This installation documentation is targeted in end-users who want to try Transition locally, who do not have access to an infrastructure for web server deployment. It runs the server and its dependencies using docker
Follow the docker for desktop for instructions to install the docker for desktop application locally.
If you are already familiar with docker and can run container and scripts easily, you don't have to install docker for desktop.
There is a few files to prepare in order to run Transition. It is suggested to create a new empty directory where to put all those file, with the following structure:
<base Transition dir>
|-- docker-compose.yml
|-- transition
|-- |-- .env
|-- |-- config.js
|-- |-- polygon.geojson
The first file is called docker-compose.yml
and contains the definition of the docker images to run. Copy the following code to your local docker-compose.yml
version: "3.7"
# docker-compose version 1.22 is required for this version
image: chairemobilite/transition
- 8080:8080
PG_CONNECTION_STRING_PREFIX: postgres://postgres:pass@postgres:5432/
# CUSTOM Add environment variables. This can be any variable contained in the .env file. These have precedence over their value in .env
PROJECT_CONFIG: /config/config.js
- postgres
tty: true
- "./transition:/config"
image: postgis/postgis
- transition-postgis-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
Now create a directory named transition
in the directory containing the docker-compose.yml
file. This exact directory name is required as it is configured in the docker compose file.
Create a file called config.js
in the transition
directory with the following data. You can fine-tune it to fit your need, but it would work as is.
module.exports = {
projectShortname: 'demo_transition',
projectDirectory: `${__dirname}/runtime/`,
auth: {
localLogin: {
allowRegistration: true,
// This will send an email to confirm the user's email address. Email send needs to be configured. By default, users can register and directly login.
// confirmEmail: true
mapDefaultCenter: {
lat: 45.5092960,
lon: -73.4769080
languages: ['fr', 'en'],
locales: {
fr: 'fr-CA',
en: 'en-CA'
languageNames: {
fr: "Français",
en: "English"
title: {
fr: "Démo",
en: "Demo"
defaultLocale: "fr",
timezone: "America/Montreal",
gtfs: {
socketFileUploaderOptions: {
uploadDirectory : 'gtfs',
fileExtension : 'zip',
renamedFileNameWithoutExtension: 'import',
acceptTypes : ['application/zip'],
maxFileSizeMB : 256,
chunckSizeMB : 10240000,
overwriteExistingFile : true
- Go to Mapbox and sign up
- Go to your account dashboard, then generate a new access token
Keep this access token for the next step.
The .env file is required to contain some environment variables that are not yet available through the configuration.
Create a .env
file in the transition
directory. The variables starting with MAPBOX
should be filled with the mapbox token and data you created at the preceding step.
# Required for the mapbox map
# Mailing configuration, required for sending emails to users
# strategy can be 'smtp' or 'sendmail'
# Sendmail strategy requires a path to sendmail
# smtp requires credentials to the smtp server and additional configurations
# Whether to use TLS
# SMTP server credentials
# From email
[email protected]
In order to have routing data to calculate the routes, the data must be fetched from OpenStreetMap for a given polygon. If you have a geojson file containing the geojson polygon to fetch, add this file to the transition
directory. There is an example file in this repo.
It is not required, but if not set, routing won't be able to follow the road network.
Using a terminal, navigate to the directory where the docker-compose.yml
and the transition
directory are located. Then run docker-compose up
In the Docker for desktop application, you should see 2 new containers running, one for postgis, the other for Transition, as shown in the following screenshot
The application should now be available from a browser at http://localhost:8080
Some initialization scripts need to be run on the very first run of Transition, to set up the database and download the road network. In the Docker Desktop containers list, select the one prefixed with testtransitiondocker_transition-www
and go to the Terminal
tab. Run the following commands:
$ yarn setup && yarn migrate
$ yarn node --max-old-space-size=4096 packages/chaire-lib-backend/lib/scripts/osrm/downloadOsmNetworkData.task.js --polygon-file /config/<name of your polygon file>.geojson
$ yarn node --max-old-space-size=4096 packages/chaire-lib-backend/lib/scripts/osrm/prepareOsmNetworkData.task.js
You will need to stop and restart the transition-www container to have the changes applied. Just click on the Stop button and start it again after.