle logout when httpd auth is used
- couchdb2: better logout when using httpd auth
- ctrl+s shortcut to save last loaded document
- Libraries
- ⬆️ couch.jquery
- new library: notifyjs
- ⬆️ select2
- Modules
- phylogram layout fixed
- code_executor: fix crash when eval fails because of syntax error
- code_executor: better name for evaled file
- code_executor: improve console output for errors
- scatter3d: fix error when module initialized
- onde: call filter after send var
- slickgrid: check filter exists in just in time filtering
- rename object editor
- 2d_list_fast: add support for matrix of objects
- Core
- ctrl+s shortcut to save last loaded document
testcase: update array example
fix some old views
add npm release scripts
Return to bluebird for Promises (for IE11 support)
add editorconfig file
fix jslint
fix jsgraph resolution in bower.json
fix code lint
spectra_displayer: fix when lineWidth option is 0
spectra_displayer: add options for markers (shape and size)
slickgrid: use dataurls instead of files for background images
slickgrid: add -webkit prefixes for flexbox
periodic table: hover and click to focus on an element
move periodic table to science/chemistry
onde: fix schema inspection (for arrays)
code_executor: add title of module in error message
slickgrid: fix bug with custom editors
move periodic table to science/chemistry
couchdb attachments: fix list
Add getDistinctColorsAsString to directly get the list of the colors to use in CSS for example
bower: ⬆️ onde
update bio-pv
update [email protected]
upgrade eslint to 0.24.0
pdb renderer: load all models
- Modules
- onde: check items/properties exist when getting jpaths from schema
- scatter3d: rewrite colors with alpha value
- scatter3d: fix info out
- scatter3d: better support for chart format (axis min/max, xyzAxis, unit, label etc...)
- scatter3d: add x,y,z axe labels in module configuration
- scatter3D: fix backgroundColor and annotationColor options
- scatter3d: add default point color option
- scatter3D: add blank
- scatter3d: fix threejs warnings
- Fix bug in code_editor (non-built visualizer only) See issue #612
- slickgrid: alternative long text editor inside composite editor
- onde: callback script on change with jpath of modified element
- slickgrid: add filter with just-in-time option
- Add jsme hover/click atom/bond actions
- panzoom: fix default value for scaling method
- Core
- typerenderer: destroy pv viewer on dom remove
- typerenderer: add pv viewer mode _option
- typrenderer: fix crollbars when pdb renderered in display_value
- type renderer: 'image' is an alias for 'picture'
- Add css option to picture renderer
- Add feedback in contextual menu
- Built version concatenates module style files
- Add getLayerNames and switchToLayer in API
- remove SMIL browser requirement
- util: correctly normalize url before creating a requirejs path for it
- Libraries
- Update JSME: support of click/hover on bonds/atoms
- Core
- uploadUi: make sortable
- couchdbAttachments: simplify
- couchshare: add callback argument
- Components
- ⬆️ mime-types
- Modules
- slickgrid highlight: Check array with Array.isArray Fix #600
- Periodic table : adding indications for users like periods and groups numbers
- Headers
- remove couch button from default config
- Headers
- couchdb2: reload tree after upload
- Core
- util/couchdbAttachments: update doc
- util/couchdbAttachments: add methods names, urls
- Prevent error in firefox when initializing the indexedDB global object
- Modules
- webservice_search: don't show error if options not enabled
- webservice_search: fix dosearch being called unnecessarily often
- dragdrop: support alternative browsers for dropping files
- periodic table: Graphical changes
- Modules
- slickgrid: update checkmark formatter
- slickgrid: fix doubled rendering: reblank on update
- Update periodic table module and add CSS with flexbox layout
- Core
- add utils/couchAttachments: small library for managing attachments in a couchdb document
- add utils/uploadUi: a ui utility to drop files and folders
- add mime-types library: lookup mime-type from file name and more
- Headers
- couchdb2: fix breaking change in couchdb login
- Modules
- slickgrid: add long text editor
- slickgrid: fix show/hide on refresh and small css change
- Core
- fix gruntfile
- Remove unnecessary jshint inline configuration
slickgrid: move slickgrid core code to cheminfo/SlickGrid github repository
slickgrid: Add toolbar options: add, update in pop-up div, remove, show/hide columns
slickgrid: Add checkbox selection plugin
slickgrid: add date editor
slickgrid: bug fixes
Add periodic table module
wordcloud: fix fontSize initialization
jsme: add support for SMILES input
Fix #514. Update sparkline renderer
couchdb2: login in new window
Upgrade jsgraph v1.11.3-3
Upgrade jquery-ui v1.11.4
Upgrade jquery v2.1.4
components: add x2js shortcut
remove unused sdf-parser
Upgrade requirejs v2.1.18
Code conventions
switch eslintrc to yaml
fix remaining uses of self
lint: add consistent-this rule
utils: add couchdb attachment manager
Issue #529 - Use lru in couchdb attachments api
use superagent shortcut in require calls
Update docs
forms: fix important bug introduced button by last release
slick grid: bug fix
- Modules
- code_executor: call ace editor resize onResize Fixes the editor's viewport being 0 when switching layers
- button_action: add 'Start state' option
- panzoom: bug fixes
- panzoom: show, hide and transform actions in
- panzoom: rerender option
- code_executor: add context.variable
- code_executor: fix onload execution
- code_executor: change "get" behaviour to unwrap the object
- Typerenderer
- svg renderer fix scroll bar
- fix svg renderer if input is DataString
- Components
- ⬆️ jsgraph
- Core
- re: sandbox fix for Safari
- ui: add makeElementSafe to API
- lib/forms: allow to set button in 'on' state on initialization
code_executor: add execute script on load option Fix #512
jqrid: don't reload on remove column action if nothing had to be removed
code_editor: in situ option Fix #583
code_editor: add debouncing option
hex: adjust colorbar
hex: add axes
hex: redraw on resize
dendrogram: fix output on hover
remove indexedDBshim
fix error in dataurl
fetch variables from general config: fix ignored timeout
Delete .nojekyll
shortcut: don't accept search module shortcut if alt key pressed
bower: install components quietly
update d3-plugin dependency
remove components folder from git
bower: include jsNMR and jszip
npm scripts
lint: add no-delete-var, no-label-var, no-shadow-restricted-names, no-undef and no-undef-init rules
add npm test script
- Core
- add eslint for style check of the codebase
- util: add ui.getSafeElement
- core: add workaround for chrome bug with svg elements
- new util: colorbar
- util/color: make rgb2hex to work with rgb css syntax
- util/color: round rgb values
- grid: try to wait for module readyness before removing it from the DOM
- typerenderer: make renderer selection case-insensitive
- typerenderer: fix colorBar
- Modules
- new wordcloud module
- new hexagonal map module
- new OCL molecule editor
- Fix a lot of issues with scrollbars and sizing
- jsmol: add sync script action in and var out
- matrix: fix inversion out row and column for output variable
- scatter3D: add colorbar
- scatter3D: fix size computation
- slick_grid: fix CSV export
- slick_grid: custom action buttons
- slick_grid: delete toolbar button
- slick_grid: add toolbar button
- slick_grid: Change default selection model
- slick_grid: add multiple line selection var out
- slick_grid: Fix color editor when undefined
- slick_grid: reset delete listeners on cell change fix #548
- Components
- ⬆️ jsgraph v1.11.2
- ⬆️ openchemlib v3.0.0-beta4
- ⬆️ papaparse v4.1.1
- forms/wysiwyg: fix error loading ckeditor custom config
- remove bluebird
- remove chemcalc
- lib: add d3.layout.cloud
- Add d3 plugins
- twig: rendertype option precedes variable type
- forms: fix textstyle problem in strict mode
- Header
- couchdb2: metadata wysiwyg default value
- meta form: default type is text
- On meta saved, change hasMeta flag fix #544
- Add version selector header
- Remove Base64 library
- Update JSME
- Modules
- progress: change behavior to use actions and text template
- panzoom: handle image loading failure
- spectra_displayer: corretly assign serie label
- Util
- typerenderer: can force image width
- slick_grid: bug fixes
- jqgrid: option not to systematically highlight the hovered line
- New progress bar module
- panzoom: minor improvements
- shortcuts: bug fix
- search module: display name instead of id but search both
- shortcuts: bug fix
Type renderer
- Add webp renderer
- add progress bar examples
- v2.17.7 removed due to a bug with typerenderer
- typerenderer: ensure values are fetched before calling the renderer
- Util
- diagram: bigger arrows
- diagram: show jpath in link if present
- diagram: style changes
- typerenderer: hack to force height on empty divs with background color
- typerenderer: correctly wait for init to finish
- Module
- 2d_list: hide 2d_list from module list
- object_editor: ensure that no DataObject is sent to the editing library
- object_editor: if input is invalid, send a string describing the error instead of silently failing
- rich_text: force english language in CKEDITOR
- rich_text: add option to force plain HTML rendering
- scatter3d: fix _completeData
- leaflet: fix viewport output
- entrypoint: remove cron-related dead code
- typerenderer: add html renderer
- 2d_list_fast: fix updateVisibility (#503)
- Core
- deprecate non-standard HTML attributes on ci-visualizer
- remove unused tabs from global preferences (#498)
- Util
- add warnOnce method
- Module
- rich_text: fix in-place variable modification (#497)
- single_value: fix html rendering of default value (#500)
- build: add missing json-chart library
- Core
- version: fix check of Intl crashing on Safari
- data: get(true) should resolve with value when data is fetched from url
- Forms
- fix spectrum color init
- Module
- jqgrid: on action in don't add the column if a column with same jpath exists
- Components
- Add jszip and file-save.js librairies
- Core
- version: add isBuild property
- change how requirejs loads modules
- fix loading of external modules
- add module searchbox (CTRL + /)
- Typerenderer
- various fixes with new structure
- sparkline type renderer
- Change the way typerenderer works and update related modules
- add toPrecision and toFixed options for number type
- Util
- Debug diagram to see relation between modules
- Module
- Deprecate controller.sendAction
- code_executor: add methods and keep values between executions
- code_executor: recompile function when module is reloaded
- parallel_coordinates: default color to black if jpath is not set
- scatter3d: bug fix with chart format
- slick_grid: additional option (don't scroll on highlight)
- spectra_displayer: add option for line style
- Components:
- install json-chart and remove lib/chart
- install select2
- Core
- introduce version.js and bump task
- Make modules and filter loadable from preferences (#456)
- add link to GitHub in context menu
- Util
- ui: add showNotification method
- Module
- fix SVG editor
- panzoom: improve performance
- Grunt
- Fix jquery.panzoom build
- Add task: writes a json file with info about the build
- Core
- display build time in context menu
- Core
- Add version of visualizer in context menu
- Add Utils section in context menu (copy view etc...)
- Better color renderer (opacity is seen)
- Modules
- panzoom: add var out with clicked pixel(s)
- panzoom: fix bugs
- slick grid: enhance color editor
- slick grid: fix bugs
- onde: fix bugs
- spectra_displayer: fix highlight blanking
- Header
- couchdb2: fix meta save
- Lib
- add bio-pv
- Core
- add support for pdb and mol3d in typerenderer
- gruntfile: sort modules by name
- change loading animation
- Modules
- slick_grid: Fix some edge case bugs
- spectra_displayer: fix bug with fromTo actions and remove fromTo var in
- object_editor: allow to select jpath for output
- sandbox: add setImmediate
- Headers
- Couchdb2: use couchdb's sort list (smart sort of flavors)
- Couchdb2: bug fix
- Header
- couchdb2: new login methods (google,facebook, github). Metadata keywords saved in doc for indexing in couchdb map/reduce
- Modules
- dragdrop: fix bugs
- form_simple: fix bug
- Components
- Move highlight.js to libs
- Header
- couchdb2: fix logout
- Core
- Fix main CSS
- Fix CSS for jquery-ui dialogs
- Fix browser feature message (IE)
- Core
- Bootstrap css compatibility (fixes cheminfo.org)
- Components
- Fix cross-origin Image in THREE.js
- Fix marked and highlight.js build
- Modules
- fix SlickGrid module
- Core
- datas: export classes and functions
- util: Add unloadCss that disables some css
- ui: Add dialog creation helper
- typerenderer: add regex type using RegExper
- add support to evaluate code in a sandbox
- add external worker loader
- Modules
- onde: add option to create variable on load
- spectra_displayer: fix various events
- code_executor: use sandboxing and precompilation
- Filters
- Add markdown filter with code highlighting
- Components
- Update all components
- Remove alpaca
- Add marked
- Add highlight.js
- Core
- grid : fix resize bug on IE11
- layout: no more global rules in main.css. Improve height calculations.
- Modules
- leaflet : add autofit option
- leaflet : fix circular event bug
- leaflet : add 5 new possible inputs : CSV, KML, GPX, WKT and TopoJSON
- Headers
- couchdb2 : performance improvements
- couchdb2: new meta data button
- Components
- install leaflet-omnivore
- slick_grid: have fallback values when jpath not found
- init : add browser check for IE <= 8
- build : fix ui-contextmenu
- twig : support passing options in rendertype
- typerenderer : allow rendering options for molecules
- header : improvements to couchdb2
- components : update jquery-ui-contextmenu, bluebird, fancytree, chemcalc, d3, font-awesome, jcampconverter, twig.js
- scatter3D: add shapes and do some fixes
- Got rid of ChemDoodle Web Components
- slick_grid: implement export
- slick_grid: support jpath line color
- module: toolbar on header to access configuration more quickly
- onde: bug fixes
- model : better logging of errors
- update jsgraph
- loading_plot : fix highlight
- spectra_displayer : add events for clicking a marker
- core: allow data's attributes to be changed (like _highlight)
- single_value: option to append values to the dom with limit and auto-scroll
- jsmol: support highlight and add var out (messages, click, hover)
- rename some modules
- loading_plot : fix output variables
- fix some onde problems
- spectra_displayer : fix legend positioning
- slick_grid: support single and multi-column sorting
- button_action: more display options
- new module : Code executor
- prevent modules from updating undefined variables
- update JSME
- modernize all headers
- add util.inherits
- slickgrid:
- better highlight support
- Columns determined automatically if none specified
- Scroll back to top option
- core: view url is now relative to http host not to where the visualizer is hosted
- new module: self-organising map
- couchdb2 : soft delete to allow replication and easier view recovery
- util : add deprecate method
- add src/util/color for color-manipulation functions
- debug : add named levels / add getDebugLevel
- module XYZoomNavigator is back !
- defaultmodel : add getData and getAllDataFromRel methods
- add
typerenderer - API : executAction is deprecated. use API.doAction instead
- spectra displayer : add wheel baseline option
- parallel coordinates : allow to send selection only on brush end
- parallel_coordinates : add option to prevent highlight of hidden lines
- update JSME
- spectra_displayer : fix highlight and output variable for chart objects
- code editor : output value on load
- fix cross-origin image loading issue in scatter 3d
- function plotter: make pref editable with action in
- fix jsNMR not being copied in build
- 1D nmr module is back
- parallel coordinates :
- new brush mode : 2D strums
- brushes can be combined with AND but also OR
- options for reorderable axes and shadows
- add highlight support
- spectra displayer : add mouse over shape event and variable out
- New library : async
- modules : view.onResize now receives width and height arguments
- scatter3D: Can set x,y,z,color,size with jpaths. Performance fix. Better testcase.
- slickgrid: Highlighted row is scrolled to.
- Slickgrid: option that provides an input on the header of each column where you can just type in to search something.
- ⬆️ chemcalc (v2.0.0)
- fix sdf-parser not being in the build
- New file: util/ui.js ui-related utility function.
- util/ui.js: confirm dialog box
- webservice_search: confirmation option
- action_button: confirmation option
- add support for hidden option in module's folder.json
- Slickgrid: Bug fixes.Row numbering overlay. Selected Row & Cell highlighting. DataNumber and DataBoolean edition. Hierarchical grouping. Hover and click actions in.
- button_action : add option to disable toggle
- datas
- fix several issues with DataObject and triggers
- add DataBoolean.cast
- add API.cache, API.getData
- webservice_search : add action to change button color
- add setImmediate and clearImmediate
- Merge postit module into richtext module
- New library: chroma. Small library for color edition.
- ⬆️ ml (v0.1.0)
- add util.noop
- add setImmediate library
- New module : Edition / Alpaca (create forms using JSON Schema)
- API : add possibility to change loading message
- API : add doc
- Util: add doc
- add smiles and actelionID types and renderers
- add module.reload method
- add new action for all modules : edit preferences
- add module.getConfigExample and context menu to show what should be sent with the action
- code_editor : new type of output (JSON-parsed value)
- new API method : existVar
- bug fixes
- jsmol / jsme : change communication with iframe to allow cross-origin loading
- core: load main css and js files in entry point. Now only two lines are necessary to boot the visualizer
- View sharing (and feedback) : version is exported and redirection is done to lactame.com. It is now possible to share a view on localhost / private network !
- spectra_displayer :
- added shift+drag to move the spectra
- added option to autoscale once per input variable
- jsme :
- added highlight color option
- New module : Edition / Table editor
- New header : Switch layer
- New filter : SDF parser
- Added ml library